
mín shì fǎ lǜ ɡuān xi
  • civil jural relation;civil legal relation;civil legal relationship
  1. 民事法律关系和民事判决书的相关理论问题并不复杂,而将民事判决书改革与民事法律关系相联系,则是审视民事判决书的一个重要视角。

    The relevant theories on civil jural relation and civil judgment paper are not complicated , and to relate the reform of civil judgment paper to the civil jural relation will be a very important perspective in examining the paper .

  2. 其中医疗合同关系是一种不同于一般合同的特殊的民事法律关系。

    The medical service contract is a special civil legal relation .

  3. 文章在个人信息的法律性质基础之上研究个人信息民事法律关系。

    The paper explores civil relationship on the legal personal info .

  4. 学校纠纷的民事法律关系与法律救济

    The Dispute of School on the Civil Case Relation & Salvation

  5. 认为高校与大学生法律关系既包含有行政法律关系,又兼有民事法律关系。

    Also , the relationship includes both administrative and civil legal relationships .

  6. 商业性体育比赛中,有两个基本的民事法律关系:1观众与比赛举办者之间;

    There are two basic juristic civil relationships in commercial sports games .

  7. 这样看来,补偿就是一个平等主体间的民事法律关系。

    So , compensation is an equal the civil legal relation between subjects .

  8. 试论我国民法基本原则体系&以民事法律关系理论为视角

    On the Fundamental Principles of China 's Civil Law

  9. 图书馆与读者法律关系定位的再定位&对民事法律关系论的质疑

    Legal Relationship Between Library and Reader Reposition-Question on " Civil Law Relation "

  10. 我国民事法律关系理论的不足与完善

    Imperfection and Amelioration of the Civil Legal Relationship

  11. 民事法律关系的构成要素有是主体、内容和客体,对于社会募捐法律关系也按该要素依次作出分析。

    The legal relationship elements is the subject , the content and the object .

  12. 商业性体育比赛中基本民事法律关系分析

    Basic juristic civil relationships in commercial sports games

  13. 第二个问题分析高校与学生的民事法律关系。

    The second question mainly analysis the civil relationship between the college and students .

  14. 图书馆与读者的关系不是平等的民事法律关系,不是消费法所调整的法律关系。

    The service of the library isn t the adjustable range of the consumer law .

  15. 而民事法律关系的主体地位从理论上说应该是平等的。

    And civil legal relations status from the main body of theory should be equal .

  16. 论民事法律关系理论的法理基础

    The Fundamental Principles of Legal Philosophy about the Theory on the Relations of Civil Law

  17. 民事法律关系客体不是民事权利客体的简单罗列,可以统一抽象为利益。

    The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object .

  18. 高校与学生的关系总体上应认为是一种民事法律关系。

    The relationship between the university and students in general should be considered a civil legal relationship .

  19. 民事法律关系的客体

    Object of civil legal relationship

  20. 电子认证所涉各方的权利和义务由其民事法律关系决定。

    The legal relationship of electronic authentication of the parties involved decides their civil rights and obligations .

  21. 图书馆与读者间服务关系的法律性质,表现为二者之间的服务关系是民事法律关系。

    The legal nature of the relationship between library and reader is represented as a civil legal relationship .

  22. 在认定股东资格时,应当从基本的民事法律关系出发进行分析。

    When identifying shareholders ' qualifications , the basic civil legal relationship should be analyzed from the start .

  23. 撤销权的行使将直接或间接导致民事法律关系的消灭。

    Revocation of the right to exercise directly or indirectly lead to the eradication of civil legal relations .

  24. 第三,借鉴社会学理论,利用关系契约说,指出证券市场独立审计的社会化契约关系超越了民事法律关系,更不同于行政法律关系,而是经济法关系。

    Thirdly the author discuss that the independent audit in the securities market is beyond the civil legal relationship .

  25. 当国家作为民事法律关系的主体参与涉外民事活动时,其法律地位如何?

    What is the legal status of a country when it acts as a subject in the intemational civil activities ?

  26. 医患双方的法律地位平等,是民事法律关系。

    The legal status of the patients and caregivers are equal , and the relationship between them is civil one .

  27. 这种行纪人身份决定了期货经纪公司在期货民事法律关系中的法律地位,进而决定了它在期货市场中的权利义务内容和相应的基本行为规范。

    This kind of identity determines its legal position , thus determining its rights and obligations and corresponding basic behavior regulations .

  28. 笔者认为,物业管理各主体之间的相互关系既包含平权型的民事法律关系,也包含指导、监督型的行政法律关系。

    I think the related relationship among the main bodies in property management includes civil legal relationship and administration legal relationship .

  29. 而村委会与村民之间的纠纷属于民事法律关系还是行政法律关系也在法学界引起了争议。

    But there is controversy that dissension between the villagers committee and villagers belongs to civil legal relationship or administration one .

  30. 从民事法律关系角度认识书刊借阅逾期违约金的性质及其规范化管理

    Recognition on the Nature and Regulated Management of Fines for Overdue Returning Books Payment from the Angle of Civil Legal Relationship