
  • 网络Education certification;The University of Southern Queensland;The University of New South Wales;RMIT University;Queensland University of Technology;Central Queensland University
  1. 关于洋学历认证的话题

    Topics about the Authentication of Foreign Certificates

  2. 新西兰学历认证局还表示:“学生请愿不会对此造成任何变化。”

    It added : " There have been no changes as a consequence of the petition . "

  3. 同时,在高等教育全球化大趋势的影响下,人才的流动与交流机会越来越多,出国学习或工作已成为提升自身的重要途径,这就需要高等教育质量保障机构进行学分转换、学历认证。

    With the influence of higher education globalization , the opportunity of talent flow is increased , going abroad for study or work is an important way for developing . Therefore credit transfer and the educational qualification certification are necessary .

  4. 同时,现代远距离教育的社会性要求调整现代远距离教育的工作思路,变学历认证为知识认证,发展终身教育,提高全民素质。

    Sociality is the requirement of modern distance education and the anthor thinks it a must to adjust the working thought , to change from diploma authentication to knowledge authentication to develop lifelong education , and to improve the national quality .

  5. 目前在清华同方网络教育事业部工作,担任市场部项目经理,负责兰州大学、哈尔滨工业大学的远程教育合作、清华附中网校、清华大学电子学历认证等项目。

    Of Tsinghua Tongfang Corporation , responsible for the following projects : the remote education cooperation of Lanzhou University and Harbin Technology University , the Internet School sponsored by the affiliated Middle School of Tsinghua University , and Tsinghua University s Electronic authentication of diploma .

  6. 我国高等教育学历证书认证制度初探

    The Preliminary Exploration of the Our Country Higher Education Educational Background Certificate Attestation System

  7. 学历要求:认证护理专业的学士学位或大专学位

    Degree required : Associate 's or bachelor 's degree from accredited nursing program