
àn fàn
  • criminal;case criminal
案犯 [àn fàn]
  • [criminal] 作案后未被抓获或在审的人

案犯[àn fàn]
  1. 从何时起抓住重案犯被认为是妨碍组员行动?

    Since when is capturing a felon considered interference ?

  2. 苹果(Apple)曾对抗美国联邦调查局(FBI)提出的要求该公司提供特殊软件解锁圣贝纳迪诺(SanBernardino)恐袭案的案犯之一的iPhone的做法,最后FBI通过别的途径解锁了那部手机。

    Apple fought the FBI 's demand for special software to access the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists , until the FBI found another way to unlock the device .

  3. 伊万•博伊斯基(证券内幕交易案犯译注)通过和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)以及联邦检察官达成协议,没有采取陷入法律纠纷的金融家们一贯使用的伎俩逃到不会引渡美国逃犯的国家。

    By striking a deal with the SEC and federal prosecutors , Ivan boesky avoided the hoary tactic of financiers in legal trouble & the quick flight to a country that will not extradite U.S. fugitives .

  4. 美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米近日表示,FBI用于破解圣贝纳迪诺枪击案案犯的iPhone5C的方法并不适用于新款的iPhone。

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation 's secret method for unlocking the iPhone 5c used by one of the San Bernardino shooters will not work on newer models , FBI Director James Comey said .

  5. 我什么时候见过警探夜捕重案犯。

    When I see a police detective moonlighting for a convicted felon .

  6. 案犯作案失败的归因研究

    Research on the Imputation of the Failure of Committing Crimes

  7. 和案犯手机的数个号码吻合。

    Matches several calls on the kidnapper 's phone .

  8. 这是他的案犯照片栏,这里有7000个臭名昭著的嫌疑犯的照片

    This is his rogues gallery , mug shots of 7000 known lawbreakers .

  9. 而这一切的源头,案犯照片栏早在120多年前就开始了

    And it all began with the rogues gallery over 120 years ago .

  10. 案犯供认了自己的罪行,听候法庭发落。

    The prisoner confessed his crime , and cast himself on the mercy of the court .

  11. 根据当地的惯犯法,格兰姆斯已经是“四次案犯”,加上本次,他已经五次犯下罪行。

    Grimes is a " quad " offender under the habitual-offender law following five previous convictions .

  12. 她写的第一本书《在武力的阴影下》是有关巴厘岛爆炸案犯的。

    Her first book ," In the Shadow of Swords ", was about the Bali bombers .

  13. 据官方报道,每起越狱尝试都是以失败告终,而绝大多数案犯都或遭杀死或遭迅速重捕归案。

    Officially , every escape attempt failed , and most participants were either killed or quickly re-captured .

  14. 然而,阿拉伯翰·林肯,案犯们想要杀害的那位伟人的精神,却没有死亡。

    Yet the spirit of Abraham Lincoln , the man conspirators tried to kill , does not die .

  15. 越来越多的人疑心被判入狱的爆炸案犯实际上是替罪羊。

    There is a growing suspicion that the men who were jailed for the bombing were in fact innocent .

  16. 的确,报告显示,弗吉尼亚理工大学的枪击犯是亚洲人,但是绝大多数其他特大枪击案犯都是白人。

    Yes , reports indicate the Virginia Tech gunman was Asian ; but almost every other mass shooter has been white .

  17. 人们相信他们三人溺死在了旧金山海湾而官方也将他们列为了据推测已溺死的失踪案犯。

    The trio are believed to have drowned in the San Francisco Bay and are officially listed as missing and presumed drowned .

  18. 紊乱犯罪现场是案犯犯罪行为的物化反映,储存着犯罪主体及相关事物的信息。

    The disordered criminal spot is the objective reflection of criminals act and contains the information about criminal subjects and relevant things .

  19. 现在警方正全力搜寻案犯归案。一个年轻的生命,就这样离世,伟康呼吁社会各大娱乐场所,加强安保措施,以免此类事件再次发生。

    A young life , so death , Wei Kang call on major entertainment venues , to strengthen security measures to prevent such incidents from happening again .

  20. 生产和销售含有三聚氰胺混合物的两名案犯被判处死刑。三聚氰胺是一种化学物质,被用来掩盖稀释牛奶中蛋白质含量较低的事实。

    Two men who made and sold milk tainted with melamine , a chemical used to disguise low protein content in diluted milk , were sentenced to death .

  21. 但根据德州法律是谁开的枪并没什么影响,因为两名案犯都承认曾向死者开过枪。

    It was unclear which of the two men had fired it , but under Texan law it made no difference , since both admitted to shooting at him .

  22. 但是在1937年和1962年的越狱尝试中,案犯却消失得无影无踪,虽然他们被推测已死,但这却引发了不少认为他们越狱成功的流行理论。

    However , the participants in the 1937 and 1962 attempts , though presumed dead , disappeared without a trace , giving rise to popular theories that they were successful .

  23. 研究表明,造成一种严重水稻疾病的真菌实际上并不是唯一的案犯。这一研究对保护水稻这种主要作物和人类健康都有影响。

    Fungi blamed for a serious rice disease are in fact not the sole culprits , according to findings that have implications for protecting both a major crop and human health .

  24. 本文通过对一起特大抢劫杀人案件中案犯心理痕迹的分析研究,指出心理痕迹在侦破案件中的作用。

    The article points out the role of psychological trace in cracking the case through the analysis and study of the psychological trace of the criminal of and exceptionally violent murder .

  25. 拦截战术作为警察处置突发事件、打击刑事犯罪的快速反应机制组成部分,对于有效遏止犯罪、捕获案犯、维护社会秩序,发挥着重要的作用。

    Intercepting tactics as a part of quick reacting system to deal with unexpected incidents and fight criminal crimes is very effective in fighting crime , arresting suspects , maintain social order .

  26. 凶杀案现场勘查中对凶杀案案犯自杀于现场的认定依据从以下几个方面分析:现场是否有死者以外的人进出的痕迹;

    The evidences of confirming the suicide of criminals in the spot investigation of murder cases should be analyzed from the following respects : whether there is any mark besides those of the dead ;

  27. 针对近期发生的乳粉丑闻,我国相关部门已抓获涉嫌生产、销售“雅培”和“贝因美”冒牌婴幼儿配方乳粉的案犯9人。

    Chinese authorities have arrested nine people in a recent milk powder scandal , which involved the production and selling of fake baby formula under the brands of " Similac " and " Beingmate . "

  28. 在最近的犯案中,斯旺森表示,格兰姆斯曾作为二次案犯坐了四年牢,只因为他在达乐公司偷了一双袜子和一条裤子。

    In the most recent of the convictions , Swanson said Grimes accepted a four-year jail sentence as a double offender after being caught stealing a Dollar General store of a pair of socks and trousers .

  29. 对由于法律原因未被追究责任的共同致害人,共同犯罪中已死亡刑事被告人的法定继承人,在逃同案犯都可以成为附带民事诉讼被告人。

    The common person inflicting injury who is not pursued for liabilities for legal reasons , heir at law of the criminal defendant who has died in the complicity and accomplice at large may be also defendants in incidental civil actions .