
  • 网络School income;colleges revenues
  1. 生均成本年度之间波动很大,原因在于学校收入的波动;

    The reason for the sharp fluctuation of the annual cost per college student lies in the ups and downs of the income of colleges .

  2. 这是一种运势的逆转:去年同期收集的数据显示,将近三分之二的学校收入比前一年有所下降。

    This is a reversal of fortunes : data collected at the same time last year showed a fall in revenues for nearly two-thirds of schools .

  3. 排名主要基于学员和客户的满意度以及学校收入增长、国际化程度和师资多样性等指标。

    The rankings are based principally on measures of participants " and clients " satisfaction , as well as the schools " growth in revenues , their international reach and faculty diversity .

  4. 高等教育成本是我国乃至国际高等教育发展遇到的现实问题和社会关注的热点,它的高低直接关系到学生学费的高低和学校收入的多少。

    High education cost is the realistic problem and the problem which attracts attention under native country and international high education development . Some of costs influence a student 's tuition and the income of a school directly .

  5. 自1999年第三次全国教育工作会议召开之后,为扩大招生规模,在满足社会需要的同时拓宽学校收入来源渠道,江苏、浙江两省的部分普通高校相继进行了举办民办二级学院的尝试。

    Since the third China educational meeting held in 1999 , in order to expand admission scale and broaden sources of revenue channels , some higher institutions in zhejiang and jiangsu province have tried to establish secondary colleges .

  6. 对高等学校创收收入管理的思考

    Thought on Income Management in Higher School

  7. 绩效工资能否稳妥有效地实施,是高等学校本轮收入分配制度改革的关键。

    Whether performance-related pay can be effectively implemented is the key of this round of reform .

  8. 近年来,政府拨款总量快速上涨,但其在高等学校总收入中的相对份额却不断下降。

    In recent years , total amount of government appropriation soars quickly , but its quotient in the higher education 's gross earnings descends continuously .

  9. 所以粗略地讲,私立学校毕业生收入高是因为他们往往有着更高的学历,同时学校也给了他们一些额外的东西,让他们的赚钱能力提高了6%左右。

    So , crudely put , pupils of independent schools earn more because they tend to get better qualifications , but also because the schools give them something else which adds about 6 per cent to their earning power .

  10. 同时本章还对乡村学校教员的收入水平了详细的考察。

    And it make detailed investigate for the income of the school teacher .

  11. 这地方的学校教师的收入为900美元。

    The annual income of school teachers in this place was assessed at $ 900 .

  12. 然而,越来越多的外国公司也在不断抱怨上海运营费用的飞涨,离开自己的祖国到这里来工作的高层人士面临着住房成本不断上升、国际学校匮乏和收入税率相对较高的局面。

    A growing number of foreign companies however are complaining about fast - rising operational costs in Shanghai , where senior expatriates face spiralling housing costs , a dearth of international schools and relatively high income tax rates .

  13. 这些学生与来自精英学校毕业生获得的收入一样多。

    They earned just as much as graduates form higher-status schools .

  14. 学校举行音乐会的收入将作为建游泳池的基金。

    The money from the school concert will go into the swimming pool fund .

  15. 中学生吸烟与学校类型和家庭收入等因素有关。

    The types of schools and the family income had effects on middle school students .

  16. 如果全球的语言格局正在改变,那么柬埔寨的一所学校正在把中文收入其中。

    If the global linguistic landscape is changing , one primary school in Cambodia is doing its part to embrace the Chinese language .

  17. 但是在否班主任、年龄、教龄、婚姻、学历、职称、学校地区和月收入不存在显著差异。

    However , there was not significant difference in headmaster , age , teaching age , marriage , education , job title , school located and monthly income .

  18. 过去十年,中国经历了一场高校扩招热潮,许多职业学校也摇身一变成为四年制本科学校,中国居民收入提高令更多家庭能够负担大学学费也助长了这种风潮。

    Over the past decade , China has embarked on a college-building spree that has seen many vocational schools turned into four-year colleges , a boom fueled by rising incomes that have enabled more families to finance such degrees .

  19. 过去10年,私立学校已率先利用中国实践了开办海外分校的新理念,这些学校创造的收入,可以为母校提供助学金来源,或者用于降低英国学生的学费。

    In the past 10 years , private schools have used China to pioneer the new concept of overseas daughter campuses that make money for the parent school to spend on bursaries or lowering fees for pupils in Britain .

  20. 在政府为学校这一利益集团所俘获的情况下,唯一能够得到实现的只有增加学校收入这个目标。

    In the condition that the government is swayed by schools as an interest group , the only goal that can be achieved is the increasing of school income .