
  • 网络the housing market;residential market
  1. 据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)统计,香港目前65%的私人住宅市场控制在三家房地产公司手中。

    Currently , just three companies control 65 % of the private residential market , according to brokerage CLSA .

  2. 2月27日,荷兰银行(ABNAmro)和新鸿基金融(SunHungKaiFinancial)宣布,双方以香港住宅市场价格为基础,进行了一笔“房地产掉期”交易,这是亚洲首笔此类交易。

    On the 27th Feb ABN Amro bank and Sun Hung Kai Financial announced that they had traded a property swap based on Hong Kong 's residential market , marking the first such transaction ever to be done in Asia .

  3. 近年来,随着住宅市场的迅速发展,房地产已经成为支撑我国GDP的重要力量。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the housing market , real estate has become an important force in supporting our GDP .

  4. 最后,得出了住房价格、人均居住面积、GDP和家庭收入是影响大连市住宅市场长期需求的主要影响因素,大连市住宅市场长期需求潜力巨大和短期趋于过热的结论。

    Lastly , the dissertation finds that house price , per capita living space , GDP , family income are key influence factors of market demand .

  5. 为分析住宅市场价格泡沫的形成机制,本文利用Case(2003)对住宅市场购买主体的划分,将购房者分为投资者与自住者两类。

    In order to analyze the forming mechanism of price bubbles in housing market , the paper divides homebuyers into two parts , investors and owner-occupiers , using the method of Case ( 2003 ) for reference .

  6. 半导体照明(SSL)技术的进步使商业和住宅市场的LED照明设备迅速增加。

    The advances in Solid State Lighting ( SSL ) Technologies are rapidly increasing the adoption rate of LED lighting in both the commercial and residential markets .

  7. 因此,难怪政客们正试图对住宅市场施以援手,而美联储(Fed)则一直在积极降息。

    It is no surprise , therefore , that politicians are trying to rescue the housing market , while the Federal Reserve has been slashing interest rates with vigour .

  8. 受此影响,soho中国已将重点从民用住宅市场转向了商业地产项目。

    As a result , SOHO China has turned its attention from residential to commercial real estate projects .

  9. 美联储(Fed)将住宅市场低迷视为对经济增长最严重的威胁,但为防止经济陷入衰退,美联储上个月大幅下调了利率。

    The Federal Reserve views the downturn in the sector as the most significant threat to growth but the central bank cut rates aggressively last month in an attempt to prevent the economy falling into recession .

  10. 此举事关美国政府对住宅市场的支持,即便是那些本身成功的举措,也由于美联储(Fed)政策目标不一致而使效果打了折扣,这一举措就是如此。

    So it is with government support for housing : even programs that succeed on their own modest terms , as this one did , are tarred by the feds ' failure to come up with a coherent policy objective .

  11. 高盛内部人士表示,这是由于该cdo推出的时机2007年4月,就在美国住宅市场泡沫破裂之前。

    Goldman insiders say this was due to the timing of the CDO , just before the end of the US housing bubble in April 2007 .

  12. 例如,长期以来一直担忧全球地产价格上涨难以维系的经济学家、美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)的祈文礼(JohnCalverley)就认为,住宅市场与宏观经济之间没有明显联系。

    John Calverley of American Express , for example , an economist who has had a long-held concern about unsustainable rises in world property prices , cannot see obvious links between the housing market and the wider economy .

  13. 在担任美联储主席期间,格林斯潘曾谈到住宅市场的“浮沫”(froth),但从未表示住宅市场整体存在泡沫。

    As Fed chairman , Mr Greenspan had talked about " froth " in the housing sector , but never said there was a bubble in the market as a whole .

  14. countrywide团队来自这家放款机构的银行业务方面,而不是在美国住宅市场崩溃后遭到详细审查的抵押贷款业务方面。

    The countrywide team came from the banking side of the lender , not the mortgage operation that came under scrutiny following the collapse of the US housing market .

  15. 美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)周二呼吁银行减免发放给陷入困境的借款人的大部分抵押贷款,伯南克表示,美国住宅市场危机远未结束,并要求各方做出有力回应。

    Ben Bernanke on Tuesday called on banks to forgive chunks of mortgage loans issued to troubled borrowers , as the chairman of the Federal Reserve suggested the US housing crisis was far from over and required a vigorous response .

  16. 本文试图把特征价格理论应用于上海住宅市场,分析上海的住宅特征、特征价格和边际价格,构建适用于上海住宅市场的hedonic模型,进一步验证Hedonic模型在住宅市场的适用性。

    This paper mainly used hedonic model to analysis the housing hedonic price and price elasticity in Shanghai market . Establish the hedonic model of shanghai housing market and validate the applicability of this model .

  17. 经合组织(oecd)昨日在下调明年全球经济增长预期时表示,工业国家长久的住宅市场繁荣终于结束,但应该不会演变为崩盘。

    The lengthy housing boom in industrialised countries is finally over but should not develop into a crash , the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development said yesterday , as it cut its growth forecast for the world economy next year .

  18. 法国宽带接入住宅市场目前应用最广泛的技术是ADSL,其次是有线电视网,其他如BLR,WiFi和电力网等技术应用有限。

    ADSL is the most widely adopted technology in French broadband access market . CATV is in the next place . Other technologies like BLR , WiFi and power network are rarely used .

  19. 该公司的约兰德•巴恩斯(YolandeBarnes)表示,在伦敦市中心住宅市场以往的历次复苏中,海外地产投资者都起到了重要作用。多数国际买家都倾向于在该地区置业。

    Savills ' Yolande Barnes said overseas property investors had played an important part in previous housing market recoveries in central London , where most international buyers tend to focus .

  20. 在许多投资者和分析师眼里,美国住宅市场的暴风雨,如乌云一般笼罩了世界经济的地平线,但经济合作与发展组织(OECD,经合组织)看到了世界经济顺利重新调整的微弱光芒。

    Where many investors and analysts see dark clouds on the global economic horizon , arising from a storm in the US housing market , the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development sees the glimmers of light in the form of a smooth rebalancing of the world economy .

  21. 西安市住宅市场供需结构研究

    Study of Demand and Supply Structure of Housing Market in Xi'an

  22. 由于税收优惠政策到期,住宅市场再次出现动荡。

    The housing market wobbled again , as tax credits expired .

  23. 中国人口城市化对城镇住宅市场需求的影响

    The Impact of Urbanization of China on Demands for Urban Dwellings

  24. 住宅市场风险因素结构层次与评价体系

    Hierarchy Analysis and Evaluation System of Market Risk Factors of Dwelling House

  25. 城市住宅市场价格系统动力学模型实证研究

    A case study on urban housing-price by system dynamics model

  26. 9月是住宅市场的分水岭。

    In the housing market , September was a watershed .

  27. 住宅市场现状及其发展对策

    Current Situation and Development Countermeasure of Housing Market in China

  28. 目前我国住宅市场存在严重的信息不对称,如何进行规制引起多方关注。

    Currently housing market in China exist serious asymmetric information .

  29. 更多的分析人士开始担心住宅市场会二次探底。

    More analysts are starting to fear a double dip in housing .

  30. 住宅市场的低迷还非昨日旧闻。

    The housing slump is not yet yesterday 's news .