
xué kē dài tóu rén
  • academic leader;pace setter in scientific research
  1. 加强学科带头人培养提高医院综合院力

    Enhancing academic leader training to improve comprehensive hospital strength

  2. 积极探索学科带头人加创新团队人才组织新模式,深化教师聘任制改革;

    We will explore new modes of human resource management such as academic leader leading an innovative team and deepen the reform in academic staff employment ;

  3. KellyScientific是为化学家、生物学家等提供顶尖职位的网站。RichPennock认为,对学科带头人候选者的要求仍很高。

    At Kelly Scientific , which places chemists , biologists and the like from entry level through top officers , demand for candidates is still high , said Rich Pennock , who heads the unit .

  4. 某省医学学科带头人培养的影响因素研究

    Factors Affecting the Training of Medical Discipline Leader in Certain Province

  5. 中青年学科带头人的队伍建设

    The Group Construction of the Youth and Middleaged Talents in School Subjects

  6. 科主任在科室中既是学科带头人,又是科室的管理者。

    Department directors are both academic leaders and managers of their departments .

  7. 论临床学科带头人和科主任队伍建设

    Construction of Contingents of Clinical Professional Directors and Department Directors

  8. 在医学学科带头人中加强发展党员工作的新思考

    New Thoughts about Reinforcement of Developing Party Members in Medical Discipline Leaders

  9. 核心作者大多是学科带头人;

    The core authors were mostly leaders of subject areas .

  10. 因此,各高校必须采取措施聘任一批高素质的学科带头人改善这种状况。

    So , every university must take some action to satisfy the needs .

  11. 学科带头人和梯队建设的关系;

    The relationship between academic leaders and the building of the academic echelon ;

  12. 浅论高工专院校中青年学科带头人的选拔和培养

    How to Choose and Foster the Younger Subject Leaders in High Engineering College

  13. 选拔和培养学科带头人应注意的若干问题

    Problems on the Selecting and Training of Academic Leaders

  14. 医院学科带头人的选拔和任用

    Choosing and Appointing of Subject Heading Personal in Hospital

  15. 上海市卫生学科带头人的选拔培养和绩效分析

    Selection and cultivation of academic leaders in health sciences in Shanghai and performance analysis

  16. 地方高校学科带头人定位思考

    Reflection on Defining Subject Leaders in Local Universities

  17. 教学研究型大学学科带头人素质构成与对策思考

    Reflections on quality composition of discipline leaders in teaching & researching - typed universities

  18. 浅析新时期护理学科带头人心理素质的培养

    Primary analysis on fostering of psychological quality of nursing subject pioneers in the new era

  19. 之后,采用半结构访谈法具体研究了军事医学学科带头人的胜任特征。

    Thereafter , half-structured interview was done on the competency of military medical subject leaders .

  20. 结果和结论:构建了医院学科带头人考核评估指标体系。

    Results and Conclusions : Establish the index system for checking academic leaders in hospital .

  21. 中学中青年学科带头人培养模式研究

    Research of the Fostering Pattern of Youth and Middle Aged Subject Leading Teachers of Middle School

  22. 要明确研究方向,培养造就高素质的人才群体,其中最重要的是选准学科带头人;

    We should make clear our research orientation , and to educate personnel with high quality .

  23. 加速培养医学学科带头人的初步探索

    Probe into Medical Subject Leader Training

  24. 材料学学科带头人、博士生导师顾豪爽教授;

    Professor Gu haoshuang , the leading person of material study subject and the doctoral supervisor ;

  25. 在充当学科带头人的必要条件中,比个人学术水平更重要的,其实是与学术事宜有关的管理能力与人格品质。

    Among those essential conditions , what counts more is his administrative ability and moral quality .

  26. 竞争上岗机制在学科带头人选用工作中的实践与思考

    Application and Thoughts of the Employment System of Discipline Leader Competition for Posts at Colleges and Universities

  27. 从教师职业的专业化发展看学科带头人的培训目标

    Research the Training Aims of the Models of Each Subject on the Development of Teacher 's Specialization

  28. 建立了由20个条目组成的3个维度的军事医学学科带头人胜任特征访谈模型。

    A 3-dimension competency interview model for military medical subject leaders consisting of 20 items is established .

  29. 教师队伍整体素质的提高,需要学科带头人的带动。

    The improvements of the makings of whole teachers need to be accelerated by the subject leading teachers .

  30. 但高校学科带头人担任领导职务,牵扯精力,学术权威又使年轻科研人员固步自封。

    But academic leaders assume headship and deplete energy . " Academic authority " makes young researchers stuffy .