
biàn gēng
  • change;alter;alteration;variation;modify;vary;transform;become different;move over
变更 [biàn gēng]
  • (1) [change;transform]∶改变,更改

  • 变更所有制

  • (2) [become different;alter]∶某些方面(如尺寸、大小、进程、安排或倾向)变得不同,但通常实质不变

  • 变更作息时间

变更[biàn gēng]
  1. 结论是,需要作出的变更程度很低。

    It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low .

  2. 这项法律的变更来自媒体和公众的通力合作。

    It took the combined efforts of both the press and the public to bring about a change in the law .

  3. 这些变更须经法院认可。

    These changes will require the sanction of the court .

  4. 报告的结论是,无须作任何重大变更。

    The report concluded that no substantive changes were necessary .

  5. 他们一天也未变更过他们的节目。

    They have never altered their programmes by a single day .

  6. 大会越权作出变更。

    The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes

  7. 他说他支持保持连续性,反对变更。

    He said he stood for continuity rather than change .

  8. 他们得知时已是木已成舟,无法变更了,他们为此越来越恼火。

    They became increasingly annoyed that they were being presented with a fait accompli .

  9. 这些变更将于4月开始实行。

    The changes will be introduced in April

  10. 请务必立即执行变更!

    Please be so kind as to see to it that all the alterations are made at once !

  11. 董事们当断则断,承认自己选错了人,并且作了人员变更,这样做是正确的。

    Directors are right to cut their losses , admit they chose the wrong man and make a change .

  12. 正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。

    Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte 's extraordinary working life .

  13. 该合同经过修改变更了最后期限。

    The contract was amended to change the deadline .

  14. 时间如有变更,我们将尽快通知你们。

    We will inform you of any change of time as soon as possible .

  15. 这些价格可能变更。

    These prices are subject to variation .

  16. 我们变更了计划。

    We have modified our plan .

  17. 第五十二条原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。

    Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims .

  18. 例句:最后期限的变更让大家都手忙脚乱。

    The changing of deadline threw all of us into confusion .

  19. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。

    A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus .

  20. 我想变更飞行班次。

    I want to change my flight .

  21. 变更对拥有土地的使用必须经地方规划当局批准。

    Permission for any change in the use of the land owned has to be obtained from the local planning authorities .

  22. 第十五条注册商标需要变更注册人的名义、地址或者其他注册事项的,应当提出变更申请。

    Article 15 . Where , after the registration of a trademark , the name , address or other registered matters concerning the registrant change , an application regarding the change shall be filed .

  23. 自书、代书、录音、口头遗嘱,不得撤销、变更公证遗嘱。

    A notarial will may not be revoked or altered by a testator-written will , a will written on behalf of the testator , a will in the form of a sound - recording or a nuncupative will .

  24. 自然人享有姓名权,有权依法决定、使用、变更或者许可他人使用自己的姓名,但是不得违背公序良俗。

    A natural person enjoys the right to name and is entitled to determine , use , change , or allow others to use his name in accordance with law , provided that public order and good morals are not offended .

  25. 经公安消防机构审核的建筑工程消防设施需要变更的,应当报经原审核的公安消防机构核准;

    For fire control design for construction project approved by relevant public security fire control institution , in case the design needs changes , it shall be submitted to the previous public security fire control institution granting the approval for examination and approval ;

  26. �居民身份证有效期满或者登记内容有变更、更正或者证件严重损坏不能辨认时,应当按照规定申报换领新证;

    When the term of validity of a resident identity card has expired , or the items registered in it need be modified or corrected , or the card has been so seriously damaged that what is registered becomes illegible with a new card according to the relevant provisions ;

  27. 为了配置RationalQualityManager软件中的变更管理服务,您可以按照下面的步骤进行操作

    To configure the change management service in Rational Quality Manager software , follow these steps

  28. 在典型的Web环境中,应用程序资源可能6个月才会变更一次。

    In a typical Web environment , application resources might change only every one to six months .

  29. 使用Java™建模来编辑/变更源代码

    Using Java ™ modeling to modify / change source code

  30. 变更状态为Resolve,并保存这个工作条目。

    Change the state to Resolve and save the work item .