
nónɡ yè dài kuǎn
  • Agricultural loans;agricultural cash loan
  1. 在我国农业贷款的利息很低。

    Interest on agricultural loans is very low in our country .

  2. 我们还发放了农业贷款。

    We also issued agricultural loans .

  3. 农业贷款项目选择与确定应遵循的基本原则

    Basic Principles should be Followed When Selecting and Determining Agricultural Credit Projects

  4. 安徽省农业贷款与农民收入的相关性分析

    The Correlation between Agricultural Credit and Farmers ' Earning in Anhui Province

  5. 农业贷款对农业增长的经验悖论及原因分析

    The Experience Paradox of Agricultural Loan on Agricultural Development and Its Reason Analysis

  6. 同时非农业贷款投向相对农业贷款投向而言具有更好的绩效;

    Furthermore , the non-agricultural uses of the loan have better performance than agricultural uses .

  7. 发行的债务主要用于农业贷款和房屋抵押。

    The majority of the debt is issued in support of farm credit and home mortgages .

  8. 嘉道理农业贷款基金委员会蓝地农业贷款有限责任合作社

    Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund Committee " Lam Ti Agricultural Credit Co-operative Society , Limited "

  9. 农业贷款、财政支农投入对农民收入增长有效性研究

    A Study On the Effectiveness of the Loan and Public Financial Support to Agriculture during Transitional Period

  10. 我国农村基层信用社农业贷款的发放没有引起农村经济的显著增长。

    Rural credit cooperatives in agricultural loans for grass-roots did not cause significant growth of the rural economy .

  11. 农业贷款的总量、效应与制约因素分析:平顶山个案

    The Amount , Economic Effects and Restrictive Factors of Agricultural Loans : A Case Study of Pingdingshan City

  12. 第三,目前制约农业贷款总量扩张的主要是风险管理手段不足和体制性资金外流,而不是资金匮乏。

    Third , the restrictions are from risk management and institutional fund outflow , rather than excess demand for funding .

  13. 为了解决供应问题,我们将把明年对非洲的农业贷款增加一倍。

    To address supply issues , we are doubling our lending for agriculture in Africa over the next year to $ 800 million .

  14. 此外,世行今年将把对非洲的农业贷款额增加近一倍,从4.5亿美元增加到8亿美元。

    In addition , the Bank will almost double agriculture lending in Africa this year from US $ 450 million to US $ 800 million .

  15. 世行计划明年将为非洲提供的农业贷款从4.5亿美元增加到9亿美元,几乎翻了一番。

    The Bank plans to nearly double agricultural lending to Africa from US $ 450 million to US $ 800 million over the next year .

  16. 信用社资产规模逐年扩大,农业贷款逐年增加,农信社的各项财务指标均呈现好转程度。

    Each year , asset size of credit cooperatives expanded and agricultural loans increased , every financial indicator of Rural Credit Cooperatives are showing improvement in posture .

  17. 作为新措施的一部分,央行表示将对提供农业贷款的银行进行进一步降准。

    As part of the new measures the Central Bank has also said it will provide various further cuts to reserve requirements for banks providing agricultural financing .

  18. 通常受过更多教育的年轻农民容易获得较多农业贷款,同时也能够掌握新的农业技术,因而就更可能获得更高的经济效率。

    Young farmers that are better educated , and have access to credit facility are better able to embrace new technology and are more likely to have higher efficiency .

  19. 2005年6月末,农村信用社农业贷款余额达10299亿元,占全国金融机构农业贷款的87.5%。

    By June 2005 , the agricultural loans of RCCs amounted to 1.0299 trillion yuan , which accounting for 87.5 % of whole agricultural loans of financial institutions in China .

  20. 论述了农业贷款项目选择与确定应遵循的基本原则,就如何搞好农业贷款项目的选择与确定提出了具有实践意义的对策和建议。

    The article expounds the basic principles should be followed when selecting and determining agricultural credit projects , and puts forward suggestions about how to select and determine agricultural credit projects .

  21. 实证分析结果显示:农业贷款对农业增长的产出弹性为负,农业贷款的增加对农业增长并没有产生积极的作用。

    The result of positive analysis shows : The production flexibility of agricultural loan on the development of agricultural economy is negative , which implies that agricultural loan makes no contribute .

  22. 目前,农业贷款仅占全部贷款余额的7.4%左右,乡镇企业贷款仅占全部贷款余额的6%左右。

    At present , the agricultural loan only accounts for about 7.4 % of all loan balance , and the township enterprise only accounts for about 6 % of all loan balance .

  23. 加速农村金融体制改革步伐,大幅度增加农业贷款,支持农民增加收入。

    The sector will also accelerate the reform of the rural financial system , increase agricultural loans by a large margin , and energetically grant support to increase the incomes of farmers .

  24. 本文从较为宏观的视角,对农业贷款进行了一定考查,进而提出了完善我国农业贷款法律制度的几点建议。

    From comparatively macroscopically visual angle , the text examines to carry on the agricultural loan , and then has proposed some suggestions of the legal system of agricultural loan of our country .

  25. 央行还告知专营农业贷款和中小企业贷款的银行,他们可以略微缩小存款准备金规模,以释放出更多的资金供这些银行进行借贷。

    The central bank also told banks that specialize in agricultural loans and loans to smaller businesses that they could hold slightly smaller reserves against their deposits , freeing them to lend more .

  26. 例如,在非洲,农业贷款将从4.5亿美元增加到超过8亿美元;在拉丁美洲从2.5亿美元增加到超过4亿美元。

    For example , in Africa agriculture lending will increase from US $ 450 to over US $ 800 million , in Latin America from US $ 250 million to over $ 400 million .

  27. 本文运用经济转型以来的实际数据,对我国农业贷款和财政支农投入与农民收入增长之间的关系进行了研究。

    Using the practical data , this essay applies the Granger Causality Test and Cointegration Test to analyze the relationship between the agricultural loan , public financial support to agriculture and rural economy development .

  28. 此外,恩施地区农村金融市场的金融生态环境不完善,农业贷款保障体系缺失,大量的资金外流以及金融机构覆盖面不充分等原因都制约着民族地区金融的发展。

    Besides , the financial environment of Enshi area is unsound , and agricultural credit guarantee system is imperfect , large scale of capital outflows , the coverage of financial institutions are inadequate , these reasons are all restrict the development of ethical regional finance .

  29. 他们正在发放农业信用贷款。

    They were issuing agricultural credits .

  30. 中国农业银行贷款风险分类管理研究

    The Study of Loan Risk Classification Management of Agriculture Bank of China