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  1. 窗户已经插上栓,上了锁,都关好了。

    The windows were secured with locks and bars .

  2. 我离家前必定要把所有的窗子都关好。

    I made a point of closing all the windows before leaving the house .

  3. 我把这点理解为想把每个艾滋病病毒携带者都关起来的疯狂欲望。

    I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV .

  4. 所有的窗户都关上后,屋子里舒适多了。

    All the windows closed , the house has become cosier .

  5. 门和窗户都关好了,我们可以出发了。

    Both doors and windows are closed , and we 're ready to leave .

  6. 这间屋子里的空气无法自由流通,因为所有的窗户都关上了。

    Air cannot flow freely in this room because all the windows are shut .

  7. 如果不这样做,巨大的压差会将门窗都关死。到那时你只能等到车里完全充满了水才能逃出来。

    If you don 't do this , the pressure differential is too great and it will keep everything shut and you have to wait until your car is completely filled with water in order to get out .

  8. 与我们在F区和G区的人保持联系是我们的责任,因为普通犯人都关在那里。

    We regarded it as our duty to stay in touch with our men in F and G , which was where the general prisoners were kept .

  9. 曲中不乏伊诺式的悦耳魅力:低诉的弦乐与钟声般的键盘能将“死神和他所有朋友”都关在门外;而纯器乐曲《LifeinTechnicolor》的音色,则像从一个长金属管的末端中发出的绝响。

    There are Eno touches that catch the ear : the chattering strings and bell-like keyboards that close out " Death and All His Friends , " or the timbre of the instrumental " Life in Technicolor , " which sounds like it 's emanating from the end of a long metal tube .

  10. 衣箱满得我都关不上了。

    The suitcase was so full I couldn 't shut it .

  11. 来人!把这两拨人都关在同一间牢房吧!

    Someone , please lock these people in a room together .

  12. 我一整年都关在这小办公室内。

    I 'm boxed up in this tiny office all year .

  13. 在离家去度假之前,我们把公寓的所有门窗都关好了。

    We shut the apartment up completely before leaving on vacation .

  14. 一定要将所有的牛都关好。

    Make sure all the cattle are safely penned up .

  15. 我们去度假之前把所有门窗都关好了。

    We shut up the house before going on holiday .

  16. 因为宝芬妮和查尔斯整个拉德里都关了

    The entire place went on lockdown because of Bethany and Charles .

  17. 所有门窗都关好了,

    All the doors and the windows were properly bolted .

  18. 你把这些动物都关在动物园还是哪里

    So , do you keep these at a zoo or something ?

  19. 我把所有的窗帘都关起来了

    I had closed all the curtains in the apartment ,

  20. 酒吧都关了,但看我拿到了什么好东西

    Bar was already shut down , but look what I scored .

  21. 汗译英我们离开之前一定要把所有的窗户都关好。

    We must make sure to close all the windows before leaving .

  22. 禁止打呼噜,除非卧室所有的窗都关上、锁好。

    Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked .

  23. 你出去度假时记住把所有的窗户都关好。

    Remember to fasten all the windows up while you go on vacation .

  24. 暴风雨来临前所有窗子的窗板都关上了。

    All the windows were shuttered before the storm .

  25. 你把所有的门窗都关了吗?

    Did you close all the doors and windows ?

  26. 为了省电费,灯都关着。

    The lights are kept off to save money on the electricity bill .

  27. 离开之前,她把两只狗都关在后院里。

    Before she left she penned up both dogs in the back yard .

  28. 务必把所有的窗户都关上。

    Make sure that all the windows are closed .

  29. 好吧我发誓窗户都关了没有风对吧

    Ok . I swear.Ok , there 's no windows open , right ?

  30. 屋内很暗,因为大野狼把所有的窗户都关起来了。

    It was dark because the wolf had closed all of the windows .