
zhí bān shì
  • Duty Room;security post;office for a person on duty
  1. 上位机一般放置在煤矿绞车房或其它值班室,它采用RS&485总线方式与下位机进行远程通信,其监测软件使用可视化高级语言VISUALBASIC编程。

    It communicates with Sub-devices through the serial port with the mode of RS-485 bus , and the monitoring software is programmed by the visual higher level language of Visual Basic .

  2. 请与客运值班室人员联系。

    Please get in touch with the staff in the passengers'office .

  3. 隔音值班室降噪效果及对策分析

    Analysis of Noise Reduction Effect of Duty Room with Sound Insulation

  4. 隔音值班室是减少噪声危害的有效途径

    Sound-proof Workroom is an Effective Approach to Reducing Noise Nuisance

  5. 用面向对象方法构造铁路值班室图像监控系统

    Construction of Railway Guards ' Room Picture Detection System with Object-oriented Method

  6. 车务段值班室管理信息系统的开发

    Development of Management Information System for office on duty of train operation depot

  7. 我一整晚都在值班室里。

    I was going at it all night in the on call room .

  8. 有事的话,请到码头值班室找我。

    If anything concerned , please look for me in our office at dock .

  9. 今天都有谁来值班室了?

    Who came to the guards'room today ?

  10. 我站在七楼的护士值班室,瞥了一眼时钟。

    I stood in the nurses'station on the seventh floor and glanced at the clock .

  11. 洗衣房有投币式洗衣机,有需要的同学请到宿舍一楼值班室购买代币,每次需投代币3个。

    Students must buy coins in the front office of the dorm to use the washing machines .

  12. 他开头这样念到:“有人给时局值班室打来电话,因为气氛变得火热。”

    He said : " Somebody call the Situation Room because things are about to get hot . "

  13. 左右两边的小屋一个是值班室(九卿值房)一个是军机部长接见来访人的地方(军机处)。

    The huts to the left and right are duty rooms and waiting rooms for ministers to be interviewed .

  14. 目前的炼油工艺都是连续性自动化生产,其操作人员的正常工作主要是在值班室通过监视仪表来控制装置。

    Oil refining enterprise is one lf continuous automatic production and its operating personnel work regularly in the workroom keeping watch over the instrument control equipment ?

  15. 根据仿真系统的理论和高炉操作的特点,开发了一个模拟高炉值班室操作的仿真系统,建立了数学统计模型。

    A simulation system of simulating blast furnace room operation has been developed and mathematical statistical model has been established according to the theory of simulation system and the features of blast furnace .

  16. 为便于事后分析原因,选用的故障录波器在故障或事故发生时能自动启动打印机并能通过电话线将数据远传至值班室。

    In order to facilitate cause analyses after the event , the selected fault-wave recorder can automatically start the printer and send data to the distant control room during the accident by means of phone lines .

  17. 方法通过建立护理人员档案、弹性排班、休息、温馨值班室等措施,调动护士的工作积极性,最终实现护士对病人的人性化护理。

    Methods Through carrying out the measures such as establishing nurses ' records , practicing flexible-shift and playtime-break , providing enjoyment-on-duty-room to motivate the nurses ' working enthusiasm and actualize the humanistic nursing for the patients .

  18. 但监狱如一个小型化社会,包括监室,生活区,劳动车间,医务室,教学楼,禁闭室,值班室,餐厅,浴室,操场等不同区域。

    But the prison as a small society , including prison room , living area , labor workshop , clinic , teaching building , the brig , duty room , dining room , bathroom , playground and other different regions .

  19. 探讨在区间设置无人值班通信机械室的设计要求

    Discussion on Design Requirements of Setting Unattended Communication Machine Room in Section