
  1. 现代精神文明对农村落后文化的改造,造就了新的农村精神风貌;

    Modern spiritual civilization transformed the old rural culture , and created a new spiritual style ;

  2. 如何处理文化建设领域中的先进文化与落后文化,先进文化与传统文化,文化指导思想的主导性与文化形态的多元性发展等之间的关系;

    How to coordinate the relation between the dominant structure and manifold development in the field of culture construction ;

  3. 大力发展先进文化,支持健康有益文化,努力改造落后文化,坚决抵制腐朽文化。

    We must exert ourselves to develop advanced culture and support healthy and useful culture , changing what is backward and resisting what is decadent .

  4. 不过,它毕竟是落后文化的产物,我们要批判地继承优秀文化遗产,摒弃落后的东西。

    However , it is the product of backward culture after all , we need to critically inherit the cultural heritage and discard the backward things .

  5. 有先进文化和落后文化、有精英文化和大专文化、有当代文化和传统文化、有少数民族文化和大民族文化。

    Have advanced culture , and backward culture , a culture of elite culture and tertiary education , contemporary culture and traditional culture , minority culture and the national culture .

  6. 它通过杂志内容策划和语言变革推行现代文化,批判旧有落后文化,从而达到对国民进行新文化教育的目的。

    It through the magazine content planning and language change implement modern culture , criticism , so as to achieve the old backward culture of education for the purpose of national culture .

  7. 《生死场》是萧红在民族兴亡关头,通过对生与死的探讨,从而进一步展示对人类生存境遇的探究,对民族自立潜在障碍和落后文化心态的历史反思。

    The Life and Death Fair is Xiao Hong 's work written at the critical moment of the national rise and fall , which has historic reflection upon the potential barriers of national autonomy and cultural backward psychology on a further display of human existence .

  8. 最后,就改变落后的文化管理方式、加快制定和完善地方性文化产业政策和加强地方性文化经济政策的研制工作等文化机制建设提出了对策思考。

    Fourth , present reflections on the construction of cultural mechanism .

  9. 经济越落后,文化水平越低的地区,幽门螺旋杆菌感染率就越高。

    The more backward the economy , lower educational level , H.PYLORI infection rate is higher .

  10. 先进的文化造就发达的经济,落后的文化只能伴随着贫困的经济。

    The advanced culture would lead to developed economy and backward culture would result in poverty .

  11. 刍议近代中国科技落后的文化原因&李约瑟难题再探

    On the Cultural Root of the Scientific and Technological Backward in Modern Times in China & Reexamine Needham Thesis

  12. 这种落后的文化结构,不仅无法适应市场经济行情的不断变化,也严重影响了农村产业结构调整。

    This behindhand case not only do not adapt constant changing of market economy but also will restrict regulation country industrial configuration heavily .

  13. 这些农转非人员由于观念落后、文化素质偏低、劳动技能单一等原因在劳动力市场中处于弱势地位。

    Them in a weak position in the labor market due to the concept behind the low cultural quality , single labor skills .

  14. 促进社会发展的是先进的文化,反之,就是落后的文化。

    It can promote or hinder social development , That which promotes social development is progressive culture , and the reverse is backward culture .

  15. 她说,其他写了性别选择技术的人批判的并不够,“因为谴责落后的文化传统变得更加简单。”

    She says others who have written about sex-selection technology have not been critical enough " because blaming backward cultural traditions is simpler . "

  16. 立足于民间立场和底层体验,在表现恶劣的自然环境、落后的文化教育、贫困的个人生活的同时,也体现出鲜明的内省精神和开拓意识。

    Based on the underlying civil position and experience in the poor performance of the natural environment , and backward education , poverty personal life , but it also embodies a distinct sense of pioneering spirit and introspection .

  17. 灵活就业人员自身观念落后、文化素质与技能低,另外该部门的就业管理及服务欠佳,就业环境不尽人意,这些都成为非正规部门中灵活就业人员就业的瓶颈。

    The behind concepts , low literacy levels and less skills of the flexible employee , and the poor employment management and the unsatisfactory employment services of the employment environment in the informal-sector became the employment " bottleneck " of flexible employee in the informal sector .

  18. 从对仁、礼、中庸等中国传统文化内核的深刻理解入手,解读我国足球落后的文化层面的原因,并进一步指出只有对传统文化进行现代化的改造才是我国足球走出困境的唯一出路。

    Staring from a deep understanding of the Chinese traditional cultural kernel of being generous , courteous , mediocre , the reasons for our soccer 's backwardness are explained culturally and the only way out of the difficult situation is pointed out that the traditional culture must be modernized .

  19. 我国同场对抗性集体球类项目水平落后的传统文化审视

    Survey of Traditional Culture of Backwardness in Antagonism Ball Events of China

  20. 试论落后地区的文化信息资源共享工程建设

    A talk about resource sharing of information and culture in developing areas

  21. 伦理文化可分为进步的伦理文化和落后的伦理文化,进步的伦理文化规范科技发展的实践,而落后的伦理文化制约科技发展的进程。

    Ethics culture may divide into the advanced ethics culture and backward ethics culture .

  22. 西方发达国家力图利用全球化中的经济政治优势对落后国家进行文化征服,民族文化面临被同化、多元性丧失的危险。

    They utilize their dominance in economy and politics in globalization trying to assimilate the culture of the developing countries .

  23. 现阶段,我国农村文化建设相对落后,公共文化产品供给严重不足,加快农村文化建设,改善农村公共文化产品供给,是新农村建设的题中应有之义。

    At present stage , the construction of rural culture is backward , the supply of rural public cultural products is acute shortage .

  24. 最后,从文化治理的角度摒弃传统落后的思想文化,塑造现代社会行政文化。

    Finally , we should abandon the traditional backward ideology and culture from the perspective of culture governance and shape modern social administrative culture .

  25. 落后的性别文化导致女性地位的缺失,是影响女性职业发展的最主要原因。

    It is the most important reason to restrict the career development of women that underdeveloped gender culture led to the missing of the woman 's status .

  26. 由于经济发展相对落后和传统文化观念因素的影响,在广大农村,特别是经济欠发达地区,家庭养老的地位不能动摇。

    Because of the undeveloped economy and the influence of traditional culture , family supporting parents is firmly existing in the vast countryside , especially the poor area .

  27. 首先是公共文化设施落后,公共文化服务缺乏载体,其次,政府服务缺位,对农村公共文化活动指导不足。

    To begin with one is the backward of public cultural facilities and the lack of public cultural services . Moreover , the absence of government services and guidance to rural activities .

  28. 其主要症结在于体育基础设施相对落后,地域文化的影响,学校体育工作群体素质不高,以及教育发展的偏差。

    The major reason lies in the underdeveloped basic equipment of sports work , the influence of regional cultures , the low quality of sports workers in schools and the differences among educational development .

  29. 韩国和日本则是一副奇怪的景观,经济现代化和落后的政治文化并存,造成政治信任水平过低。

    There is a surprising picture in South Korea and Japan with the coexistence of modernization of economy and lagged political culture . This condition results the low level of the resources of trust in government .

  30. 元初,相对落后的草原文化冲击了已成封建传统的伦理道德,但是其豪放与直率之风为元代的伦理道德打开了新的局面。

    Early Yuan Dynasty , the relative backwardness of the grassland culture shock has become a feudal traditional ethics and morals but it is bold and forthright style of the Yuan Dynasty , opened a new ethical situation .