
xué míng
  • scientific name;ones formal name used at school
学名 [xué míng]
  • (1) [scientific name]∶科学上采用的专业名称

  • 锈的学名为氧化铁

  • (2) [ones formal name used at school]∶小孩入学时用的正式名字

学名[xué míng]
  1. 食盐的学名是氯化钠。

    The scientific name for common salt is sodium chloride .

  2. 一个族级分类单元的学名,这类名称具有一INI字尾。

    The scientific name of a taxon at the rank of tribe . Such names have the suffix - INI .

  3. 这种综合征的医学学名为prosopagnosia,长期以来一直被看作是罕见的神经科奇症,且由脑损伤引起。

    The syndrome , known medically as prosopagnosia , was long thought to be a rare neurological curiosity that resulted from brain damage .

  4. 研究小组特别关注所谓的洗脑神曲,学名叫作“无意识音像”。

    In particular , the team focused on catchy2 earworms , technically3 known as ' involuntary musical imagery ' .

  5. 这种非常普遍的现象有个学名,我们称之为“大脑短路”。“大脑短路”是指暂时的大脑失灵,无法正确地进行推断。

    There 's a scientific term for this totally common phenomenon , which we like to call a " brain fart . " " Brain fart " is used to refer to a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly .

  6. Zhao实为同种,作了合并,有效学名为O。

    Zhao are the same species , the scientific name is O.

  7. 艾尔啤酒由面包师傅的酵母---酵母属酿酒酵母(学名为Saccharomycescerevisiae)酿制而成。

    Ales are made with baker 's yeast , Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

  8. 壳聚糖(CS)学名聚氨基葡萄糖,也称几丁聚糖,是甲壳素脱乙酰基后的高分子直链型多糖。

    Scientific name of chitosan ( CS ) is poly glucosamine , which is a polysaccharide of straight chain from chitin with de-acetyl .

  9. 终于,这两种酵母杂交形成了现在的拉格啤酒酿造商们使用的酵母,即酵母属巴斯德酵母(学名为Saccharomycespastorianus)。

    Eventually , the two yeast strains hybridised to form Saccharomyces pastorianus , the yeast used by lager brewers today .

  10. 内蒙古禾本科Gramineae植物新记录类群及学名订正

    The New Distribution Taxa of and the Revision of Scientific Names of the Plants of Gramineae in Inner Mongolia

  11. 一组以一种在酸奶和其它乳制品中经常发现的含乳酸杆菌属鼠李糖乳杆菌(学名为Lactobacillusrhamnosus)的特别液体培养基喂食。

    One lot were fed a special broth containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus , a gut-dwelling bacterium often found in yogurt and other dairy products .

  12. 它们的学名是Nylanderiafulva,这也是我把它们称为疯蚁的原因。

    Their scientific name is Nylanderia fulva , which is why I 'm calling them crazy ants .

  13. 乌头草(学名为Aconitumnapellus),因其花顶状似修女的头罩,通常被称为舟形乌头。

    Aconite ( Aconitum napellus ) is commonly referred to as monkshood because the top of the flower resembles the monastic head covering .

  14. 美国渐冻症协会表示,2014年风行的冰桶挑战募集了大量资金,已经帮助科学研究发现了与渐冻症相关的重要基因。渐冻症是渐进性神经退行性疾病,学名为肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)。

    The Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014 has funded an important scientific gene discovery in the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS , the ALS Association says .

  15. 罪魁祸首就是:白蛇根草(学名为Eupatoriumrugosum)——一种喜阴类植物,生长于美国东部和南部的森林中。

    The culprit : white snakeroot ( Eupatorium rugosum ) , a shade-loving weed native to the forests of the eastern and southern United States .

  16. 研究者给超级细菌起了一个学名“盐单胞菌属泰坦尼克号杀手”(H.titanicae)。来自加拿大以及西班牙大学的研究者称,这种超级细菌严重腐蚀沉船残骸的表面,同时也对钻油设备产生巨大威胁。

    The researchers from Dalhousie University , Canada and the University of Sevilla , Spain , say the bacterium could pose a new microbial threat to the exterior of ships and underwater metal structures such as oil rigs .

  17. 这是天堂鸟花(学名“Strelitziareginae”)种子的扫描电子显微照片。

    Scanning electron micrograph of a seed from a bird-of-paradise flower ( Strelitzia reginae ) .

  18. 亦称猫薄荷(catmint)。唇形科芳香草本植物,学名Nepetacataria。

    Or catmint . Aromatic herb ( Nepeta cataria ) of the mint family .

  19. 绿头苍蝇的学名是“Sarcophagi(中文意思为“石棺”)”,意思是“尸体食用者”。

    The blowfly 's scientific name is " Sarcophagi , " which means " corpse eater . "

  20. 霍根2010年在泰国托着一条80磅重、4英尺长的食狗鲶鱼(学名:Pangasiussanitwongsei)。

    Hogan holds an80-pound , 4-foot-long dog-eating catfish ( pangasius sanitwongsei ) in Thailand , 2010 .

  21. 犬科一种荒漠狐,学名Fennecuszerda。分布于北非、西奈(半岛)及阿拉伯半岛。

    Desert-dwelling fox ( Fennecus zerda ) found in northern Africa and the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas .

  22. 一只东部鼹鼠(拉丁学名:Scalopusaquaticus)重约75克,也就是说一摩尔的鼹鼠重:

    An eastern mole ( Scalopus aquaticus ) weighs about 75 grams , which means a mole of moles weighs :

  23. 北美西部具黑斑的鲑科游钓鱼类,学名为Salmoclarki。美洲黑石斑鱼营养成分分析与营养价值评价

    " Black-spotted game fish ( Salmo clarki ) of the salmon family , found in western North America . " Analysis of Nutrient and Evaluation of Nutritional Value for Centropristis striata

  24. 亚麻(拉丁学名:Linumusitatissimum),数千年以来一直是人类优质纤维的来源,如今不仅能用于纺纱织造,也被广泛应用于高性能复合材料等前沿领域。

    Flax ( binomial name : Linum usitatissimum ) has been a source of high quality fiber for thousands of years . It can be widely used for spinning , weaving , high-performance composite materials and other fields .

  25. 通过深潜器,资深研究员lonnylundsten带领的研究小组在加利福尼亚海岸离水面3316米-3399米深的海底发现了一种被命名为竖琴的海绵(学名:chondrocladialyra)。

    Using these deep-diving vessels , a team of researchers led by senior research technician Lonny lundsten discovered a species of harp sponge called chondrocladia Lyra off the coast of California , at depths of 3316 3399m .

  26. 她知道每一种花的一般名称和学名。

    She knew each flower by its popular and botanical names .

  27. 即在二名式命名法中的一个动物分类单元的学名。

    The scientific name of an animal taxon in binominal nomenclature .

  28. 科技期刊中物种拉丁学名及植物品种名规范新述

    Scientific names of species and cultivated plants in sci-tech periodicals

  29. 对十种林木病原真菌拉丁学名的讨论

    A discussion on 10 Latin names of trees pathogenic fungi

  30. 病毒的学名是猪生殖与呼吸障碍综合症。

    The scientific name is porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome .