
  • 网络Balance of Interest
  1. 论利益均衡与社会主义和谐社会的构建

    Balance of Interests : Essential Quality of a Harmonious Socialist Society

  2. 有必要保证多式联运服务的提供者和使用者之间的利益均衡;

    The need to ensure a balance of interests between suppliers and users of multimodal transport services ;

  3. PPP项目特许期及在此基础上的控制权配置,其本质是公共部门与私人财团紧密合作应对特许期内可能发生的各种不确定性,进而实现双方之间的风险分担和利益均衡。

    The Concession period of PPP project and the control rights allocation , are essentially the risk sharing and benefits balanced between the parties for the public sector and private financial to the effective response to the uncertainty in the concession period .

  4. 这也就是此模型中所说的双方的利益均衡。

    This bring forward the balanced behalf appeared in the model .

  5. 利益均衡:和谐社会的基石

    The Balance of Benefits : Foundation of the Harmonious Society

  6. 企业知识共享的利益均衡及风险化解研究

    The Study on benefit Equilibration and Avoidance Risk in Enterprise Knowledge Sharing

  7. 国企内部利益均衡问题初探

    Discussion on the Internal Interests Balance of the State Enterprises

  8. 土地资源可持续利用中的利益均衡:土地发展权配置

    In Land Resource Sustainable Use Benefit Balanced : Land Development Right Disposition

  9. 利益均衡是公司法的首要原则。

    The equilibrium of interest is the company law 's primary principle .

  10. 利益均衡视阈下的不动产税制设计

    Designing the Real Property Tax System under the Interests Equilibrium Visual Threshold

  11. 利益均衡机制与和谐社会的构建

    The profit-balanced mechanism and the establishment of harmonious society

  12. 成功的民营化:选择企业家和实现利益均衡

    Successful Privatization : Selecting Entrepreneur and Realizing Balanced Interests

  13. 利益均衡支付方式与相应的实施机制共同构成利益均衡支付制度。

    The interest-equilibrium payment and the practical model form the interest-equilibrium payment system .

  14. 这也体现了利益均衡与对价平衡是保险合同知情权的价值所在。

    This also reflects the value of insurance contract .

  15. 人本财务的目标&物质资本与人力资本的利益均衡

    The Goals of the Finance Based on the Human Capital : the Interest Equalization

  16. 论股权分置改革中的利益均衡&寻找利益均衡的契约基础

    Benefit Equilibrium in Shareholding Separation Revolution : Looking for Contract Base for Benefit Equilibrium

  17. 是一个以公正和正义为维度的利益均衡的社会;

    Should be a proportionality society with the dimensions of social justice and fairness ;

  18. 公共政策制定中的利益均衡&基于合作收益的分析

    Interest Balance in the Making of Public Policy

  19. 一种基于利益均衡的联盟形成策略

    A Coalition Formation Strategy Based on Benefit Equilibrium

  20. 试论商标法中的利益均衡

    On the Equilibrium of Interests in Trademark Law

  21. 这种权衡是对国内外、工农间利益均衡的分析。

    This weight analyses the interest equilibrium of home and abroad , industry and agriculture .

  22. 数字图书馆合作的利益均衡策略

    Harmony of Interests in Digital Library Cooperation

  23. 谷歌图书搜索;复制权;合理使用;著作权;利益均衡;

    Google Books ; Right of reproduction ; Fair use ; Copyright ; Interests balance ;

  24. 发电企业与电网企业交易中利益均衡的多目标规划模型

    Programming of Multi-objective of the Balanced Behalf in Business between the Power Enterprise and Grid Corporation

  25. 和谐社会的利益均衡

    Harmonious Society Benefits Well Balanced

  26. 因此,归责原则的确定,同样存在利益均衡的问题。

    Therefore , the determination of the attribution principles , the same balance of the interest issues .

  27. 在利益均衡问题上,以集体管理制度下多元化主体格局为切入点,分析权利人与使用者在利益关系上的对立与统一。

    On interests balance , analyze the interests of opposition and unity between the owners and users .

  28. 和谐大学的发展机制主要包括:动力机制、利益均衡机制和公平机制。

    The development mechanism of harmonious universities include power mechanism , benefit balance mechanism and fair mechanism .

  29. 好的治理机制应使博弈各方利益均衡,方可最大化企业价值。

    Good corporate governance mechanism makes players benefit equilibrium each other in the game and maximize enterprise value .

  30. 政企分开时政府、企业、银行三方利益均衡机制的构建分析

    Construction of Benefit Equilibrium System Among Government 、 Bank and Enterprises in the Separation from Government and Enterprises