
xínɡ zhènɡ chǔ lǐ
  • Administrative processing;administrative handling
  1. 对申请复验的,必须自检验报告书发出之日起15日内作出行政处理决定。

    For a re-inspection application , it shall make a decision of administrative handling within 15 days from the day the self-inspection report is sent .

  2. 由于配套法律的不完善,使医疗事故的行政处理和刑事诉讼存在不衔接的问题。

    Dealing with the medical accidents , we have difficulty in telling the difference between administrative handling and criminal proceedings because of the imperfection of the concerned law .

  3. 论我国环境纠纷的行政处理

    The Study on the Environmental Dispute Administrative Processing of Our Country

  4. 环境污染损害赔偿行政处理程序探讨

    Approach on the Procedure of Administrative Disposal for Environmental Pollution Damage Compensation

  5. 环境纠纷的行政处理机制探析

    A Probe into the Administrative Disposal Mechanism of Environmental Disputes

  6. 事故技术鉴定与行政处理分开;

    The technical judgement and administrative management on accidents should be separated .

  7. 环境污染纠纷行政处理制度存在的问题及完善

    Questions in the Disciplinary Management System for Environment Pollution Disputes and Its Perfection

  8. 环境民事纠纷行政处理国际借鉴与问题探析

    The International Reference and the Problems of the Administrative Environmental Civil Disputes Processing

  9. 试论污染赔偿纠纷的行政处理

    On Administrative Settlement of Disputes Involving Pollution Compensation

  10. 医疗事故的行政处理以及医疗事故的赔偿。

    A system on the administrative management and Medical accident compensation should be established .

  11. 行政处理环境侵权民事纠纷法律制度研究

    A Study on the system of The administration organization handling the environmental civil dispute

  12. 我国采用了具有比较优势的行政处理与司法救济双重模式。

    China has a comparative advantage the administrative processing and dual mode of judicial relief .

  13. 最后,环境纠纷行政处理决定缺乏强制执行的法律效力。

    Finally , the decision of environmental dispute administrative settlement lack of enforcement of law concerned .

  14. 在环境纠纷的非诉讼解决机制中,环境纠纷的行政处理制度是一项十分重要的制度。

    In the non-lawsuit resolution of environment disputes , the administrative disposal mechanism is a very important system .

  15. 第三部分是涉税错弊案例分析,就涉及所得税、营业税和增值税等的7个案例,重点分析了针对不同税收违法行为的稽查方法和行政处理意见。

    We analyze 7 cases about the wrong and the fraudulent practices related to the taxes in Chapter Three .

  16. 权属有争议,尚在诉讼、仲裁或者行政处理中的;

    Having real estate rights in dispute , still in the process of litigation , arbitration or administrative settlement ;

  17. 在起刑点数额计算上,仅作行政处理的贪污应当累计定罪处罚。

    Furthermore , corruption which is treated as administrative case should be convicted and punished by its cumulative amount .

  18. 在我国,环境纠纷的行政处理主要有环境行政复议、行政裁决和行政调解三种方式。

    In our country , it mainly includes the administrative reconsideration of environment , administrative judgement and administrative mediation , etc.

  19. 299.中国代表表示,中国的大多数知识产权执法行为都导致对侵权行为的行政处理。

    299 . The representative of China stated that most IPR enforcement actions in China resulted in administrative measures to address the infringement .

  20. 民事诉讼中举证责任问题倒置,这对于解决环境民事纠纷具有重要的实践意义。论环境民事纠纷行政处理机制的完善

    The reversed responsibility of seeking evidence in civil litigation is important in practice . On Perfection of Our Administrative Resolutions to Environmental Disputes

  21. 口岸药品监督管理局应当按照《药品管理法》以及有关规定作出行政处理决定。

    The port drug administration shall make a decision of administrative sanctions in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Administration Law and other relevant regulations .

  22. 其主要教训在仲裁解决机制、水权实体法律的缺失,行政处理程序不明确。

    Its main lessons exist in the absence of an arbitration mechanism and water rights substantive laws , administrative , the unclearness of administrative processing .

  23. 水资源物权侵权的救济应当实现多元化途径,不仅关注对水资源物权侵权行为的行政处理方式,也应关注水资源物权受害人的私力救济途径及司法救济途径。

    The relief method of water property rights infringement should be diversified not only focused on private relief but also focused on the administrative punishments and judicial aids .

  24. 任何退休计划终极本等於给付支出额加上行政处理费用扣除资金之投资收益。

    The ultimate cost of any pension plan is equal to the benefits paid , plus the cost of administration , less any investment earning of the fund .

  25. 主要包括对专利权纠纷的行政处理、对专利权违法行为的行政查处两个方面的内容。

    Main include a processing to the administration of the patent right dispute , to patent right illegal behavior of the administration check a place the contents of 2 .

  26. 由于一直没有法律上的明确规定,目前在涉税犯罪案件的查处中,普遍存在着税务机关先于司法机关作出行政处理的作法。

    Being short of a clear-cut definition there exists in the investigations of criminal cases concerning tax a common practice that tax organs make an administrative penalty prior to judicial organs .

  27. 事实上,发达国家早已形成有各自特点的环境纠纷解决机制,美国环境公益诉讼较为突出,日本行政处理有特色。

    In fact , the characteristic mechanisms for solving environment dispute have already built in developed countries . Environment commonweal lawsuit in USA is obvious , administration disposal is characteristic in Japan .

  28. 当今,各国除了运用司法解决环境纠纷外,还积极发展诉讼外的环境纠纷解决途径,尤其是环境纠纷行政处理制度。

    Today , in addition use of judicial resolution of environmental disputes , but also positive developments in the proceedings of the ways to solve environmental disputes , especially the environmental dispute handling system .

  29. 这种法律规定的差异不仅导致了我国环境纠纷行政处理的法律体系存在混乱和冲突,而且在实践中也不利于环境纠纷的解决。

    The differences of these provisions result in not only the chaos and collisions of our legal system during the administrative disposal of environmental disputes , but also the difficulty of solving related problems in practice .

  30. 目前国内的研究多集中在宏观的理论层面或者比较分散的处理细节,并没有形成一套完整的、具有可操作性的行政处理制度。

    At present , most of the domestic research at the macro level , or the theory of scattered details of the treatment , and did not form a complete , a workable system for administrative processing .