
  • School supplies;school things;stationery
  1. A:嗯,我会卖掉一些我不再用的学习用品。

    A : Well , I will sell some school things that I no longer use .

  2. 你可以买到学习用品,象练习本。

    You can buy school things , like exercise book .

  3. 于是他们带上了食物、衣服和学习用品。

    So they took with them food , clothing and study materials .

  4. 你考虑过最大限度地利用你的学习用品吗?

    Have you ever considered making the best use of your stationery ?

  5. 学习用品电子化已覆盖和渗透于学习过程中;

    Electronic devices have covered and penetrated into students ' learning process ;

  6. 只是在帮小哈利买学习用品。

    Just helping young Harry here buy his school supplies .

  7. 百分百没钱给孩子购买学习用品

    I 'm 100 % unable to buy my kids school supplies .

  8. 他经常从那家店买学习用品。

    He often buys school things from that store .

  9. 塑料制办公或学习用品一个大学院长的办公处。

    Office or school supply of plastics the official residence of a dean .

  10. 我们从没有享用过好的学习用品,也从没有穿过好衣服。

    We never had the proper school supplies or nice clothes to wear .

  11. 这家商店有很多种学习用品。

    This kind of fruit tastes very good .

  12. 本实用新型属于办公学习用品技术领域。

    The utility model belongs to the technical field of office and learning articles .

  13. 那商店卖学习用品。

    They sell school things at that shop .

  14. 下课时,准备好下节课的相关学习用品。

    While class dismiss , ready to related study thing of the stanza lesson .

  15. 他们知道孩子们能拥有学习用品至关重要

    They know it 's important for kids to have the right school supplies .

  16. 该组织还为孩子们提供其他服务,包括背包和学习用品。

    The group also provides services to other children , including backpacks and school supplies .

  17. 这家商店出售许多学习用品,比如钢笔、铅笔和尺子。

    The shop sells many school things , such as pens , pencils and rulers .

  18. 所以塔吉特为UP小学的700名学生每人提供一个装满学习用品的书�

    So Target is 700 backpacks to fill the school supplies each student up academy .

  19. 中外合作办学提供产品的性质与市场分析塑料制办公或学习用品

    Office or school supply of plastics

  20. 珍妮:是的,如你所见,我们正在买学习用品。

    Jenny : Yes , as you can see , we 're buying lots of school supplies .

  21. 对于大学新生来说,卫生用品、打印墨盒、宿舍装饰以及学习用品要占到很大一部分。

    Toiletries , printer cartridges , dorm decor and school supplies can take a chunk , for starters .

  22. 富朗宏每年都要带着孩子购买学习用品。

    Like she does every year , Phu Lang Huong is taking her children to purchase school supplies .

  23. 他和孩子家长一起去学校注册,组织为孩子们捐献学习用品的慈善活动。

    He went with their parents to register them for school and organized donation drives for school supplies .

  24. 所以他们派了75个志愿者到拉斯维加斯和600个书包装满了书和学习用品

    so they sent 75 volenteers to Vagas and they packed 600 backpacks filled with books lots of school supplies

  25. 要求员工参加一项公司赞助的项目(比如说,要求员工为贫困儿童准备学习用品)或许是一个不错的主意。

    Asking employees to participate in a company-sponsored program in which employees pack backpacks for underprivileged children is fine .

  26. 方法:用原子吸收法在质控条件下测定末稍血铅、空气、土壤及学习用品中铅的含量。

    Methods : the lead contents of distal blood , air , materials for learning were determined with atomic absorption spectrometry .

  27. 压岁钱多被孩子们用来购买图书和学习用品。

    The amount of gift money ranging from dozens to hundreds and the kids used to buy books and school supplies .

  28. 我有好多东西要买,例如,我要买些漂亮的衣服、学习用品和一些有趣的书。

    I have lots of things to buy , for example , I want to buy some nice clothes , school things and interesting books .

  29. 这些资金将用于叙利亚的绿色倡议提供急需的设备和用品,如食品篮子、发电机、卡车及学习用品。

    Funds will go to the Syrian In Green initiative which delivers urgently needed equipment and supplies like food baskets , generators , trucks , and school supplies .

  30. 联合国儿童基金会正在当地分发维修材料、提供学习用品和学习材料,帮助缅甸政府让受损的学校重新开学。

    The United Nations Children 's Fund , UNICEF , is helping the government reopen damaged schools by distributing repair materials , and providing school supplies and learning material .