
  • 网络Social Investigation Report
  1. 其次,分析了社会调查报告的证据属性。

    Secondly , it analyzed the social investigation report evidence attribute .

  2. 《未成年人社会调查报告》的证据学分析

    The Evidence Analysis of Social Investigation Report in the Cases of Juvenile Delinquency

  3. 刑事社会调查报告制度存在于世界上很多法制较为发达国家。

    Criminal justice social investigation report system exists in many legal system more developed countries .

  4. 其中一个来自农村,他刚做完一次关于当地政府结构的社会调查报告。

    One of them is from the countryside , she has just completed a social investigation on the construction of the local government .

  5. 我国却没有形成系统的少年司法体系,只是做了一些粗略的探讨,少年司法社会调查报告制度就是这样。

    China does not form the juvenile justice system , but has done some cursory discussion , as also as the social report .

  6. 这份社会调查报告总共采访了1398人,它也说明了公众对青年人进入人生角色的期望年龄。

    The report , based on the2002 General Social Survey of1,398 people , also determined when people generally expect young people to complete the transitions .

  7. 未成年被告人人身危险性的评估研究&以未成年人社会调查报告的模糊综合评价为视角

    On the Assessment of Minors Accused 's Personal Dangerousness & Take the Minor Social Investigation Report 's Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation as an Angle of View

  8. 最后提出了建立未成年犯罪人人身危险性评估机制.确立未成年人社会调查报告制度,来预测未成年人的再犯可能性。

    Last , minor personal danger evaluation mechanism is proposed . The minor social investigation report system is established , to predict the minors again possibilities .

  9. 而且检察院或法院可以针对社会调查报告中反映出来的问题向有关部门发出检察建议或司法建议,从根本上预防和减少未成年人犯罪。

    The procuratorate and court may put forward judicial proposals according to the problems shown in the social investigation report , to prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency consequently .

  10. 社会调查报告内容是社会调查制度的重要环节,调查内容的准确性与科学性决定了社会调查制度能否有效地的运行。

    The content is an important part of social investigation system , and the scientific and accuracy of the content determines the effective running of social investigation system .

  11. 未成年人社会调查报告是未成年被告人人身危险性的重要表征,也是审理未成年人刑事案件的重要参考依据。

    The minor social investigation report is the important attribute of minor Crime person 's personal dangerousness , which is also the important reference of trying the minor criminal case .

  12. 笔者认为社会调查报告的主体应以社会机构(包括基层组织和福利性社会组织)为主,控辩审三方为补充。

    I believe that the main body of the social report should be based on social institutions ( including grass-roots organizations and the welfare society organizations ), and the main three parties to supplement .

  13. 学校教育形式、方法、管理等漏洞都会对未成年人犯罪行为产生影响。最后,分述其他一些因素作为社会调查报告内容的方面,在未成年人实施犯罪行为中存在的消极因素。

    Some flaws as school education , forms , methods , and management etc. , will impact on juvenile crime . Finally , this part is described some others aspects which will impact on juvenile crime .

  14. 最近一期英国社会态度调查报告(2008年发放)显示,大约三分之二的人认为同居和结婚没什么区别。

    According to the latest British Social Attitudes ( BSA ) Survey , which was conducted in2008 , almost two-thirds of people now see little difference between marriage and living together .

  15. 宽罚严管少年刑事司法政策注重少年的人格特征,并据此对少年实施特殊保护和个别化处遇,因此,社会人格调查报告是贯穿少年司法始终的一项根本制度。

    The juvenile criminal judiciary policy emphasizes personality characteristics of juvenile , carrying out special protection and individual treatment . Thus , it determines the fundamental status of social personality report throughout the processes of juvenile justice .

  16. 杭州市老年社会福利机构调查报告

    An Investigation Report on the Social Welfare Agencies of the Old people in Hangzhou

  17. 中国社会体育现状调查结果报告

    Findings Report on a Present Survey of Social Sport in China

  18. 高职毕业生社会适应力状况跟踪调查报告

    The Follow-up Report of High Vocational Graduates Adaptability to the Social Situation

  19. 赴日返回人员与跨国社会网络:福建调查报告

    Return Personnel from Japan and Transnational Social Network : A Survey Made in Fujian

  20. 中医院校研究生社会适应能力的调查与分析&67名毕业研究生社会适应能力调查报告

    The society-adapting ability of postgraduates of TCM colleges ── a finding report of 67 postgraduates ' society-adapting ability

  21. 我国目前仅在未成年人司法领域实行社会调查,但是对于在普通成年人的刑事审判中是否可以引入社会调查报告却一直没有定论。

    In our country , this system is currently only in the field of juvenile justice , which has not been out whether it can be promoted to adults judicial .

  22. 社会调查制度是运用于未成年人刑事案件中,旨在通过对未成年人相关因素的调查反映未成年人实施犯罪行为的内在原因,而所调查的与未成年人相关的因素就是社会调查报告的内容。

    Social investigation system used in juvenile criminal cases aims at reflecting the underlying causes of criminal behavior the minors commit , through the investigation of factors associated with the minors . And these factors are the social investigation reports ' content .