
  • 网络School Net
  1. 吉姆麦克格雷斯是绿色特许学校网络网的总裁。

    Jim McGrath is president of the Green Charter Schools Network .

  2. 中等职业学校校园网设计与实施

    Design and Actualize the Campus ' Networks of Middle Vocational School

  3. 中专学校校园网规划建设和管理

    The Campus Network Program Building and Management of the Technical Secondary School

  4. 中小规模学校校园网建设的规划与研究

    The Layout and Research of Medium and Small-Scaled School Campus Network Construction

  5. 中小规模学校校园网网络流量控制策略

    The strategy of Small or medium size school campus network traffic control

  6. 高等学校校园网的设计与规划

    Projection and Design of High Grade School Campus Network

  7. 南昌水利水电高等专科学校校园网(CSnet)规划构想

    The Conception on Campus Network Programme of Nanchang Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric College

  8. 基于中等专业职业技术学校校园网解决方案

    Based on Secondary Vocational Schools Campus Network Solution

  9. 蒂姆代表学校参加网球赛。

    Tim plays tennis for his school .

  10. 高等学校校园网项目系统研究

    Systematic Research of College Campus Net

  11. 北京市电子工业干部学校校园网设计实施方案研究

    The Study of the Design and Implementation Plan on Beijing Electronic Industry Cadre School Campus Network

  12. 谈学校校园网建设

    The Construction of Campus Network

  13. 目前学校校园网工程项目已经基本建立,计算机应用得到了迅速普及。

    At present , the campus network project has been basically established ; computer application obtained a rapid popularity .

  14. 随着学校校园网的发展,开发基于校园网上的应用系统变得越采越重要。

    With the developing of the campus network , it is important to develop application system operating on campus network .

  15. 探讨了高等学校校园网集成化信息系统的总体设计问题。

    This paper discusses the overall design issues of education integrated information systems ( EIIS ) based on campus network .

  16. 依据朝阳师范高等专科学校校园网需求情况,提出了校园网入侵检测平台的设计模型。

    According to demands of the Chaoyang teachers ' college campus network , proposed the campus network IDS platform model .

  17. 该系统采用B/S架构,基于学校校园网,有着较高的实用价值。

    Based on the campus network , the system uses B / S architecture , which has a high practical value .

  18. 在学校校园网的安全管理中,常常需要获得每台上网计算机的和网卡IPMAC地址的对照表。

    In the safety management of computer 's internet , It is quite often needed to obtain IP and MAC addresses of every on_line computer .

  19. 以浙江省余杭市教师进修学校校园网的建设为例,就教师进修学校校园网络的设计思想、网络环境及功能分析等方面进行了探析。

    Illustrated by the construction of network in Yuhang teachers in-service training school , it was discussed the designing idea , network environment and functional analysis of the campus-wide net .

  20. 由于无盘windows2000的速度要比其他无盘技术要快的多,而且组网成本很低,非常适用于学校教学网。本文主要介绍无盘工作站的安装技术及具体操作时遇到具体问题的解决方法。

    The windows 2000 workstation without hard disk is applied greatly to the teaching net of school because of the higher speed and the low-er cost of this workstation than other workstations .

  21. 随着互联网的普及以及学校校园网建设的完善,在学校教育教学中网络的运用越来越普遍。

    With the popularization and completion of campus network construction of the school of Internet , the application of the network is more and more general in the teaching of school education .

  22. 文章以即将建成的河南沁阳师范学校校园网为背景,介绍了一个典型的校园网的网络构成及配置,并对在此网络上开展的多种多媒体业务做了详尽的描述。

    This paper introduces the components and configuration of a typical campus network based on the Henan Qinyang Normal College campus network , a variety of multimedia services over this campus network are also described in detail .

  23. 本文分析了我国高等学校校园网建设与应用的现状和存在的主要问题,对如何搞好高校校园网建设特别是应用提出了一些对策建议

    The paper analyzes the present situation and main problem in the construction and application of campus network . Furthermore , it puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the construction and application of campus network . Build up a harmonious university

  24. 本文以大连电力学校校园网规划和设计为背景,从校园网的概念及相关计算机网络技术入手,比较详细地论述了电力学校校园网设计与实现的整个过程。

    Concept and related technique that this text is with the Dalian electric power school campus network programming with design to background , and commence from the campus network , detailed treatise the programming of the campus network is with whole process that design .

  25. 高等学校文献信息网的建设与发展

    Construction and Development of Documentation Information Network in Universities

  26. 学校的校园网,在日常网络传输中应具备较高的可靠性和安全性。

    In order to improve the safety and reliability of network , some ideas can .

  27. 很多学校在校园网的建设中,都架设了流媒体服务器,以推动教学和科研活动。

    Many colleges install streaming media savers in constructing the campus-net in order to promote the teaching and research activities .

  28. 第五章以沈阳电力高等专科学校校园主干网的选型、中南大学校园网及其信息资源建设为背景,进行了实证分析。

    The fifth chapter mainly takes Central South University as an example to analyze its campuses network and its information resources construction .

  29. 尽管薪水不高,平均下来每月仅有200元,但曾吉莹却扩大了自己在学校的关系网。

    Although the pay was not high – 200 yuan per month on average – Zeng managed to expand her campus connections .

  30. 随着许多学校对校园网的进一步依赖和互联网的更加开放,网络安全事件开始见诸各所学校。

    As many of the school campus network and the Internet to rely on more open , network security incident began in schools .