
  1. 第三章学校保护

    Chapter III Protection by the school

  2. 震后羌区学校保护羌族文化的意义及途径

    Significance and Ways of Protecting the Culture of the Qiang People by Schools in Qiang Autonomous District after the Earthquake

  3. 为什么你觉得不去学校就是保护自己

    Why would you want to protect yourself from school ?

  4. 学校会保护你们

    the school will protect you

  5. 校本课程开发提供了通过学校教育保护和传承教育民俗的重要手段,它是保护和传承教育民俗的希望所在。

    School-based curriculum development gives us hope , it provides us with a primary and significant method for protecting and passing down educational folk-custom through education .

  6. 三人离开学校的保护,离开自己爱的人们,冒险打倒伏地魔。

    The trio drop out of school and isolate themselves in order to protect their loved ones as they risk their lives over and over again to defeat Voldemort .

  7. 这是一个重要的人生步骤,也是你走出学校的保护罩、来到现实世界的时刻,但对有些人来说,这却是一件非常糟糕的事情。

    It 's an important life step and the moment when you step out the protective bubble of education and into the real world , but for some people , it goes very poorly .

  8. 学校的保护性因素体现在校方的明确认识,正确的教师观,师生沟通渠道的畅通,良好的同伴关系,有益的同伴学习,以及同伴威信的树立;

    Sheltered factors of school include clear understanding from school , correct attitudes on teachers , expedite route of teacher-student communication , good relationships between companions , useful companion studies and setting of authority in companions ;

  9. 你可以先在学校发表有关保护环境的演讲。

    You can first give speeches about protecting the environment at school .

  10. 高等学校知识产权保护的现状及对策

    The Current Status and Strategy of Intellectual Property Protection in Colleges and Universities

  11. 学校还必须保护犯罪嫌疑人谁可能仍与他们学校的受害者。

    Schools must also protect victims from suspects who may still be in school with them .

  12. 本研究主要探讨的是怎样在学校教育中保护小学生的人格权问题。

    My paper is focused on how to protect the pupil 's personality right in the school education .

  13. 我们希望藉合办这次挑战赛,深化与世界自然基金会的合作关系,同时加强本港学校对海洋保护的关注,罗博士说。

    We wish to further deepen our relationship with WWF by co-organizing this contest to enhance local schools awareness in marine conservation , she said .

  14. 香港文物奖旨在鼓励社会各阶层及学校参与文物保护或文物教育的工作,并表扬其杰出成就。

    The purpose of the Hong Kong Heritage Awards HKHA is to give recognition and encouragement to the community and schools for commendable achievement in heritage conservation or heritage education .

  15. 政府在上世纪70年代决定将马来语定为官方教学语言,这导致华裔和印裔族群开办自己的学校,以保护自己的母语。

    A government decision in the 1970s to introduce Malay as the common language for teaching led Chinese and Indian groups to start their own schools to preserve their mother tongues .

  16. 核实你的学校是否有提供保护胶的计划。

    Check with your school about whether it has a sealant program .

  17. 教育行政部门、学校应当将环境保护知识纳入学校教育内容,培养学生的环境保护意识。

    Educational departments and schools shall incorporate environmental protection knowledge into the curriculum of school education so as to cultivate the environmental protection awareness among students .

  18. 江西省弋阳县中华秋沙鸭保护协会的「在弋阳县主要中小学校、幼稚园普及保护中华秋沙鸭的科普知识及宣传教育」(人民币8804.4)

    Promoting the conservation of Scaly-sided Merganser in kindergartens , primary and secondary schools in Yiyang County by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society ( RMB8,804.4 )

  19. 事实上,我的合同里明确规定学校的员工有保护学生安全的责任,每个教师要为他的班级负责。

    In fact , the contract I signed explicitly stated that school staff are responsible for the safety of the students , and each teacher for his class .

  20. 为了提高高校的科技创新能力,为了保护高校科技创新的积极性,加强高等学校的知识产权保护十分必要。

    In order to enhance the capacity and protect enthusiasm for science and technology independent innovation , it is necessary to protect the intellectual property right of universities .

  21. 大学生权利的保护是实现教育法治的迫切课题,法治精神和权利至上理念要求学校管理尊重和保护大学生个体权利。

    Protection of the rights of university students is an urgent topic for realizing the regulation on education . Lawful spirit and the concept of right supremacy require schools to respect and protect the individual rights of university students .

  22. 队长同志今日对位于安菲尔德附近的詹姆斯·布勒格学校进行了一次特殊的访问。这座学校是为了保护利物浦的儿童而建造的。

    Steven Gerrard paid a special visit to the James Bulger House in Anfield recently as the unique project to protect the children of Liverpool prepares to become a reality .

  23. 然而到目前为止,我国在学校应急的理论和实践方面并没有形成系统,但事实证明,学校应急机制的的建立对学校安全的保护具有重要作用。

    So far , however , China is not forming the system of crisis response in school , but the fact that establish the school crisis response system is plays an important role to protect the school safety .