
  • 网络student information management system
  1. 基于VISUALFOXPRO的学生信息管理系统设计概述

    Design of Student Information Management System Based on Visual FoxPro

  2. 其中Struts负责表现层,完成页面显示、响应用户请求等功能;而Spring主要负责实现系统中业务逻辑层,完成学生信息管理系统中的业务逻辑和事务相关的处理。

    Struts presentation layer which is responsible to complete the page display , and other functions in response to user requests ; and Spring in the business logic layer is responsible for system , student information management system related to business logic and transaction processing .

  3. 基于MFC和ACCESS数据库的学生信息管理系统

    Students Information Management System by MFC and Access DB

  4. 本文主要论述了基于WEB架构,采用ASP技术设计与开发学生信息管理系统的实现方案。

    This paper mainly describes the realization scheme of the student 's information management system , which is based on Web structure and Asp technology .

  5. 本文具体分析了ASP有关特性,并以此设计实现了学生信息管理系统,该系统具有结构简单,功能丰富、安全性高等特点。

    This paper analyses characteristics of ASP and designs the information management system with the simple frame , multi-function and good security .

  6. 学生信息管理系统是为本校开发的,经过我们仔细分析,系统所采用的语言是VISUALBASIC,用MicrosoftAccess2000数据库完成。

    Students ' information management system for the school is developed , after we careful analysis , system used by the language is Visual Basic , complete with Microsoft Access 2000 database .

  7. 基于条形码技术的学生信息管理系统

    The Student Management Information System Based on Bar Code Technology

  8. 高校学生信息管理系统集成化研究

    Study on the integration of university student information management system

  9. 高校二级学院学生信息管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Student Information Management System for the Secondary College

  10. 基于网络B/S结构的学生信息管理系统设计与实现

    Designment of Student Information Management System Based on Network B / S Architecture

  11. 本系统是学生信息管理系统。

    System is the Student Information Management System .

  12. 研究生信息管理系统学生信息管理系统

    Research on The Students ' Information Management System

  13. 招生管理系统是高校学生信息管理系统的子系统。

    The college student enrollment management system is a subsystem of students'information management system .

  14. 最后实现的学生信息管理系统中包含了学生在学校的学习活动中的各个方面的功能,包括学生信息管理、文件管理、成绩管理、选课等。

    These functions included students information management , file management , score management and courses selecting .

  15. 而学生信息管理系统的推出使得学生的信息能更高效,更完整的录入,保存。

    While the application of Student Information and Management System makes students enter and save data more efficiently and completely .

  16. 建立高性能的学生信息管理系统能够极大的提高学生信息管理的效率。

    Establishing students information management system with high performance can greatly improve the efficiency of the students ' information management .

  17. 本系统是根据现代化校园的发展而设计的学生信息管理系统,主要包括学生基本信息管理、课程管理、学生成绩管理以及学生选课管理。通过本系统可以实现全校学生信息、成绩信息在线查询;

    This system involved the basic information of students including course management , marks of students , subject choosing , etc.

  18. 学生信息管理系统是学校必不可少的组成部分,它对于学校的决策者和管理者来说都是至关重要的。

    Student Information Management System is an integral part of the school , which policy makers and managers of schools is critical .

  19. 结合学生信息管理系统的开发,介绍了各环节设计步骤和经验。

    This paper introduces the procedure and experience of design in each link by combining the development of student information management system .

  20. 因此为了适应高校发展的需要,我们拟设计一个学生信息管理系统。

    So in order to adapt to the development of higher education , we need to design a student information management system .

  21. 分析了对学生信息管理系统建立安全方案的重要性,并提出了从网络级、系统级和应用级三个层次对系统建立安全防护机制。

    This paper focuses on the authentication protocol 's DoS attack weakness , and also presents the security solutions for protecting authentication protocols against DoS attack .

  22. 面对如此庞大的信息量,开发学生信息管理系统来提高学生管理工作的效率就成为必然。

    Faced with such a huge amount of information , development of student information management system to improve the efficiency of student management will become a necessity .

  23. 随着信息技术的发展,学生信息管理系统在整个学校管理系统建设中起着关键的作用。

    With the development of E-commerce technology , student information mana-gement system takes an important role in the construction of management information system for university management department .

  24. 论文在深入分析工作流技术的基础上,通过对高校学生信息管理系统的需求分析,提出了将工作流技术引入高校学生信息管理系统的设计方案。

    Through the requirement analysis of the college student information management system , the design that the workflow is conducted into the college student information management system is proposed .

  25. 这是一个综合的学生信息管理系统,能全面对学生的选课、成绩、教学等信息进行管理。

    It 's a integrated student oriented management system , which can implement an overall management to the students ' information such as course selection , scores , teaching plans .

  26. 学生信息管理系统主要是方便学生、老师或来访者对学生信息的查询等相关操作,实现学生信息管理的统一规范化。

    Student Information Management System is to provide students , teachers or visitors easy queries and other related operations , and the information management of students can be unified and standardized .

  27. 本论文介绍了学校学生信息管理系统的实现过程:包括系统分析、系统调查、系统功能设计、系统实现、数据库设计等。

    This paper has introduced the realization process of student information management system which includes system analysis , system investigation , system function design , system realization and database design and so on .

  28. 学生信息管理系统是一种融合管理科学、信息科学、系统科学、现代通信技术和电子计算机技术为一体的综合性先进管理手段。

    Students information management system is a kinds of advanced comprehensive management instrument , it is integrated with management science , information science , system science , modem communication technology and electronic computer technology .

  29. 本文首先介绍了学生信息管理系统研究的背景、意义及研究的内容,在此基础上提出了基于三层B/S架构的学生信息管理系统。

    This paper introduces the student information management system research background , significance and content of the study , based on this proposed based on three-tier B / S architecture student information management system .

  30. 其意义在于:1.管理更加科学,有规范性,使用学生信息管理系统对学生信息的管理更加规范,更加实用方便。

    Its significance lies in : 1 . The management more standardized and scientific . Using the management system of students information , makes management more standardized , information at a glance . 2 .