
  • 网络academic art
  1. 克劳斯教授已成为学院艺术批评界的领军人物。

    Professor Krauss has been a moving force in the world of academic art criticism .

  2. 沃伦的大儿子是圣马丁学院艺术系的学生。

    Warren 's eldest son is an art student , at St Martin 's.

  3. 高师综合艺术教育声乐教学模式探析&以泉州师范学院艺术教育专业为例

    The Vocal Music Teaching Model of Art Education in Teacher Colleges

  4. 怀化学院艺术设计系教师作品

    Teachers ' Works from Art Design Department of Huaihua College

  5. 南昌航空工业学院艺术系教师作品选

    Picks of Works by Art Faculty of Nanchang Aeronautic Institute

  6. 年成为了学院艺术学院学生会办公室副主任。

    Founded in2010 to institute vice director of office of art college students .

  7. 泉州儿童发展职业学院艺术楼方案设计

    Art Building of Quanzhou College of Children Development design

  8. 论独立学院艺术类学生的英语学习策略

    English Learning Strategies of Art Students in Independent College

  9. 北京服装学院艺术设计系环境艺术设计作品

    Environmental Art Design Works from Art and Design Department of Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology

  10. 北京服装学院艺术设计学院教师作品选

    Teachers ' Work Selection of the Art Design College , Beijing University of Clothing Technology

  11. 西方学院艺术理论经历了一个产生和发展的历史过程。

    The art theory of western academic has undergone a historical process of and development .

  12. 简论成都理工学院艺术设计专业二次创业

    A Brief Exposition on Re - creation of Art Designing Major in Chengdu University of Technology

  13. 2005年毕业于郑州轻工业学院艺术设计系。

    The light art design of engineering institute of Zhengzhou will be to graduate from in2005 .

  14. 大连轻工学院艺术设计学院教师作品

    Works by Teachers from the School of Art & Design , Dalian Institute of Light Industry

  15. 而今,这个就读于四川美术学院艺术设计专业的22岁男孩儿,梦想成真了!

    Now , the 22-year-old art design major at Sichuan Fine Art Institute has achieved his dream .

  16. 莫斯科建筑学院艺术史·建筑史·城市建设史教学

    The Teaching of Art History , Architectural History and Civic Construction of the Moscow Institute of Architecture

  17. 探讨独立学院艺术设计专业的基础课程设置的原则、结构与内容。

    The principle , structure and content of curriculum of artistic design foundation course are probed into .

  18. 哈尔滨体育学院艺术体操教学中制约学生表现力的因素及对策

    The Factor and Countermeasure Limiting Students ' Performance Ability during Artistic Gymnastics of Harbin Institute of Physical Education

  19. 凝练特色·开拓创新&首都师范大学美术学院艺术设计系

    To Congeal Features and Exploit Innovations & The Art Design Department of The College of Fine Arts of Capital Normal University

  20. 浅谈高职学生的个性发展与教育构建专业平台突出个性发展&金陵科技学院艺术类应用型本科课程体系的改革

    A Brief Talk on Personality Development and Education of Higher Vocational College 's Student Construct Professional Platform , Stress Individuality Development

  21. 受试者是山东艺术学院艺术文化学院本科一年级以及三年级的学生。

    The subjects are the first graders and the third graders from College of Arts and Culture in Shandong University of Arts .

  22. 张某,1986年6月毕业于北京师范学院艺术系西洋画专业。

    I , Zhang , graduate in June 1986 from Western painting Division of the Art Department of Beijing Teacher ' College .

  23. 简洁的形体与丰富的空间&金华职业技术学院艺术楼创作回顾

    The Terse Shape and the Flowing Space & A Review on the Design of the Art Center in Jinhua Profession and Technology College

  24. 徐悲鸿事实上将西方学院艺术与写实主义运动的精神混淆了,这就给写实绘画开辟了一个功利主义的方向。

    As a result , Xu had combined the Western institutionalized art with the realistic movement , thus starting a new direction of utilitarianism .

  25. 同时涉及了西北师范学院艺术系、西安美术学院油画系等教育教学机构。

    Meanwhile , it also touches upon the educational and teaching institution such as Department of Art Northwest Normal University , Xi'an Art College and etc.

  26. 油画家张万凌,1954年出生,毕业于西北民族学院艺术系油画专业;

    The oil painter Zhang Wanling was born in1954.He graduated at Oil Painting Section , the Art Department of the Northwest Institute of Minor Nationalities .

  27. 佛罗伦萨的学院艺术馆主任弗兰卡·法莱蒂说,清洁工作将在五月底完成。这座著名的雕像就陈列在该艺术馆内。

    Franca Falletti , director of the Accademia Gallery in Florence where the statue is housed , said the cleaning would be finished by late May .

  28. 国立中央大学教育学院艺术专修科的西画教学,体现出以写实主义为主旨的美术教育思想。

    Western painting teams of the Art Major of the Education Department of National Central University has reflected the art education thought with the gist of realism .

  29. 滕霄是一位有着深厚学院艺术功底和修养的艺术家,从他的人体创作中便可明显地感受这一点;

    Teng Xiao is an artist with a profound academic background of both knowledge and cultivation , which from his creation of the human body we can feel clearly ;

  30. 本访谈录主要介绍了山东艺术学院艺术文化管理系的创办初衷,发展历程及前景;

    The interview mainly talks about the purpose of setting up the department of art Management of Shandong Arts College , the process of its development and the prospect ;