
  • 网络school culture
  1. 突出教师自主成长的专业培训模式;4、学校文化的内在改变:(l)学校应转变职能,进行管理体制的改革;

    Changing the school culture : ( 1 ) reformation of the management system ;

  2. 学校文化与教师专业发展关系探析

    On the Relationship Between School Culture and Teachers ' Professional Development

  3. 通过数据的整理、分析,发现A中学和B中学学校文化中的问题,并提出针对性的建议。

    Through the statistical data , we found the problems of A and B schools ' culture , and suggested some proposals .

  4. 本研究率先提出了在我国高等学校文化素质教育中开设STS选修课,提高大学生科学素养的设想。

    The study brings upped to set up the STS elective course in the university 's cultural quality education for improving scientific literacy of university students .

  5. 优质的学校文化是学校发展的内在动力;

    Quality school culture is the internal impetus of school development ;

  6. 初中女生反学校文化是学校文化的组成部分。

    The school culture is the fundament of the prestigious schools ;

  7. 高职院校学校文化的理解与建设初探

    The research on understanding and construction of Higher Vocational Colleges culture

  8. 学校文化:行走于理想与现实之间

    School Culture : Steps in the Space of Ideality and Reality

  9. 加强学校文化建设,建立良性支援机制;

    Strengthening college cultural cultivation , instituting virtuous assisting mechanism ;

  10. 关于运动会融入学校文化艺术节的探索

    The Attempt of Turning the University Sports Meet into Sports Cultural Festival

  11. 适应新课程改革的学校文化建设

    Meet the School Cultural Construction of the New Course Reform

  12. 建设学校文化,积淀深厚的文化底蕴。

    We should build school culture and store up deep culture details .

  13. 伟人精神与学校文化建构的实践研究

    Practical Research on Great Men 's Spirit and Construction of School Culture

  14. 浅谈学校文化在学生心理健康教育中的作用

    The Function of School Culture in the Psychology Health Education

  15. 地方合并高校学校文化问题研究

    A Study on the College Culture of Local Merging Colleges and Universities

  16. 基于教师校本专业发展的学校文化建设

    The School Culture Construction Based on the School Specialized Development of Teachers

  17. 我国学校文化建设研究:成就与展望

    The Construction of School Culture in China : Achievements and Future Perspectives

  18. 发掘和培育草原学校文化

    On the Discovery and Cultivation of Grassland School Culture

  19. 寻找学校文化重建的策略和路径:抓住当前文化冲突时期的机遇;

    Looking for the way andstrategy : grasping the conflict of present culture ;

  20. 试论构建高校和谐校园的学校文化运行机制

    On School Culture Operating Mechanism for Establishing Harmonious Campuses

  21. 对艺术学校文化课教师素质的思考

    Thought on Literacy Teachers ' Quality of Art Schools

  22. 校长文化与学校文化的相生互动

    On the Interaction between Principal Culture and School Culture

  23. 发挥学校文化的育人功能全面培养过程人才

    Playing Educational Function of School Culture Cultivating Process-Oriented Talents in an All-round Way

  24. 体育学校文化教育改革设想

    An Assume of Reforming Cultural Education in Sports Schools

  25. 但不那么直接地,是在学校文化中缺少男性--

    But less directly , the lack of male presence in the culture --

  26. 摘要教师文化是学校文化的亚文化。

    Teacher culture is semi-culture of the school culture .

  27. 建设学校文化促进改革与发展

    Constructing Campus Culture , Promoting Reformation and Development

  28. 学校文化建设:组织文化的视角

    School Culture Construction : Perspectives of Organizational Culture

  29. 现代中小学学校文化关注的是人的生存方式和生命意义。

    Modern school culture pays attention to human 's living style and life value .

  30. 关于新课改背景下学校文化重建的思考

    School Cultural Reconstruction under the New Curriculum Reform