
  • 网络KOL;academic leader
  1. 学术带头人的基本素质及培养

    Discussing the basic Qualifications and cultivation of the academic leader Academic Researches

  2. 本文分析了加强高校学术带头人队伍建设的意义。

    The paper analyzes the significance of strengthening the construction of academic leader contingent at colleges and universities .

  3. 论高校学术带头人的学术魅力和人格魅力

    The academic charisma and personality of an academic leader in university

  4. 原始创新是产生学术带头人的根本条件

    Original Innovation is the Radical Condition for Producing Academic Leading Person

  5. 学科建设是高等教育工作的核心任务,针对高校重点学科建设目标、学术带头人的培养及资源配备等,实现高等教育可持续发展。

    Discipline construction is the core task of universities ' education activity .

  6. 第四,付学术带头人钱是否影响他们的临床操作指南?

    Fourth , do financial payments to academic leaders influence clinical practice guidelines ?

  7. 大学中杰出的学术带头人,对培养高质量的毕业生具有十分重要的作用;

    Outstanding academic leaders in the university are very important to educate high quality graduates .

  8. 加强梯队建设,多形式培养学术带头人和学术骨干;

    Strengthening echelon construction by training academic staff who act as a mainstay in various forms ;

  9. 山西省小伙子学术带头人基金(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Shanxi Provincial Foundation for Leaders of Disciplines in Science , China ( Grant No. ) .

  10. 学术带头人是教师队伍中的核心,代表着一所大学的学术水平和声誉。

    Academic leaders are the core of teaching contingent , and represent the academic level and prestige of the university .

  11. 既有国内外知名的老一辈化学家,更多的是近年成长起来的年富力强的中青年学术带头人。

    Among the academic and technical staffs , there are famous chemists of old generation and more middle-aged academic leaders .

  12. 根据普赖斯定律确定核心作者102人,其中16位高产作者基本上都是我校几个主要学科的学术带头人和学术骨干。

    Based on the price law , the main contributor and 102 people , among them , 16 people are the leading academic figures in our university .

  13. 第二层次重点建设一支具有国内先进水平,保持有学科优势的学术带头人和高水平的高校教师队伍;

    The second is to focus on the construction of leading role academic and technological teachers with internal most advanced level and have superiority in branches of learning .

  14. 我们提供持续获得相当的网络产业和学术带头人,有经验的顾问,以及大量的资本和其他资源的需要。

    We provide ongoing access to a substantial network of industry and academic leaders , experienced advisors , and a significant amount of capital and other resources as needed .

  15. 结果表明,部分重点专科目前主要存在的问题是缺乏高层次、高水平的学术带头人,梯队建设不完善;

    The results show that in part of the key departments there exist at present these major problems : scarcity of high-level academic guides and other imperfections in echelon construction ;

  16. 调研问卷统计显示:61%中高层领导和55%基层员工认为管理人才和学术带头人是医院特别急需的人才。

    Research Questionnaire statistics : 61 % of senior leadership and 55 % of the primary staff think that the management personnel and academic leaders in particular need for hospital personnel . 2 .

  17. 摘要从创新团队发展过程中存在的一些问题出发,阐述了高校在自上而下构建高水平创新团队时,创新团队学术带头人所应具有的素质。

    This paper starting from the problem in the course of the development of innovation teams , elaborates the qualities that an academic leader should have when universities up-down construct high level innovation teams .

  18. 在高校的发展中,无论是学科专业建设,教师队伍的成长,还是人才培养质量的提高,都需要学术带头人的引领。

    The leadership and guidance of the academic leaders are needed in the development of colleges and universities , regarding disciplinary construction , growth of the teaching contingent , and improvement of talents cultivation quality .

  19. 有计划、有重点地培养中青年体育科技人才和学术带头人,提高北京体育科技的整体实力和效益。

    Give priority to training middle-aged and young sports scientists and technological expertise and academic leaders in a planned way and increase the overall strength and results of the sports science and technology in Beijing .

  20. 秦含章老先生今年98岁高龄,是我国老一辈著名的科学家和工程技术专家,也是我国食品科学技术和工业发酵与酿造技术的开拓者和学术带头人。

    QIN Han-zhang , famous scientist and engineering expert , also the pioneer and leading scholar in the field of food science and industrial fermentation and brewing techniques , is 98 years of age this year .

  21. 以高校大师级的学术带头人和科研骨干为核心,依托新的科研平台,大力培养和造就优秀科研团队和科研群体,组建高校的科研航母,提升高校的科研竞争力。

    To endeavor to educate and construct excellent research group , and organize the aircraft carrier of high school research to promote the competition ability dependent on the core of the academic leader so called virtuoso and the stem of research .

  22. 百岁老人秦含章是中国著名的科学家和工程技术专家,中国食品科学技术、工业发酵与酿造技术的开拓者和学术带头人。

    QIN Han-zhang , as the famous scientist and engineering technique expert in China and the leading scholar and the pioneer in the domain of food science techniques , industry fermentation , and fermenting technology , is 100 years old now .

  23. 体育学博士生教育肩负着为我国体育事业培养具备高素质、创造性高端人才的重任,其目的是专门培养各学科的学术带头人和技术骨干。

    The doctorate education of sports culture carries on the heavy task of fostering sports talents with high quality and creativity for Chinese sports cause , which aims at fostering special academic leaders and technical experts of various subjects in sports culture .

  24. 加强研究生导师的自身素质建设,建立以学术带头人为核心,以中青年教师为骨干,集体培养博士、硕士研究生的培养机制;

    As for the supervisors of the graduate students , they should try to improve their own quality so as to form a mechanism of aggregated student cultivation with the leading scholar at the core and with middle-aged and young teachers as the backbone .

  25. 高等学校有着学科众多和人才汇集的优势,有条件、有能力、有必要不断进行管理创新,探索和建立一批以学术带头人为核心的多学科集成的创新团队。

    Higher schools have the advantages to set up diversified disciplinary and talents reservoir . It is capable and necessary for higher schools to develop on management creation , explore and build a creative team which is made up by multi-disciplinary led by universities talents and academic leader .

  26. 建校近50年来,累计培养各类人才4万余人,一批毕业生已成为各行业高层次管理人才和杰出的学术带头人,其中有3人已成为中国科学院、中国工程院院士。

    In its about 50 years ' construction and development , more than 40 thousand graduates have been fostered . Many of them have become the high-level administrative personnel in different positions and taken the lead in academic fields , including 3 Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering

  27. 四川省举办中医药学术和技术带头人培训会

    The Training Workshop for TCM Academic Professionals of Sichuan Province

  28. 作者通过研究全军中医血液病专科中心的发展历程,认为搞好重点学科建设必须注重选择知名度较高的学术权威作为学科带头人;

    The author pointed out that subject construction must pay attention to selecting an authoritative academic institution as its subject leader ;

  29. 学术魅力是学术带头人影响力的基础,而人格魅力则是学术带头人引领学术团队不断前进的保证,其影响甚至要高于其学术魅力。

    The academic leader can not be responsible for leading a scientific team and developing a new career without academic impact and personality charisma .

  30. 体现理科学科建设成就的核心要素是学术成果、学科带头人和梯队、人才培养质量、学科研究方向、学科关键实验设备、学科运行机制。

    The core guidelines of science discipline construction are the main academic achievement , the discipline leaders and in sequence , the quality of the training of talented person , the research direction , the core experiment equipments , and the mechanism of discipline circulating .