
  1. 住单间另付10英镑。

    There is a £ 10 supplement for a single room .

  2. 如果是一个人旅行,住单间每晚要多交11英镑。

    If you are travelling alone , the single room supplement is £ 11 a night .

  3. 一位驻巴基斯坦的中国经理人表示,如果外派时间超过1年,则会安排他们住单间。

    According to a Chinese manager in Pakistan , if they go on a posting for more than a year , they get single rooms .

  4. 一开始他住在顶层(他一个人住单间,其他初级官员并无这种待遇),后来搬到了花园里的一间小屋,和罗宾·甘迪以及一只虎斑猫一起生活。

    At first he occupied a room on the top floor of the mansion ( he had one to himself , enjoying a rather more privileged status than the junior officers ) , and then later moved into a cottage in the walled kitchen garden , which he shared with Robin Gandy and a large tabby cat .

  5. 这家饭店住一个单间每晚要收钱10英镑。

    This hotel charge me £ 10 for a room for the night .

  6. 我已经安排你住一个单间。

    I 've arranged for you to be moved to a single room .

  7. 观察组住家庭式温馨单间病房,并实施家庭式温馨护理,内容包括人员培训、营造温馨环境、家属教育干预、实行开放式护理管理等。

    Each patient in the observation group was treated in a homey private ward and received humanism nursing care ( including personnel training ; offering homey environment ; family education and implementing open nursing management ) .

  8. 她找不到比现在她跟牙医生住的那一单间更便宜的地方。

    She could find no room more reasonable than the one she and the dentist now occupied .