
zhù suǒ
  • residence;domicile;home;abode;habitation;dwelling place;pad;crib;hang-out;gaff
住所 [zhù suǒ]
  • [dwelling place;residence;domicile] 居住的处所

  • 永久住所

  • 他的乡村住所

  • 固定住所

住所[zhù suǒ]
  1. 她的住所离市区非常远。

    Her dwelling place is far from the city proper .

  2. 对担任监护人有争议的,由精神病人的所在单位或者住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会在近亲属中指定。

    In case of a dispute over guardianship , the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs or the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence shall appoint a guardian from among his near relatives .

  3. 他们为贫困者提供食物和住所。

    They provided food and shelter for the poor .

  4. 今天凌晨3点,警察出现在他们的住所门前。

    The police turned up on their doorstep at 3 o'clock this morning .

  5. 他们用瓦楞铁板搭建了一个临时住所。

    They built a temporary home out of zincs .

  6. 他们不得不搬进临时住所。

    They had to move into temporary accommodation .

  7. 有个人一直在我住所周围窥探。

    Someone 's been snooping around my apartment .

  8. 她来住所看了一下。

    She came by the house .

  9. 警方对这位明星在纽约的住所进行突击搜查,发现了大量毒品。

    Large quantities of drugs were found during a police swoop on the star 's New York home .

  10. 我没有住所就找不到工作,但是没有工作就没钱租房子——这真是左右为难。

    I can 't get a job because I haven 't got anywhere to live but I can 't afford a place to live until I get a job ─ it 's a catch-22 situation .

  11. 我走街串巷找到了他的新住所。

    I went round the streets and found his new abode .

  12. 他们能住得起的最好的住所也非常拥挤、肮脏不堪。

    The best housing they could afford was crowded and filthy .

  13. 她经常旅行,穿梭于她在世界各地的多处住所。

    She travels constantly , moving among her several residences around the world .

  14. 会有医生到您的住所出诊。

    A doctor will visit you in your apartment .

  15. 他们的房子不仅是住所,还是工作场地。

    Their houses were workplaces as well as dwellings

  16. 她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。

    She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open

  17. 我过去常同妈妈住所周围的伙伴们一起玩儿。

    I used to knock about with all the lads from round where Mum lives

  18. 救济机构正加大力度提供食物、住所和农用器械。

    Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food , shelter and agricultural equipment .

  19. 对布雷迪住所的搜查没有发现任何能证明他与这些抢劫案有关的东西。

    A search of Brady 's house revealed nothing that could connect him with the robberies

  20. 1985年《住房法案》的第三部分要求地方政府为无家可归者提供住所。

    Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people

  21. 这场冲突使他同时失去了住所和生计来源。

    As a result of this conflict he lost both his home and his means of livelihood .

  22. 我找了份提供住所的工作,但分给我的房间简直不是人住的地方。

    I went for a living-in job , but the room I was given was a hovel .

  23. 如果住所需要一个新的洗碗机,没问题,用信用卡买一个就可以了。

    If the property needs a new dishwasher , no problem , just put it on a credit card .

  24. 当局有义务为老年人提供住所。

    It is the duty of the authorities to provide homes for the old .

  25. 古代人挖洞穴作为住所。

    Ancient people dug caves for their dwellings .

  26. 他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。

    He found a temporary lodgment in Paris .

  27. 我们住所周围一片绿油油的菜地。

    There are green and lush vegetable plots [ beds ] in our vicinity .

  28. 我今晚要去他的住所。

    I 'm going over to his pad this evening .

  29. 导致体验好与坏的,并非住所类型本身,而是一个人与其所居住环境之间相互影响。

    It is an interaction between the person and the place , not the sort of place in itself , that leads to better or worse experiences .

  30. 格拉斯哥大学的大卫·多米诺尼说过,路灯、外卖招牌和住所的光线正在影响鸟类的生物钟,导致它们在睡觉的时候非常清醒。

    David Dominoni , of Glasgow University , said that light from street lamps , takeaway signs and homes is affecting the birds ' biological clocks , leading to them being wide awake when they should be asleep .