
  1. 福州沿海农村精神文明建设的思考

    On the Cultural Progress in Coastal Rural Area of Fuzhou Region

  2. 农村精神文明建设应体现刚性原则

    The Building of Rural Spiritual Civilization Should Embody ' Inflexibility ' Principle

  3. 推进农村精神文明建设,创建和谐农村社会等。

    Advancing the spiritual civilization construction in the countryside and constructing the harmonious rural society .

  4. 加强农村精神文明建设,丰富农民精神文化生活;

    To accelerate cultural and ideological progress in rural areas and enrich farmers ' cultural life .

  5. 本论文共分七方面进行论述。文章从七个方面来阐述解决农村精神文明建设所面临的主要问题。

    This paper approaches the topic from seven aspects . This article discusses this issues from seven aspects .

  6. 新农村精神文明建设的主要内容是在广大农村地区开展文化建设。

    Spiritual civilization construction in the new countryside is the main content in the vast rural areas to carry out cultural construction .

  7. 只有这样,农村精神文明建设才能不断取得新的成就,社会主义新农村建设的宏伟目标才能全面实现。

    Only like this , can the country spiritual civilization construction obtain new achievement unceasingly and grand goal of socialism new rural reconstruction realize roundly .

  8. 思想政治教育是农村精神文明建设和社会主义新农村建设的重要内容。

    Ideological and political education , not only as the important content that of rural spiritual civilization , is also that of construction of new socialist countryside .

  9. 我国农村精神文明建设缺乏有效的制度上的严格管理,没有获得应有的刚性,这是制约其发展的重要因素。

    The building of our rural spiritual civilization lacks strict and effective management with systems and hasn ′ t achieved ' inflexibility ' it should have , which is a principal factor restricting its development .

  10. 随着改革开放的日益深入和扩大,在各种思想、文化相互激荡的背景下,沿海农村精神文明建设同样面临大量的新情况、新问题。

    With the consistent deepening of reform and opening up and the emergence of various thinkings and cultures as the background , the cultural progress in the coastal rural area faces a new situation and many problems .

  11. 在这其中,乡风文明从本质上来讲,属于农村精神文明建设的方面,其内容涵盖文化、风俗、法制、社会治安等诸多内容,其核心是满足农民对精神文化的需求。

    Among them , it is essentially that civilized rural atmosphere is the issue of spiritual civilization construction in rural areas , covering culture , customs , legal system , social security and many other aspects , the core is to meet the farmers on the spiritual and cultural needs .

  12. 加强农村社会主义精神文明建设,以保证农村各项事业的顺利发展,应主要从以下4个方面着手:第一,提高广大农民的文化素质是基础;

    Four approaches ought to be adopted to strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization in rural areas so as to guarantee the smooth development of rural undertakings Firstly , the improvement of farmers'cultural quality is the foundation ;

  13. 在解决了温饱之后的农村,其精神文明的建设尤为重要。

    The construction of spiritual civilization becomes more important than ever in the countryside where the problem of food and clothing has been solved .

  14. 阐述了玉田县发展庭院经济、加快农村产业结构调整,促进农村精神文明建设的经验,提出了解放思想、放宽政策、搞活市场、抓好服务等4项发展庭院经济的对策。

    Expound the experience of Yutian County in developing courtyard economy , speeding up the adjustment of rural industry structure and promoting the spiritual civilization construction in rural areas . Put forward 4 counter-measures for developing courtyard economy . They are : to emancipate the mind ;

  15. 社会主义新农村思想道德建设是社会主义新农村精神文明建设的重要内容,是新农村建设和发展的精神动力和思想保证,对整个农村、进而对我国整个社会发展起着举足轻重的作用。

    Ideological and moral construction is the important content of construction of spiritual civilization of rural , also the spiritual power and ideological guarantee of the development of rural . It plays an important role in the developing process of the rural construction and overall society .

  16. 农村文化艺术建设,是新农村建设中精神文明建设的重要组成部分,能满足广大农民群众的基本文化需求,保障农民的文化权益。

    The building of rural culture and arts plays an important part in the spiritual civilization of the development in new rural areas .

