
  1. cfa考试于1953年在美国设立,旨在向证券行业专业人士传授核心投资原理。

    The CFA exam was created in 1953 in the us to teach core investment principles to securities industry professionals .

  2. 研究了公路货运市场交易成本的大小与公路运输行业专业化分工的关系。

    The relation of between profession division and market trade cost has been studied .

  3. 调味品行业专业化兼并重组的现状及启示

    Situation and Revelation of the Seasoning Trade

  4. 水泵行业专业技术网站的建立

    Specialty Website Establishment about Pump Industry

  5. 寻找那些能够引起你所在行业专业人士注意的社团,这样你就可以拓展你的交际圈。

    Look for committees that attract professionals in your industry so that you can make contacts .

  6. 按合理规模组织生产体制是铸造行业专业化的基本目标

    It is the Basic Aim of Foundry Trade Specialization to Organize Production System on Reasonable Scale

  7. 而专业报又将面临什么样的前途和命运?本文从医药行业专业报纸入手,对专业报纸的发展方向进行分析。

    Pharmaceutical industry professional newspaper article from the start , the development of professional direction of the newspaper .

  8. 随着社会分工的日益细密化和经济体制改革的深化,我国行业专业化进程加快。

    Recent developments in social division of labor and economic reform have enhanced the specialization of professions in china .

  9. 参观券&主要发送给行业专业观众,具有广泛宣传的广告效果;

    Visiting tickets & Primarily sending to the professional visitors and having the advertisement effect of the extensive publicity .

  10. 客户会最大可能地得到诚信、高效、个性化、代表行业专业水平的服务。

    Client may be provided with services featuring integrity , high efficiency , personalization and professional standard of the industry by greatest possibility .

  11. 工业购买者和其它行业专业人士很大一部分,主要通过在线方式来搜索产品,服务,供货商,并能很舒适地通过在线资源获取数据。

    Industrial buyers and other professionals have largely migrated online to search for products , suppliers and services and are comfortable using online sources to access content .

  12. 因此,本文采用两个审计师特征(审计师的行业专业性和任期)来检验其与真实盈余管理程度的关系。

    Thus , we focus on these two auditor characteristics ( namely auditor industry expertise and tenure ) and examine their association with levels of real earnings management .

  13. 鹤山市华伟五金制品厂创办于1998年,经过十年的发展,成为一家专业的五金制造及模具制作行业专业知名的民营企业。

    Huawei Hardware Material Company was established in1998.After a decade of development , it has become a professional and well-known private enterprise in the hardware and mould making trades .

  14. 人们以为,资金充裕的上市公司会对收购目标进行详尽研究,会充分利用自己的行业专业技能对风险和机遇进行分析。

    One assumes rich public companies do exhaustive research into targets , and that they use the full extent of their industry expertise to analyse the risks and opportunities .

  15. 当前地质勘查行业专业软件应用偏多,缺少覆盖地质勘查项目主要业务工作的数据集成系统的研究。

    There are many professional software applications in the geological prospecting industry , but seldom research on the integration system covering the main business of the geological prospecting projects work .

  16. 因此,研究会计师事务所行业专业化经营问题,从另一个视角找出提高审计质量、增强会计师事务所竞争力的应对思路,具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    So , it has significant theoretical and realistic meanings to find the way to improve audit quality and strengthen accounting firms ' competence from another view through the research on industry specialization of accounting firms .

  17. 该系统具有测量可靠、使用便携、生产成本低等优点,可作为珠宝行业专业检测仪器,对珠宝石材种类进行快速鉴别,具有很广阔的应用前景。

    This measuring system has the advantage of reliable , easy to carry and , low cost to produce . It can be used as the professional measurement instrument to judge the gemstone quickly and it has the prospect of widely usage .

  18. 论会计师事务所行业专业化经营的动因微观环境也称为内部环境,包括会计师事务所及其收益与市场状况、注册会计师协会及自律情况、审计方法、程序、被审单位、审计信息使用者等。

    Micro environment , also known as inner environment , includes accounting firms and their income and marketing condition , associations of registered accountants and their self disciplines , audition methods , procedure , units under audition , users of audition information etc.

  19. 许多教职人员都欣然接受了数字科技,这些技术使他们能够请来行业专业人士,做课堂实时案例研究中的演讲嘉宾,扮演模拟咨询项目中的客户,或充当实验室和工厂的虚拟向导。

    Many faculty members are embracing digital technologies that enable them to include industry professionals as guest lecturers in the classroom , real-time case study discussions , as clients in immersive consulting projects , or as virtual tour-guides at labs and factories .

  20. 但选定和安装胶合木梁可能会非常棘手,特别是对于不熟悉材料的AEC行业的专业人员来说更是如此。

    But working with glulams can be tricky , especially for AEC professionals who are unfamiliar with the material .

  21. 无论从展会规模还是参与品牌的数量上来讲,AMR已堪称世界级专注汽保行业的专业展会!

    AMR has developed to be a world-class fair on auto maintenance and repair whether in terms of scale or of the number of participating brands .

  22. 目前已是中国最有影响的从事窗饰行业的专业公司之一。

    It is of a professional company most influential in China today .

  23. 试论医疗卫生行业信息化专业人才的培养

    Discussion on training of information talents in medical industry

  24. 对于该行业的专业人士来说将是最好的事了。

    It will be best event for the professionals linked to this industry .

  25. 着重结合医疗保险风险管理的行业、专业特性探讨了常用统计分析方法在医疗保险风险因素分析中的适用性,从而建立起医疗保险风险因素分析方法体系。

    Thus a statistical method system for analysis on medical insurance risk factors is build up .

  26. 以一流的质量与完善的售后服务竭诚为社会各行业提供专业的服务。

    First-class quality and perfect after-sales service dedicated to the social sectors to provide professional services .

  27. 所以,找工作的第一步是找到一个你所在行业的专业的组织。

    So , your first step should be to reach out to professional organizations in your industry .

  28. 通过人才库搜索、启动特定区域或行业的专业猎手和信息采集顾问,针对性地展开人才寻访;

    To start searching from the talents database , or by co-working with professional hunter or information consultants .

  29. 在60个席位的立法会中,半数席位是由同样保守的功能界别挑选产生的,这些功能界别主要代表各行业和专业团体。

    Half of the 60-seat legislature is hand-picked by equally conservative functional constituencies primarily representing industrial and professional groups .

  30. 考虑到开发这些产品的时间,从医药行业借用专业术语似无不妥。

    Borrowing terminology from the drugs industry seems appropriate , given the time required to develop these new products .