
mín zú xīn lǐ
  • national psychology
民族心理[mín zú xīn lǐ]
  1. 但由于历史背景、民族心理、宗教信仰以及文化传统的不同,人们对色彩的感受以颜色的使用又难免会不尽相同,这就产生了语言研究中的个性条件(peculiarities)。

    The feelings and usages of color differ in history background , national psychology , religious belief and traditional culture . That is why the peculiarities can appear in language research .

  2. 不同的地理环境孕育着不同的民族心理和民族文化。

    Different geographical environment breeds in different national psychology and culture .

  3. 宽容是和谐社会民族心理素质的要素

    Tolerance is a factor of nation mentality quality in harmonious society

  4. 民族心理不仅具有稳定性,而且具有可变性特征。

    Stability and variability are the characteristics of national psychology .

  5. 各个时期的社会背景、文化特色、民族心理乃至道德伦理观念都对其形象的构建产生了极大的影响。

    The national mentality , culture , morality all affected the images .

  6. 中国文化与民族心理的现状与未来

    The present and future of Ch in ese culture and psychological traits

  7. 昆明市四种少数民族心理卫生调查

    Investigation of Psychological Health of Four Minority Nationality in the Kunming City

  8. 浅议青少年健康民族心理素质的培养

    On Fostering the Healthy National Psychological Quality of Juvenile students

  9. 民族心理与少数民族语言文字应用

    Ethnic Psychology and the Use of Ethnic Minority Languages

  10. 论民族心理认同对社会稳定的作用

    Role of National Psychological Identification Plays in Social Stability

  11. 公益广告中民族心理特性的应用

    Application of National Psychological Characteristics to Public Welfare Advertisements

  12. 论宗教对民族心理的渗透作用

    On the Osmosis of Religion to National Mentality

  13. 隐士文化是中国传统文化中独具特色的一部分,是一种民族心理型的文化。

    Hermit-culture is a part of Chinese traditional culture , which is national and psychological .

  14. 贵州喀斯特地区少数民族心理意识与环境行为预测

    The calculation on psychological consciousness and environmental action of national minorities in karst areas of Guizhou

  15. 情感因素有性别心理、民族心理、语言联想和价值观念等。

    The emotive element includes gender , nationality psychology , language association and consumers ' values .

  16. 从中日两国对外交流历史看民族心理对文化交流效果的影响中日两国鬼文化差异之探寻

    The Influence of National Psychology on Cultural Exchange The Differences of Ghost Culture Between China and Japan

  17. 语言与文化的差异归根到底是由民族心理差异造成的。

    The difference in language and culture can be ultimately attributed to the discrepancy in national psychology .

  18. 一个国家的电影反映出这个国家的社会状况、民族心理。

    A film can directly reflect the social situation of the country , even the national psychology .

  19. 固有的民族心理,导致他们对那场战争的性质在认识上存在着一定的局限。

    They have certain limitations to the nature of that war due to their inherent national mentality .

  20. 梦、宝镜、玉石等原型意象的背后潜藏着具有普遍性的某种民族心理,迷信的表层下生长着古老的种族记忆之根;

    Dreams , precious mirror , jade , etc in prototype images have showed some common national psychology .

  21. 跨世纪的冲突给两国的民族心理都留下了沉重的情感包袱。

    Centuries of conflict have left a thick residue of emotion on the national psyche of both countries .

  22. 一位伊拉克政府的官员称即将到来的审判将是治愈民族心理创伤的开始。

    An Iraqi government official described the upcoming trial as the beginning of the nation 's psychological healing .

  23. 作为语言的一部分,委婉语反映文化传统和民族心理,但同时也受到文化传统和民族心理的制约。

    As a part of language , euphemisms reflect yet are constrained by cultural traditions and national mentality .

  24. 第三章,阐述了日汉外来语的社会文化背景及民族心理原因。

    Chapter 3 expounds Chinese - loanwords and Japanese - loanwords ' social culture background and national psychology .

  25. 楚文化物化形象的区域文化特征与民族心理探寻

    The Chu Culture : Regional Culture Identity Of Its Physical Image And Exploration On The Chu National Mentality

  26. 演讲要想打动人心,就要重视民族心理的作用。

    If the speech wants to touch the audience , it must attach importance to utilization of national psychology .

  27. 提出了社会机制和民族心理是文化主体结构的文化观。

    This paper presents the cultural outlook that social system and national psychology are main elements of cultural structure .

  28. 不同的法律传统和民族心理是造成法官和当事人在不同的审判模式中处于不同地位的根本原因。

    Legal traditions and national mentality can affect the status of the judge and the accused in the criminal trial .

  29. 中医心理思想是中医理论重要的组成部分,它根植于我国传统文化和民族心理。

    TCM psychology is an important component of Chinese medicine theory which roots in traditional Chinese culture and ethical psychology .

  30. 本文尝试从俄罗斯民族心理上的西化情结对现代俄语新词构成的影响进行分析探讨。

    The paper discusses the influence of the new words formation in modern Russian via the national psychological westernization of Russia .