
lì rùn zhǐ biāo
  • profit norm
  1. 各银行为实现雄心勃勃的利润指标而着手削减支出之际,瑞信(creditsuisse)和巴克莱(barclays)也计划进行裁员。

    Credit Suisse and Barclays are also paring staff as banks slash expenses to meet ambitious profit targets .

  2. 基本方略为:以EVA指标取代利润指标,提高资源配置效率;

    The means to cover these are : substitute profit index with EVA index to improve the efficiency of resource allocation ;

  3. 从实质上看,EVA仍然是一种利润指标,但它与会计利润有显著不同。

    Although , EVA still is one kind of profit target in essence , which has obvious difference with accountant profit .

  4. 经济利润指标EVA为全面预算管理体系提供了测定和分析工具,具有广泛的适用性。

    Economical profit target EVA has provided the determination and analysis tools for the comprehensive budget management system , and has widespread applicability .

  5. 同时,采购利润指标的提出,为母子结构下集团对各子公司采购绩效评估以及KPI考核提供了定量依据。

    This index provides quantitative basis for the group corporation to evaluate the KPI and purchasing performance of each subsidiary .

  6. 第三部分通过与会计利润指标、现金流量指标以及市场增加值比较分析得出经济增加值(EVA)可以有效的衡量公司治理目标;

    The third section compares and analysis the profit measurement , cash-flow measurement , MVA and EVA , then get a conclusion that EVA is the best way to measurement the object of corporate governance .

  7. 其中市场绩效标准主要包括勒纳指数、贝恩利润指标;市场结构标准主要有行业集中率CRn、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数HHI;企业竞争行为标准。

    Market performance standards include the Lerner Index , Bain profit targets . Market structure standards include industry concentration ratio , the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index . Enterprise competitive behavior standards .

  8. 从评价代理人业绩必要性出发,分析了EVA业绩评价指标的经济学含义,指出EVA不同于当前的会计利润指标,是企业财富真正增长之所在;

    The paper starts with evaluating the necessity of agents ' performance , followed by the analysis of economy significance of EVA performance evaluation index . Then it is presented that EVA means the real increase of enterprise wealth , different from the present account profit index .

  9. 铁路客运营业利润指标问题研究

    Probe into the Issue of Profit Index for Railway Passenger Transport

  10. 公司已经规定了今年的利润指标。

    The company has targeted a profit for the year .

  11. 汽车运输企业利润指标效益系数分析

    Economic Co-efficient Analysis of Profit Indicators for Trucking Enterprises

  12. 商誉摊销对企业的利润指标产生负面影响;

    On Goodwill business amortization has the negative effect for the profit target of enterprises ;

  13. ①A公司的净利润指标符合首次发行股票并上市的规定。

    A Corporation 's net margins indicator meets the requirements of initial public offering and listing .

  14. 运用敏感性分析法,对某油田企业利润指标变动情况进行了分析。

    The variation of profit indexes of an oilfield enterprise was analyzed with sensitivity analyzing method .

  15. 计算过程中增加目标利润指标还可计算确保实现目标利润的边际地质品位和边际出矿品位。

    Target profit index can be added to calculate the cut-off grade for target profit and margin grade .

  16. 盈利能力选用净利润指标,风险状况选用不良贷款率指标。

    The profitability selected net profit indicators , the indicators of the risk profile of selected non-performing loan ratio .

  17. 正确界定企业投融资管理财务分析中所用利润指标的税、息因素,对投融资管理财务分析具有重要意义。

    It is significant to determine the factors of " taxation , interest " of profit index employed in investment and finance in enterprise .

  18. 由于利润指标在评价上市公司经营成果和盈利能力时如此重要。一些上市公司就利用利润指标大做文章。

    Due to the importance of profit index in evaluating the managing achievements and gaining ability , some listed companies often manipulate profit index .

  19. 废除只核算一个笼统利润指标进行笼统分配旧体制,实行利润分块责任制;

    We should abolish the system that distribute generally only calculating a general profit target , carry out " profit distribution related responsibility system " .

  20. 随着利益相关者理论的引入,企业发现不能只考虑股东利益以及单一的利润指标,还要考虑其他诸如政府、股东、采购及供应商、企业的员工、社区等利益相关者的权益。

    Stakeholder Theory with the introduction of enterprises found to be unable to consider only the interests of shareholders and the profits of a single indicator .

  21. 随着国家的日益繁荣,这些经济利润指标在加强了党的领导的同时,也使得具有独立思想的各个利益团体各自为战,而这最终可能会削弱整个系统。

    Such benchmarks strengthen the party , as the country gets wealthier , but also entrench independent-minded interests in the system , which ultimately may undermine it .

  22. 目前财务管理理论与实践在投融资管理财务分析中普遍存在所用利润指标界定不当和融资分析不完善的问题。

    At present , in the analysis of investment and finance , there exist the problems of the inaccurate determination of profit index and imperfect finance analysis .

  23. 与利润指标相比,现金流量指标较难操纵,而每股经营性现金净流量是最能反映企业经营状况的财务指标之一。

    Compared with the profit , the cash flow is more difficult to be manipulated , and OCFPS is the best index to reflect the enterprise management state .

  24. 二是营销渠道的设计需要以险种为依据,对现有销售渠道进行重新设计,才能满足客户多元化、个性化和需求,进而实现公司经营利润指标。

    Secondly it is marketing channel design must to base on the insurance products , to redesign the existing sales channel , to meet the customer need of diversification and personalization .

  25. 利润指标是衡量企业获利能力的一个基本指标,也是度量企业财富增量的一个主要指标。

    Profit target is not only an elementary index to evaluate the profit winning ability of an enterprise , but also a major measurement of wealth build up for the business .

  26. 股份上市公司的认定、上市发行价格的确定、上市公司的再融资、股票交易的特别处理、暂停上市和摘牌等都与利润指标有密切的联系。

    Recognition of the stock listed company , the confirmation of issuing price , absorbing new capital from market , ST and PT , which have osculation connections with profit index .

  27. 由于利润指标能够在财务报表中之间反映,具有简单明了的特点,因此目前仍然被众多投资者作为评估上市公司价值的标准,并且成为绝大多数上市公司管理者的经营目标及激励基准。

    Because profit indexes can be reflected in financial forms and have the characteristics of simple and clear , most investors also make it as the scaled standard of listed company now .

  28. 第二部分,介绍了财务报表分析、现金流量分析及其分析指标、现金流量在企业价值评估方面应用情况等内容,对净利润指标分析和现金流量指标分析进行了比较,突出现金流量分析的重要性。

    In pat 2 , it introduced the financial sheet analyzing and the indexes of analyzing . It emphasized the importance of cash flow analyzing from the financial sheet analyzing to cash flow analyzing .

  29. 如今,利润指标是用来衡量企业盈利能力和经营水平的关键指标之一,它因此也是广大投资者、债权人以及公司管理者最为关心的指标。

    Now , profit index is one of the key indexes which are used to measure the level of enterprises ' profitability and management . So , it is also very important to investors , creditors and managers .

  30. 另外,在公司绩效指标选择上,引入净资产现金率,以避免只采用有可能被造假的传统利润指标进行研究的不足。

    Moreover , in company 's performance index chosen , this paper introduces the cash rate of net assets , in order to avoid the deficiency of research as a result of only adopting the traditional profit index .