
zhí rì
  • to be on duty;be on duty for the day;be one's turn to be on duty
值日 [zhí rì]
  • [be on duty for the day] 在指定负责的那一天执行任务

  • 轮流值日

值日[zhí rì]
  1. 今天谁值日打扫教室?

    Whose turn is it to clean the classroom today ?

  2. 明天轮到你值日了。

    It 's your turn to be on duty tomorrow .

  3. 第二天,他把自己排在了新的家务值日表的第一位。

    The next day he put himself first on the new roster for domestic chores .

  4. 春日屋数值相关测流方法探讨FHD磁力仪Z分量分钟值日变化空间相关性的初步应用

    Preliminary application of the daily-variation spatial correlation method of vertical component 's minutely value of FHD Magnetometer

  5. 用北半球陆地上48个地面电离层垂测站资料,以及国际参考电离层IRI90模式,考察1985年1月6~7日F2层电子密度最大值日变化的纬度剖面和经度效应。

    Using the data from 48 ionosondes in the Northern Hemisphere and the model of IRI-90 , the latitude profiles of variations of N mF 2 on Jan. 7 , 1985 at sunspot minimum are investigated .

  6. 今天是星期一,轮到我值日。

    It 's Monday , and I 'm on duty today .

  7. 老大,今天是你值日!

    Oh man , it 's your day on duty today !

  8. 大家早上好!今天我值日。

    Good morning , everyone ! I 'm on duty today .

  9. 我刚好在春节那天值日。

    I 'm on duty as from the Spring Day .

  10. 今天轮到你做值日了。

    It is your turn to be on duty today .

  11. 今天谁值日?请查黑板。

    Who 's on duty today ? Clean the blackboard , please .

  12. 今天轮到你值日吗?

    Is it your turn to be on duty today ?

  13. 除小李外,还有两个男孩值日。

    Two other boys were on duty besides Xiao Li .

  14. 今天我值日,还上了四节课。

    I am on duty and I also had four classes today .

  15. 今天谁负责值日生的工作?

    Who is in charge of the class helper today ?

  16. 翻译内容如下:今天我要值日的内容是草莓。

    The strawberry is a fruit which I most likes .

  17. 在我们班,我们轮流做值日报告。

    In our class , we take turns to do the duty report .

  18. 纳西族象形文字《二十八宿值日星占图》研究

    A Study of the Pictographic " 28-Star Divination " of the Naxi Nationality

  19. 我们正在教室里值日,就在这时一名男孩冲了进来。

    We were on duty in the classroom when a boy rushed in .

  20. 李明和我今天值日。

    Li Ming and I are on duty today .

  21. 值日表应该做到公平的责任轮流。

    The schedule should be an even and fair rotation of the duty .

  22. 早上好王老师。是我值日。

    Good morning , miss wang . I am .

  23. 作为值日生的你要截住从天而降的水果。

    As the attendant stopped you from heaven fruit .

  24. 你知道今天谁值日吗?

    Do you know who 's on duty today ?

  25. 今天是你还是汤姆值日?

    Are you or Tom on duty today ?

  26. 试论自我决定动机与基础英语课前的值日报告效果

    The Self-determination Theory and Effects of " Duty Report " before Basic English Classes

  27. 或者搞一个值日表,轮流坐庄,把办公室弄得整洁有序。

    Otherwise , according to the duty table , clean the office in turn .

  28. 我每周五值日。

    I 'm on duty every Friday .

  29. 以值日报告创设会话的情境,培养学生的英语表达能力。

    Create a communicative situation from a duty report to train students ' spoken English .

  30. 今天我值日,该轮到我打扫教室。

    I am on duty today , it 's my turn to clean the classroom .