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  • apprenticeship system
  1. 虽然英国政府已将振兴学徒制度列为一项政策重点,但教育检查服务机构——教育标准局(Ofsted)10月发布的一份报告称,他们走访的培养学徒的机构中,有三分之一提供的培训不合格。

    Although the British government has made boosting the apprenticeship system a priority , a report last month from Ofsted , the education inspection service , said that a third of the apprenticeship providers they visited offered substandard training .

  2. 学徒制度是英国古老的职业教育制度,经过了历史发展的巨大变迁,从形式到内容都打上了许多现代印迹。

    Apprenticeship system is an ancient system vocational education in Britain .

  3. 雇佣制度主要包括学徒制度和掌柜聘用制度两方面。

    The employment system includes apprenticeship system and the treasurer appointment system .

  4. 英国古老的学徒制度在今天又以其独特的魅力吸引着众多的学子,焕发了新的生机。

    The old apprenticeship system in Britain today attracts students with its unique glamour .

  5. 英国学徒制度的现代模式

    Modern Pattern of the British Apprentice System

  6. 德国人的比率最低为1.3,这多亏了其成功的学徒制度。

    Germany has the lowest ratio ( 1.3 ), largely thanks to its successful apprenticeship system .

  7. 学徒制度是近代以前职业教育的主要形式,起源于古代奴隶社会的养子制。

    Apprenticeship , which originated from fostering child system , was the main form of vocational education before modern times .

  8. 在学徒制度、技能训练和再训练等问题上,我们需要一种全新的态度。

    We shall need a totally new attitude to the problems of apprenticeship , of training and retraining for skill .

  9. 当今世界,英国的现代学徒制度和澳大利亚的新学徒制度都很有特色和代表性,所以有必要对这两国的学徒制度做一些比较。

    Modern Apprenticeship in the UK and New Apprenticeship in Australia can reflect the symbolic characters in the development of the apprenticeship .

  10. 如今,木匠行业依旧是一个受大众欢迎的职业,人们也仍似从前一般依照学徒制度学习木工。

    Today , carpentry remains a popular profession , with people learning the craft through apprenticeships , much as in the past .

  11. 澳大利亚成功的职业与技术教育体系的一个重要标志就是新学徒制度在各行业的普及和推广。

    The important marking of the successful occupation and technique education in Australia is a new apprentice system in each profession of universality and expiation .

  12. 与古老的学徒制度相比,现在的学徒制度形式更加灵活、内涵也有了很大程度的深化和延伸。

    Compared by the apprenticeship in ancient times , nowadays the content of the apprenticeship has been enriched and the kern of apprenticeship has been flexible .

  13. 文艺复兴时期西欧封建社会政治较为稳定,经济日益发达,行会得以普及,学徒制度呈现出繁荣景象。

    In the Renaissance , the feudalistic society of western European countries had steady politics and developed economy , thus guilds gained ground and the apprenticeship was booming .

  14. 德国的职业资格证书制度最早可以追溯到中世纪行会实行的学徒制度,此时已产生朴素的职业资格证书思想。

    Occupational qualification certificate system in Germany dates back to the apprenticeship of medieval guild system . At this time it had produced the simple thought for occupational qualification certificate .

  15. 学徒制度传承了古代文明,开创了职业教育史上的典范,启发了现代职业教育的制度创新,具有重要的历史意义。

    The apprenticeship had inherited and transmitted the antiquity civilization and had set up an outstanding example in the vocational education history and had enlightened the innovation of modern vocational education . It is of important historical significance .

  16. 要实行整个行业的学徒制,由整个行业负起责任。学徒制度是世界上最古老的职业教育形式。

    There will have to be apprenticeship with the industry as a whole , and the industry will have to take responsibility for it .