
ɡuǎnɡ bō tǐ cāo
  • Broadcast gymnastics;setting-up exercises to radio music;physical exercises to radio music;broadcast calisthenics
  1. 参加做广播体操有益于身体健康。

    Participation in setting-up exercises to radio music is good for health .

  2. 第八套广播体操对人体各部位、关节和肌肉群运动功能的研究

    A Study on the Motion Function of the Eighth Setting-up Exercises to Radio Music to Skeletons , Joints and Muscle Group of Human Body

  3. 21世纪广播体操的发展走向探索

    A Probe into the Development Tendency of Broadcast Gymnastics in the 21st Century

  4. 广播体操的动作既要简单易学,又要高效。

    The motions should be simple and easy to learn while keeping high efficiency ;

  5. 中、日两国广播体操发展历程及运动负荷的比较研究

    Comparison and Analysis of Development Course and Workload of Broadcast Gymnastics in China and Japan

  6. 比如球类、广播体操、高尔夫球等。

    Such as ball games , setting-up exercise to music , golf and so on .

  7. 中等专业学校健美操、广播体操教学中运用合作学习教学策略的实验研究

    Study on Cooperative Instruction Teaching Method

  8. 第三套全国中小学生系列广播体操运动负荷评价

    Exercise Intensity of the Third Series of National Broadcast Gymnastics for Elementary and Middle School Students

  9. 福利工厂开展广播体操等活动,学校开设体育课。

    Welfare factories developed activities such as broadcast exercises , etc. and schools established physical education .

  10. 那么,就让我们以参加奥运会的梦想与光荣,赛好我们的广播体操!

    Well , let us dream of the Olympics and the glory of our broadcasting Cup Gymnastics !

  11. 经问卷调查,众多的问题阻碍了广播体操的顺利开展。

    The questionnaire survey , many of the problems of the block on the go on smoothly .

  12. 中学青春的活力广播体操特点剖析

    Dissecting the Characteristics Of the Setting & up Exercises to Radio Music Energy of the Youth ' of middle School

  13. 广播体操作为一项大众性体育运动健身项目,由国家自上而下推行具有鲜明的政策导向性。

    Radio gymnastics as a general audience sports fitness project , by national implementation has the distinct top-down policy directed .

  14. 广播体操看中去是很富有机械运动感的,表现欠好就会向动作分化表示意思向。

    The radio gymnastic exercises have strong sense of mechanical motion , and it 's easy to fall into the segment sketches .

  15. 广播体操是全面实施素质教育的重要体现,也是学校精神文明建设的具体体现。

    Broadcasting gymnastics all-round implementation of quality education is an important manifestation , is also a school of the concrete manifestation of spiritual civilization .

  16. 请听,中学生的旋律,青春的旋律,就在我们的广播体操中舞动起来了!

    Please listen to the melody of secondary school students , youth and melody , on the radio in our gymnastics up in the dancing !

  17. 我希望我的《第五套广播体操》系列油画能成一盘儿还有人吃的“大菜”!

    I hope that my painting series of " the5th version of radio gymnastic exercises " will become a tasteful dish and someone will enjoy it !

  18. 13.每一套广播体操基本上都是有810节操组成的,总节拍数在240拍320拍之间。

    13 . Basically , each set of broadcasting gymnastics composes of 8-10 sections , and the total number of rhythm is between 240 pats to 320 pats .

  19. 除了日常的广播体操练习外,还可以进行广播体操的比赛等等,多项目轮换法,开展模式多样化。

    In addition to the daily radio gymnastics practice outside , still can broadcast the gymnastics competition , and so on , many projects rotation method , develop diverse models .

  20. 主体教学法在第八套广播体操的教学中对学生练习情绪的保持与提高,教材的掌握效果,创新能力的培养和终身体育观的建立等方面都优于主导教学法的教学。

    This thesis discusses the application of " the three-teaching methods " in the course of the law basis , strenthens the results of the teaching and learning , thinking and practising capacity .

  21. 九套广播体操运动负荷强度中,从第一套至第七套成人广播体操的运动负荷强度是逐步缓慢上升,在第七套操上达到最大,随后又有所下降。

    In terms of the load strength in nine sets of broadcasting gymnastics , it is slowly rising from the first to the seventh set , and then declines on the maximum set of the seventh.10 .

  22. 每天30分钟的舞蹈时间代替原来政府要求做的广播体操,广播体操中国从1951年起对全国小学和中学要求的必做课间锻炼项目。

    The school 's new 30-minute dance routine has replaced the government-imposed broadcast callisthenics programme , a short workout that has been a requirement at every primary , middle and secondary school in China since 1951 .

  23. 广播体操其动作简单,节奏明快、健康全面、徒手便捷且老少皆宜,是一项适合不同身体条件的大学生锻炼的体育运动项目。

    Its action on the simple , rhythm and lively , health comprehensive , unarmed convenient and enjoyed by young and old , is a suitable for different conditions of college students ' exercise body of sports .

  24. 第九套成人广播体操在动作结构编排中与前八套相比较,单独安排设计了颈部运动,是广播体操更加科学、完善、全面。

    Compared to the first eight sets of adult broadcasting gymnastics in movement structure arrangement , the ninth set separately designs in neck movement , and turns out to be more scientific , consummate , and comprehensive .

  25. 大家都会做广播体操,但是很少有人知道广播体操的起源就是八段锦。八段锦就是古人创编的八节不同动作组成的一套医疗、康复体操。

    In China , I am sure that everyone knows radio gymnastic exercises , but seldom anyone knows it from eight sections brocade , which is a set of medical and healing exercises created by ancient people .

  26. 体操教学素材开设的顺序为:支撑跳跃、轻器械体操、广播体操、技巧、体育舞蹈、队列队形、团体操、艺术体操、韵律体操和健美操。

    The sequence of teaching contents for gymnastics should be vaulting horse , Light-hickey gymnastics , broadcasting gymnastics , floor exercise , sports dancing , alignment order , team gymnastics , artistic gymnastics , Rhythmic gymnastics and Aerobics .

  27. 我还保留着《第五套广播体操》的份子化合物塑料唱片,可是我家的老留声机多年不消,上满了弦也已经弹不归来了;

    I 'm still keeping the plastic record of " the5th version of radio gymnastic exercises " . But my old gramophone is out of use , and even it 's full-strung , it can 't bounce back .

  28. 广播体操心率均在最大心率的85%以下,表现为有氧能力的运动,其强度为中等强度以下的运动强度。

    The heart rates of the broadcast gymnastics performers are below 85 % of the maximal heart rate , representing that broadcast gymnastics is a sort of aerobic exercise , which intensity is below that of the moderate exercises .

  29. 如今,广播体操仍旧在电台上播出,但进行了重大调整,以便使大众为下一个阶段的“作战”做好准备&在电脑前长期、健康的工作。

    And now , while still broadcast over the radio , the exercise has been overhauled to prepare the masses for the next stage of the fight & a long , a healthy future in front of their computers .

  30. 九套成人广播体操首先以上肢运动为开始,其次以胸部运动、腰腹背部的运动为串联,最后以跳跃和整理运动为结束的固定创编模式。

    The nine sets of adult broadcasting gymnastics are in the fixed choreographing mode , starting from the upper parts movement , in tandem with the chest movement , waist abdomen expansion movement and finally ending with jumping and finishing movement . 8 .