
  1. 基于以上研究目的,本文选择NGO志愿者管理作为研究对象,从组织文化理论、人力资源管理理论以及心理学等多学科视角出发,对志愿者管理问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the above considerations , this article chose NGO volunteer management for the study from the theory of organizational culture , human resource management theory , as well as NGO management .

  2. 多学科视角的科举制研究及其文化定位

    Multi-disciplinary Trend of Imperial Examination System Research and Cultural Orientation

  3. 跨学科视角的引入:世纪之交商界小说研究

    Study on Turn-of-the-century Commercial Novels : Introduction of Interdisciplinary Perspective

  4. 许多学者从不同学科视角进行了考察和研究。

    Many scholars have made study from the different perspective of subjects .

  5. 文化产业从地理学科视角来看,仍属崭新的课题。

    From the perspective of geography , Cultural industries are still a new subject .

  6. 两个学科视角下的社区卫生服务

    Community Health Service from Two Disciplinary Perspectives

  7. 多学科视角下的重庆社会稳定性

    Social stability of Chongqing under multiple sciences

  8. 信任研究的哲学思考&基于不同学科视角的分析

    Trust Studies from the Philosophical Perspective

  9. 多学科视角下的新闻写作情感表达&新闻写作情感研究

    Feelings ' Expression in News Writings from a Multidisciplinary Perspective & research on feelings in news writing

  10. 农村土地货币化模式分析与效应研究&基于生态经济学、农村社会学等多学科视角的思考

    Analysis on the Rural Land Monetization Mode and Its Effect & Based on the Multidisciplinary Angles of View

  11. 其次,从人类学、社会学、建筑学、环境行为学、景观设计学和城市设计等学科视角阐释相关理论基础。

    Secondly , explain the theoretical basis of anthropology , sociology , architecture , environmental behavior , landscape design and urban design .

  12. 因此,我们需要从政治学、法学、社会学、经济学和管理学等多学科视角研究高校办学的自主权问题。

    Therefore , we should do our research through multi-disciplines , such as politics , law , sociology , economics and management science .

  13. 从多学科视角研究亚运的深刻内涵多层面探讨推动体育产业发展对策

    Researching the Profound Connotation of the Asian Games from Multi-subject Angle Approaching the Countermeasures of Promoting the Development of Sports Industry from Different Aspects

  14. 近年来开始从跨学科视角研究文学翻译问题,例如从跨文化日耳曼学的视角进行研究。

    The recent research on the problem of literary translation is from interdisciplinary perspectives , such as under the aspect of intercultural German studies .

  15. 第二,在进一步深化单学科视角下的研究的前提下,努力探索多学科视角融合的研究。

    Second , try to explore the research from multi-discipline perspective on condition that the researches from single-discipline perspective have been further improved and deepened .

  16. 弥合理想与现实间的差距&从音乐学科视角反思艺术课程我一定是思想开小差了。

    Closes the disparity of ideal and the reality & From the musical subject angle of view reconsidering art curriculum ; I must have been dreaming .

  17. 本选题从多学科视角和社会学的想象力来研究和探讨手机媒体对大学生道德价值观影响及对策研究。

    This object study the influence of the cell phone on the moral values of the college students and the countermeasure from multi-angle and with sociology imagination .

  18. 为此,众多国内外学者,从不同的学科视角,就城乡关系展开了广泛而深入的理论探讨与政策分析。

    In this case , many domestic and foreign scholars , from different disciplines , have an extensive and in-depth discussion of policies and theories on urban-rural relationship .

  19. 在这段时间里,他代表加州政府主持了内华达山脉生态系统项目,这个项目为美国国会提供多学科视角的山脉评估报告。

    During this time , he represented the state on the Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project , a major interdisciplinary assessment of the mountain range for the US Congress .

  20. 围绕管理决策和认知偏差两个主要研究对象以及两者之间的关系,分别从认知心理学、行为经济学、行为决策学等各个不同的学科视角下对二者进行了深入研究。

    It does further research on management decision and cognition bias and the relationship between them from the three aspects of cognition psychology , behavioral economics and behavioral decision .

  21. 本文立足于社会学、青年学和心理学等学科视角,对国内外学术界关于保姆和幸福感研究相关理论进行回顾和梳理。

    From the viewpoint of Sociology , Youth Science , Psychology , the author reviews and sorts out the current research on housemaid and well-being at home and abroad .

  22. 本论文试图立足于教育学和心理学两个学科视角来研究案例教学在中等职业学校德育课堂中的运用问题。

    This article attempted to study the utilization of the case teaching method in moral class of middle vocational school , from the pedagogy and the psychology field of vision .

  23. 人类学从多学科视角研究文化的个体生成与教育发生的可能性,揭示人类个体的成长特点与机制,从不同角度表达对文化的认识。

    Anthropology studies individual development and education potentials from a multi-discipline perspective to reveal the development features and mechanics of human individuals and to express interpretation of a culture from different angles .

  24. 本研究根据问卷调查和个案访谈的资料,依微观社会学的学科视角,从中国城市居民的主体角度考察其信任的特征及影响其信任的因素。

    This study collects materials through questionnaire survey and in-dept interview . Based on the micro-sociology perspective , this paper analyses the characteristic and influence factors of Chinese urban residents ' trust .

  25. 学科视角下的电化学主要阐述内容有电化学发展史、电化学领域科学研究、电化学的研究方法这三方面。

    Discipline from the Perspective of the contents of the electrochemical mainly discusses the history of electrochemistry , electrochemical areas of scientific research , and electrochemistry research methods in these three areas .

  26. 通过对农业投资法律问题的分析,综合运用法学、经济学等多学科视角剖析我国农业投资法律制度的理论内涵和实践困境。

    Through to the analysis of the problems of agricultural investment law , Comprehensive uses of law , economics science perspective our country agriculture investment law system of theoretical connotation and practice dilemma .

  27. 在文献综述的基础上,从复杂系统理论与企业组织理论的跨学科视角来评价和探析“全息”原理及“分形结构法”在供应链网络组织中的应用。

    Based on literature review , this paper intends to combine the complex system theory with the organization theory and apply the ″ holonic ″ and ″ fractual ″ principles in the organization of the network supply chain system .

  28. 本文从应用语言学、心理学、现代英语教学、思维与语言、国内外英语教学方法以及中国少数民族英语教学等多学科视角对大学蒙授初级公共英语教学方法进行研究,试图在这方面做些贡献。

    This paper starts from language teaching , psychology , modern English teaching , thought and language , minority education and the situation of domestic English teaching to try to make some deeper discusses and studies on this subject .

  29. 教育管理研究应廓清事实与价值、本土化与国际化、理论与实践等之间的关系,确立伦理视角、多元学科视角和历史视角。

    In conducting the educational management research , we must make clear the relationship between fact and value , localization and internalization , theory and practice , as well as establish the view angles of ethics , multi-subject and history .

  30. 近十年来,大学青年教师越来越受到广泛关注,学术界从不同学科视角、聚焦不同问题领域、运用不同研究方法纷纷对大学青年教师展开研究。

    Over the past decade , the University Young Teachers are increasingly attracted widespread attention , and academia from different disciplinary perspectives , focus on different problem areas , the use of different research methods have young teachers in university research .