
àn qíng
  • case;details of a case;leading points of a legal case
案情 [àn qíng]
  • [details of a case;leading points of a legal case] 案件发生的过程、情况

案情[àn qíng]
  1. 他们聘请了一位最好的律师帮他们陈述案情。

    They hired a top lawyer to plead their case .

  2. 由于起诉案情有破绽,他被判无罪。

    He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case .

  3. 报纸对案情的报道有误。

    The newspapers misreported the facts of the case .

  4. 对他不利的案情大多为间接推测的。

    The case against him was largely circumstantial .

  5. 法官责令双方律师要紧扣案情。

    The judge instructed both lawyers to stick to the facts of the case .

  6. 案情复杂。

    The detail of a case is complicated .

  7. 案情未详。

    The details of the case is unknown .

  8. 现在案情已经清清楚楚了。

    The case is now absolutely clear .

  9. 案情已经查实。

    The facts of the case have been verified through a careful investigation .

  10. 案情相当复杂。

    The case is very complicated .

  11. 一名了解案情的官员说,FBI探员周一前往罗素的父母家,收集了罗素的DNA样本,这是一连几天的谈判的结果。

    One official familiar with the case said agents went to the house Monday to collect a DNA sample from Ms. Russell , the culmination of days of negotiations .

  12. 当艾略特•斯皮策(EliotSpitzer)担任纽约州总检察长时,他和他的高级助手们有时会用心理测试来分析案情。

    W hen Eliot Spitzer was New York attorney-general , he and top aides would sometimes use a mental exercise to puzzle out cases .

  13. 本文通过对优朋普乐诉TCL一案进行案情介绍和分析,引出关于互联网电视制造商版权间接侵权责任的探讨。

    This article through to " The Excellent Friend Pollock v. TCL " case introduction and analysis of a case raises about copyright indirect infringement liability of Internet TV manufacturers .

  14. 你的案情报告中,漏掉了一个很重要的细节。

    You left out an important detail in your case report .

  15. 告诉你的律师全部案情,告诉你的医生全部病情。

    Tell your whole case to your lawyer and your doctor .

  16. 第一部分为案情简介。

    The first part is the brief introduction about the case .

  17. 法院有专门规定案情摘要的形式和内容的规则。

    Courts have rules governing the format and content of briefs .

  18. 这有助你更快了解此案案情。

    They might help you get ahold of my case faster .

  19. 我有些案情摘要需要校对。

    I 've got some pretty compelling briefs that need proofing .

  20. 去停尸房的路上我再给你说案情。

    I 'll brief you on the way to the morgue .

  21. 我们有些法官已声称案情就是如此。

    Rain of our judges have claimed that this is the case .

  22. 我让他熟悉了案情。

    I acquainted him with the facts of the case .

  23. 这个证词使整个案情完全改观了。

    This testimony puts quite a new face on the whole matter .

  24. 我希望能弄清案情的真相。

    I wish I could get at the facts in this case .

  25. 案情代表了反诽谤法的新动向。

    The case represents a new development in the law of libel .

  26. 他们聘请了能请到的最好的律师为他们陈述案情

    They employed the best lawyer they can get to plead their case

  27. 他们也应该到案情分析室。

    They 'll be in the murder room as well .

  28. 法官向陪审团概述案情。

    The judge summed up the case for the jury .

  29. 第一部分是案情概述。

    The first part is an overview of the case .

  30. 你们案情简单,就不用审判了,没问题吧?

    You just as soon not have a trial , no fuss ?