  17. 社会主义精神文明建设是新农村建设的重要组成部分,但当前农村精神文明建设的现状与新农村建设的要求有一定差距。

    The construction of the socialist ethical civilization is an important part in constructing new rural community . However , there is a certain gap between the present state of the construction of rural ethical civilization and the requirement of the new rural community construction .

  18. 因此,要采取有力措施,积极发挥农村养老的文化功能,以有利于加强农村精神文明建设。

    So some forceful measures should be taken to make the most of its cultural functions and to strengthen the spiritual civilization in Chinas countryside .

  19. 目前各级各类小城镇在推动城乡经济结合,促进农村工业化和产业化发展,推进区域经济发展.促进农村精神文明建设和农村产业结构调整等方面发挥着重要作用。

    At present , different township plays important roles in many aspects that involve promoting the combination between urban economy and rural economy , accelerating development of rural industrialization and region economy , and impelling construction of ethical or spiritual values and adjustment of industrial structure in township .

  20. 对临沂市农村社会经济情况的问卷调查结果表明:当前,临沂市农村精神文明建设还显滞后,农民意识落后,观念陈旧;

    As is shown by a survey study of the economy situation of Linyi rural area , the construction of spiritual civilization in Linyi rural area lags behind at present , with peasants full of obsolete ideas ;

  21. 进一步把农村计划生育工作与农业经济、改善农民生活结合起来,促进农村精神文明建设。

    The rural family planning work will be further combined with the effort to develop agricultural production and improve the lives of farmers , so as to advance socialist culture and ethics in rural areas .

  22. 发展农村体育是贯彻落实《全民健身计划纲要》的重要工作,是农村精神文明建设和倡导健康文明生活方式的重要内容。

    The development of rural sports is a key job for implementing national system and an important part of rural spiritual civilization construction , healthy and civilized life .

  23. 而农村体育活动的开展,有利于丰富农民的业余文化生活,促进农村的精神文明建设,积极地推进农村宗族的健康发展。

    In return , its development will enrich the spare - time cultural life of the peasants , promote the construction of the spiritual culture in the country and propel the healthy development of the rural clans actively .

  24. 二是因为国家力量的收缩导致国家对农村社区管制的放松;三是社会保障在广大农村地区的缺失,四是因为农村精神文明建设的滑坡。

    Two is because of the constringency of the national power to village community cause the relaxing of control .

  25. 加强农村文化建设,有利于培养新型农民,有利于促进农村经济的发展,有利于促进农村精神文明建设。

    Promoting the cultural construction in rural areas is helpful for fostering new generations of farmers , and the economic development in rural areas .

  26. 指出,在农村要实行家庭联产承包责任制,发展乡镇企业,走小城镇建设道路,大力发展农村的精神文明建设。

    It points out that we should implement the household contract responsibility system in the countryside , develop town and village enterprises and have the way of the small town construction , vigorously develop rural construction of spiritual civilization .

  27. 化解农村干群矛盾的过程,就是实践三个代表重要思想的过程,加快农村经济发展是治本之策,加强农村精神文明建设是重要保证,加强农村干部队伍的作风建设是关键所在。

    To speed up economic development of the rural areas is an essential strategy , to reinforce the spiritual civilization is an important guarantee and to improve the working style of cadres in the rural areas is the key .

  28. 社会主义新农村建设是一个全面推进农村社会各项事业全面发展的长期过程,它不仅包括农村物质文明建设和农村精神文明建设,还包括农村生态文明建设。

    The socialism new countryside reconstruction is a long-term process that construct each enterprise of the rural society comprehensively . It not only includes the rural Material Civilization and the rural Spiritual Civilization , but also includes the rural Ecology Civilization .

  29. 农村宗族势力对基层政权构成严重威胁,破坏了农村社会的稳定,危害了农村工作和农业生产,严重冲击了农村精神文明建设。

    The clan force in the country has constituted a threat to organizations of political power at the grass-roots level , destroyed the social stability in rural areas , damaged the rural work and agricultural production and seriously attacked the spiritual civilization construction in the country .