
  1. 我国体育院校术科教师学缘结构问题研究

    Structure of Graduation School of Skilled Teachers of Physical Education Institute in China

  2. 进一步优化教师的学缘结构;结构机理学

    To further optimize the structure of graduation school ; Science of Structural Mechanism

  3. 教师学缘结构单一,99%毕业于新疆本地院校;

    99 % of the teachers are graduates of the local colleges and universities ;

  4. 教师学缘结构不合理,近亲繁殖现象较为严重;

    Irrational teachers in structure ;

  5. 体育教师的学缘结构中,沈阳体育学院所占比例偏大。

    Shenyang Institute of Physical education has a large proportion on the learning margin structure of PE teachers .

  6. 采取“送出去”、“引进来”的办法,建设合理的学科学术队伍,改善学科队伍的学缘结构;

    Sending out and bringing in methods should be adopted together to build up a reasonable talent team of discipline staff .

  7. 第二部分通过说文解字、语境分析等方式探讨高校教师队伍学缘结构的基本内涵。

    The second part through said , context analysis methods such as Chinese characters , to explore the basic connotation of university teachers learn edge structure .

  8. 通过对研究生年龄结构、学缘结构、观念素质结构的问卷调查和无记名书面反馈材料的研究,分析思想政治方面出现的新情况、新问题;

    The paper analyzed the new situation and new problems of the ideological and political education based on the structure survey of age , knowledge and idea quality .

  9. 中西高等学校教师队伍学缘结构比较研究当前高职教师队伍中的问题及对策研究

    On Comparative Research of Learning-structure of Teacher Groups between China and Europe The Problems of the Teacher Groups in the Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges and the Study of Its Countermeasure

  10. 教师学缘结构单一,74.1%的教师是由新疆本地院校培养,少数民族教师中,99%毕业于新疆本地院校。

    Besides , 74.1 % of the teachers are graduates of the local colleges and universities , and the percentage of minority nationality teachers who graduated from local higher institutions is as high as 99 % .

  11. 分析了当前普通高校体育教师队伍的情况,即年龄结构、学历结构、专业职称结构、学缘结构、知识结构不尽合理;

    It made an analysis of the current situation of teachers of PE in common universities and found that their structures of age , educational background , professional title and knowledge are unreasonable , and also their application level of modern education skill and foreign language level are low .

  12. 其次,对职称、学历、年龄、学缘等师资结构进行分类预测,管理者可以清晰的了解师资结构现状以及未来师资结构的需求。

    Secondly , from the structure of classification title , educational level , age , academic affiliation to forecast , managers can better understand the structure of teacher status and future needs of teacher structure .