
  • 网络urban newspaper;city news
  1. 据《三湘都市报》报道,孩子父母声称,他们不知道自己犯了法。

    According to Sanxiang City News , the parents claimed they didn , t know they were breaking the law .

  2. 20世纪90年代以来,伴随着晚报、都市报兴起的浪潮,新闻的娱乐化趋向已经成为毋庸置疑的事实。

    Since the 1990s , with the rise of Evening News and City News , the trend of entertainment news has become an indisputable fact .

  3. 《南方都市报》(SouthernMetropolisDaily)的一篇社论发问:如果吴英被判死刑,我们应该如何处置其他人?

    If Wu Ying is sentenced to death , how should we deal with all the others ? asked the Southern Metropolis Daily in an editorial .

  4. 据《南方都市报》报道,深圳计划推出地铁车厢分级制、设VIP头等车厢。

    Shenzhen plans to introduce a classification system to its metro railway system , in which the trains that runs beneath the city surface will have VIP compartments , Southern Metropolis Daily reported .

  5. 都市报品牌营销战略研究

    The Marketing Strategy Research of Newspaper 's Brand in the City

  6. 另一方面,都市报对都市文化的建设作用。

    Furthermore , the construction of urban daily to city culture .

  7. 南方都市报定位发展探析

    A Research on the Dynamic Positioning of Southern Metropolis Daily

  8. 都市报广告增值服务研究

    A Study of Advertisement Value Added Service of Metropolis Newspaper

  9. 2010年,我也在南方都市报有过短期的实习经历。

    I also had a short internship in Southern Metropolis Daily in2010 .

  10. 《燕赵都市报》典型人物报道研究

    " Yan Zhao Metropolis Newspaper " the Typical Character Reported the Research

  11. 都市报定义及其发展趋势刍议

    Preliminary Study on The Definition and Development Trend of The Urban Newspaper

  12. 中国都市报奥运报道的文本研究

    Study on Text of Reporting Olympic Game of Urban Newspaper of China

  13. 宁波都市报现状及媒介生态环境透视

    Perspective of Metropolis Newspapers and Ecological Environment for Mass Media in Ningbo

  14. 都市报体育报道的外延化与人文化&以华西都市报实践经验为例

    Extension and Humanism of the Report in Metropolis Newspaper

  15. 新世纪都市报转型研究

    A Study of Urban Newspaper Transformation in New Century

  16. 都成为都市报经营者和学界需要探究的问题。

    Metropolis operators and academia to explore the problem .

  17. 本文选取发行量较大的都市报作为研究模本,探讨经济新闻存在的问题。

    This paper thrash out these through studied the city newspaper as model .

  18. 1996-2005:中国都市报十年研究实证分析

    1995-2005 : A Quantitative Analysis of Urban Newspapers in Ten Years in China

  19. 网络时代都市报发展战略

    The Strategic Research in the Development of Metropolis Newspaper in the Internet Age

  20. 中国妇女权利研究中国都市报的走向

    Towards Women 's Rights in China The Orientation Of The Chinese City Newspapers

  21. 都市报经济新闻问题及对策研究

    The Study on Economical News ' Problem and Countermeasure of the City Newspaper

  22. 总部位于广州的《南方都市报》近日发表了第一篇由机器人撰写的稿件。

    Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily published its first story written by a robot .

  23. 关于当代中国都市报新闻写作风格的研究

    On Study of City Newspaper Style of Modern China

  24. 关于都市报版面设计的思考

    Reflection on the Page Lay-Out of Urban Newspapers

  25. 杭州都市报差异化竞争策略剖析

    On the Analysis of the Newspaper Difference Competitive Strategy in the City of Hangzhou

  26. 媒介组织文化:构筑都市报核心竞争力的关键

    Media Organization Culture : The Key of Constructing the Core Competition of Metropolis Daily

  27. 试论都市报的竞争策略

    On the Competition Strategies of the City Newspapers

  28. 都市报差异与城市文化

    The Difference of Urban Newspapers and Urban Culture

  29. 都市报经济新闻存在不少问题。

    There are some problem about the economical news reporting in the city newspaper .

  30. 每日会议日程创新是报业发展之魂&《南方都市报》研究

    Innovation is the Spirit of the Newspaper Development & Research on Southern Metropolis Daily