
lì hǎo xiāo xi
  • news that causes a rise in the stock index or in a particular stock
  1. 利好消息发布后,该公司股价立时蹿升。

    After the good news was released , the company 's stock price witnessed a rapid rise .

  2. 在长期看来,英特尔和ARM的竞争对于消费性电子厂商,乃至对于对消费者来说,都是个利好消息。

    In the long run , the rivalry could be good news for consumer electronics manufacturers & and possibly even for consumers .

  3. 鉴于把产品引入店内所需的资本投资相对有限,EvolutionFresh战略虽然还没有获得验证,但很可能是个利好消息,短期内就会显现出积极的效果。

    The evolution fresh strategy , while still unproven , could be more of an immediate-term positive given the limited capital investment required to get the product into the stores .

  4. 研究结果表明ST公司资产重组事件短期被市场认为是利好消息,长期效应不确定。

    The result shows that the investors take ST corporations ' asset restructuring news as profitable in short run , but the effect in long run is not certain .

  5. 据NPR新闻的玛拉·莱森报道,这些数据对白宫来说是利好消息。

    It 's NPR 's Mara Liasson reports the numbers are welcomed news to the Whitehouse .

  6. 中国会难以在公开市场买到那种数量的黄金,但若与IMF达成场外交易,对市场来说将是难以置信的利好消息。

    It would struggle to buy that amount in the open market but a deal with the IMF in an off-market transaction would be incredibly bullish for the market .

  7. 自摩根大通高层向投资者传达乐观的利好消息之后,Dimon已经是在两天内第一次表达他如是的看法。

    Dimon 's comments were the second time in two days that JPMorgan executives delivered investors a generally upbeat message .

  8. HubertTang表示,鉴于船舶运营商和船主们现在都在抢购新船,因此我们认为新船厂竣工乃重大利好消息。

    ' In view of the current shopping spree by ship owners and operators , we believe this is a particularly positive development , 'he says .

  9. 在本周三致客户的报告中,刚从中国返美的摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师凯蒂·休伯蒂列举了来自亚洲运营商和供应商的反馈,她认为这些对苹果(Apple)而言是利好消息。

    In a note to clients Wednesday , Morgan Stanley 's Katy Huberty , just back from China , reports on feedback from Asian carriers and suppliers that she views as positive for Apple ( AAPL ) .

  10. 一些人认为这对于移动设备上的众多部署平台来说是个重要的利好消息,而另一些人则认为Symbian的开源为时过晚。

    While some consider this as an important move for the most deployed platform in mobile devices , others think that it is too late .

  11. 在本周三致客户的报告中,刚从中国返美的摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师凯蒂·休伯蒂列举了来自亚洲运营商和供应商的“反馈”,她认为这些对苹果(Apple)而言是利好消息。

    In a note to clients Wednesday , Morgan Stanley 's Katy Huberty , just back from China , reports on " feedback " from Asian carriers and suppliers that she views as positive for Apple ( AAPL ) .

  12. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)驻香港的亚太股票策略师马尔科姆•伍德(MalcolmWood)表示,由于投资者信心不足,任何一点利好消息都会推升上海股市。

    Malcolm Wood , Asia - Pacific equity strategist at Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong , said that given the poor state of investor confidence , any small piece of good news could lift shares in Shanghai .

  13. 世界黄金协会的央行及公共政策事务董事总经理纳塔莉登普斯特(NatalieDempster)表示,新协议对黄金市场是重大利好消息。

    Natalie Dempster , managing director for central banks and public policy at the World Gold Council , said the new agreement was extremely positive news for the gold market .

  14. 据Forrester研究公司研究,对亚马逊来说的利好消息是,平板电脑用户在商品上是似乎比使用电脑的购物者更愿意一掷千金。

    The good news for Amazon is that tablet users seem moreinclined to splash out on stuff than web shoppers who use PCs , according toForrester , another research firm .

  15. 虽然Android继续领跑市场,但市场调研机构ChangeWave在周一发布的一份调查报告为苹果(Apple)带来了几条利好消息,调查中的绝大部分(86%)受访者是来自美国的智能手机用户。

    Despite the continued dominance of Android in the marketplace , there are several nuggets of good news for Apple ( AAPL ) in the results of a changewave survey of mostly ( 86 % ) American early adopter types released Monday .

  16. 对于必和必拓(BHPBilliton)、力拓(RioTinto)以及巴西淡水河谷(Vale)这些矿业公司来说,铁矿石价格的上涨是一个利好消息,此前由于投资者担忧欧债危机带来全球衰退,导致这些公司的股价近期处于严重压力之下。

    The rise in iron ore prices will be a boon for miners such as BHP Billiton , Rio Tinto and Vale , whose share prices have been under severe pressure as investors fear a global downturn driven by the eurozone debt crisis .

  17. 虽然3G网络的建设速度很快,对手机报而言是一大利好消息,但是手机报的内容表现形态仍然停留在2G阶段,落后于手机网络的建设速度,亟需有质的突破。

    Although the construction of 3G networks is fast , which is good news for mobile phone newspaper , the contents and forms of mobile phone newspaper still remain at stage of the 2G era , lagging behind the construction of the 3G networks to a great extent .

  18. 一般认为,储蓄对公司方面是利好消息。

    That said , saving could be good news for companies .

  19. 多数人会认为,油价的这种走势对于全球经济而言是利好消息。

    Most will presume this development is positive for the world economy .

  20. 那么,现在好消息对美元来说也是利好消息吗?

    So is good news now positive for the dollar ?

  21. 为了平息股东的不满,雅虎需要一些短期利好消息。

    To keep stockholders at bay , Yahoo needs some short-term good news .

  22. 对发明家们来说,这或许是个利好消息,可对那些律师来讲呢?

    Good news for innovators , perhaps , but bad news for lawyers ?

  23. 这对美元是利好消息。

    And that is good news for the dollar .

  24. 这是个不错的消息,但不是利好消息。

    It 's good news , not great news .

  25. 所有这些都是信贷市场的利好消息。

    All this is bullish for credit markets .

  26. 从各层面来看,评级下调对美国整体经济都不是利好消息。

    A downgrade would be bad news for the overall economy on various levels .

  27. 在众多利好消息的激励下,中石油很可能实现这一目标。

    With a flow of good news , that target might well be attained .

  28. 虽然这些都是公司发展的利好消息,但同时也带来了潜在的问题。

    These are good strides for the company , but they also bring potential problems .

  29. 这对生意是利好消息。

    Certainly it 's good for business .

  30. 这对于近两年一直处于衰退状态的两大关键行业是个利好消息。

    And that 's good news for two key industries after a nearly two-year slump .