
  • 网络Interest Group Theory;interest theory
  1. 一个新的规制理论,即利益集团理论逐渐兴起。

    Now there arises a new theory of regulation & interest group theory .

  2. 西方利益集团理论表明,利益集团在政治过程中扮演着重要的角色。

    Interest group theory indicates that interest group plays an important role in the political process .

  3. 周秦间土地制度变迁的动力机制和主要过程&一个基于利益集团理论视角的分析

    The Land Institution Change from Zhou Dynasty to Qin Dynasty : an institutional prospective basing on Interest Group Theory

  4. 农村义务教育投资短缺探析&一种利益集团理论的视角

    An Exploration and Analysis of the Investment Shortage of Chinese Rural Compulsory Education : A Perspective of Interest Groups Theory

  5. 利益集团理论与国有企业制度变迁国有企业承包制股份制案例研究

    The theory of interest group and the transition of institution of stateowned enterprise the research of the Contract Institution Stock institution

  6. 第一章主要介绍了本文涉及的基本理论,目的是使论文建立在坚实的理论基础上,主要有亚当·斯密、大卫·李嘉图、李斯特等人的国际贸易理论,以及利益集团理论。

    Chapter one introduces the basic theory that involved in the essay and it makes the paper on a solid theoretical base .

  7. 迄今为止,关于金融制度差异与演进的较成熟的理论包括金融发展的结构理论和金融发展的利益集团理论。

    So far , structure theory and interest group theory of financial development are more matured theories of difference and evolution theory of financial system .

  8. 我们利用新政治经济学的利益集团理论,从利益集团博弈的视角阐述垄断行业改革的艰巨性。

    We use pressure group theory of the new political economics to state the difficulty of the reform of monopoly industry from the pressure group perspective .

  9. 第二部分是理论基础,主要是介绍地租理论、产权理论、利益集团理论、博弈理论等理论,这些理论将综合运用于本文的分析研究当中。

    The second part is about basic theories , including rent theory , property right theory , interest group theory , game theory , and so on , which are comprehensively applied to analyses research in this paper .

  10. 其次,运用新制度经济学、利益集团理论、健康相关行为改变理论、管理者才干等理论研究保健服务过程中的现象背后的原因。

    Second , by new institutional economics , interest group analysis , behavior change theory related to health and manager ability analysis , it concealed the reasons of the certain " phenomenon " in the process of care exercises .

  11. 针对现有的国内外研究成果在解释现阶段我国农村剩余劳动力转移滞后的原因方面的局限性,本文引入利益集团理论,从城市集团的利益刚性角度解释我国农村剩余劳动力转移滞后的现实原因。

    Because of the limitation of existent explanation , this paper introduces the theory of interest group and tries to explain the realistic reason that the transfer of rural surplus labor of our country lags behind in terms of interest rigidity of the urban group .

  12. 第二部分主要对体制变迁理论和利益集团理论进行分析,研究体制变迁的理论基础、利益集团博弈与体制变迁的关系。

    The second part of the main topic are institutional change theory and interest group theory analysis , related research at home and abroad for a brief review and commentary , explore the theoretical basis of system changes and interest groups , the relationship between the Game and system changes .

  13. 从利益集团的理论解读昆山模式的制度变迁

    " Kunshan Mode " with Theory of Benefit Group

  14. 论美国利益集团&理论解读与决策分析

    American Interest Groups : Theory Unscrambling Decision-making Analysis

  15. 在多元主义和集体行动理论争论的基础上,动态利益集团形成理论开始关注社会稳定对集团政治的多重影响。

    Based on the argument between pluralism and collective action theory , the dynamic theory of interest group formation points out the multiple effects of social stability on group politics .

  16. 从微观层面分析是学校教育过程包括内部课程教学资源配置的均衡、教育结果的均衡以及教育评价的均衡。并从利益集团、寻租理论、制度等理论进行分析。

    Viewing for micro analysis , it is the balance of school teaching process including the internal curriculum teaching resource disposition , and the balance of educational results as well as educational evaluation .

  17. 利益集团是政治学理论研究的一个重要行为体,在美国政治科学领域甚至形成为利益集团的研究路径。

    Interest group is one of the important actors in political studies and even becomes a famous research approach in American political science arena .

  18. 公众利益理论,利益集团理论,政治家理论,减小冲突论和费率管制的代表假说等构成了费率管制的理论基础。

    The public interest theory , interest group theory , politician theory , conflict decrease theory and the delegation hypothesis of insurance rate regulation are the theory background of insurance rate regulation .

  19. 本文以马克思主义农民利益观为理论依据,吸收西方利益集团理论的有益观点和分析方法,对农民利益表达机制的概念内涵及相关机制进行了一般性的界定和阐述。

    This text takes the Marxist farmer benefits views as the theories and absorbs the useful ideas and methods of analyses of the western interest group theories , and gives a certified definition and description to the conception of farmer interest mechanism and relating mechanisms .

  20. 第一部分:阐述利益集团的含义、特征及类别,对利益集团的不同理论进行分析,包括多元主义集团理论、新法团主义集团理论。

    The paper analyzes the different theories of interest groups including pluralism group theory and the new law group theory .