
  • 网络good news
  1. 指出:个体投资者的风险承受能力过低,以及投资者存在的多头偏好、过度恐惧和损失厌恶心理导致了其对利多消息反应不足、对利空消息反应过度。

    Point out : the individual investor 's ability to undergo the risks is too poor , and the investors have " long preference ", " over-panic " and " loss aversion " psychology which lead to the under-reaction to good news , but over-reaction to bad news .

  2. 受到这个利多消息激励,台积电盘中股价急拉大涨,一度冲高到60元涨停。

    As a result of this very positive news , TSMC share prices skyrocketed to reach the ceiling price of60nt in mid-session .

  3. 他又说,在目前不利的环境下,正面的经济数据和其他利多消息往往遭到忽视,而最轻微的利空消息也会大受注意。

    He added that in the current unfavorable circumstances , positive economic data and other profitable news were often likely to be neglected while much attention would be paid to minor unprofitable news .

  4. 整体来看,现在的利多利空消息是你来我往,应接不暇;而目前多空双方又正好在1900点-2100点这条狭路上相遇了。

    Overall , the benefit is more bad news to you , to me , too busy ; now Straddle both sides in1900 and just point at-2100 that meet the narrow road .