
  1. 丁衍庸赴日留学,翌年入东京美术学校。

    Ding Yanyong travels to Japan , and he enters the Tokyo Art School the following year .

  2. 早于1917年,关良东渡日本学习,毅然放弃学习数理科学,转读东京太平洋美术专科学校,在中村不折和藤岛武二指导下学习写实风格油画。

    In1917 , Guan had abandoned his studies on mathematics and science in Japan before he transferred to the Pacific Arts School in Tokyo .

  3. 1905年李东渡日本留学,考入位于东京上野公园内的东京美术学校,该学校的特色专业是西方油画和音乐。

    In1905 Li went to Japan to study at Tokyo School of Fine Art in Ueno Park where it specialized in Western painting and music .