
  • 网络conflict of interest
  1. 于是主要的利益矛盾就存在于银行和消费者之间。

    So there is a major conflict of interest between banks and consumers .

  2. 食品安全责任强制险制度在构建之初,要考量多方因素,包括外部环境因素、各方主体的利益矛盾和食品安全责任保险市场现状的考察。

    We must consider many factors at the beginning of construction , including external environment factor , the conflict of interest , and the investigation of the food safety liability insurance market .

  3. 试论新时期干群利益矛盾

    On Interest Contradiction Between Cadres and Masses in the New Period

  4. 和谐社会:利益矛盾与冲突的协调整合

    Harmonious Society : Coordination and Combination of Interest Contradiction and confliction

  5. 但区域利益矛盾转化为区际冲突是需要外部条件的。

    But regional interests contradiction turn into interregional conflict needs external terms .

  6. 人民内部利益矛盾及其对社会稳定的影响

    The Interests'Contradictions among the People Themselves and Its Influence on Social Stability

  7. 当代中国社会结构中的利益矛盾及其调整

    Contradictions in Interests and Their Regulation in Contemporary Social Constitution of China

  8. 当代中国社会阶层分化下的利益矛盾与利益协调

    The Contradiction and Coordination of Interests of Modern Social Stratum in China

  9. 新时期人民内部的利益矛盾与整合

    Benefit Contradiction among People Themselves and Its Reconstruction during the New Times

  10. 思想政治工作起源于人们的利益矛盾。

    Ideological and political work originated from the contradictions of people 's interests .

  11. 正确认识改革发展中的利益矛盾

    Identifying Well and Dealing with Contradictions of Interests in the Reform and Development

  12. 也可以缓冲社会利益矛盾;

    Also it can relax the social benefits contradiction ;

  13. 当前,物质利益矛盾处于人民内部矛盾的中心地位,表现在城乡居民之间和不同地区居民之间的利益矛盾、不同社会阶层之间和干群之间的利益矛盾。

    The interests are the central contradiction among people .

  14. 科学发展观与和谐社会利益矛盾的化解

    Views on Scientific Development and Resolutions of Interest Contradictions in a Harmonious Society

  15. 和谐社会目标下的经济利益矛盾及其协调

    On the Contradiction of Economic Benefits and its Coordination

  16. 三是中国社会群体利益矛盾的成因。

    Three is the Chinese social interest contradiction causes .

  17. 当前社会利益矛盾及其对策

    Analysis on Social Interest Contradiction Lying in Current China

  18. 粮食主产区与主销区的利益矛盾及化解对策

    The Interest Contradictions between Main Grain Production and Consumption Regions and Policy Suggestions

  19. 全球化:利益矛盾的展示过程

    Globalization : A Process Revealing Interests ′ Contradictions

  20. 人类一切利益矛盾的根源在于经济利益的不和谐发展。

    All human interest conflict root lies in economic interests is not harmonious development .

  21. 五是农村各种利益矛盾在增多。

    Fifth , the various conflicts of interest on the rise in rural areas .

  22. 中央与地方利益矛盾;

    Conflict between central and local interestS ;

  23. 不同团体的利益矛盾不断涌现等。

    Benefit conflict , and so on .

  24. 试析当前人民内部利益矛盾

    On the Interests Contradiction Among People

  25. 协调利益矛盾必须建立健全利益协调机制。

    A sound mechanism for the coordination of interests must be established to harmonize contradictions of interests .

  26. 加强利益矛盾的协调,既是新农村建设的切入点,又是新农村建设的着力点,新农村建设的过程就是利益矛盾协调的过程。

    Strengthening the coordination of interest contradictions is the breakthrough and emphasis in the construction of new countryside .

  27. 就水资源利用本身而言,其确实可成为区域利益矛盾的诱因。

    As regards water resources utilization , it can really become the inducement of the regional interests contradiction .

  28. 论社会转型期人民内部物质利益矛盾的根源

    On the root cause of the conflict of material interests within the people in the social transformational period

  29. 因此,加强对人民内部利益矛盾的研究具有重大政治意义、理论意义和现实意义。

    Therefore , it is politically and theoretically significant to study the contradictions of the people 's interests .

  30. 人民内部利益矛盾广泛存在于经济、政治、社会、文化领域。

    Interest contradictions among people exist extensively in the fields of economy , politics , society and culture .