
  1. PWM变频器电源逆变器输出滤波器分析

    Analysis for PWM Power Inverter on Export Filter

  2. 并通过单片机产生PWM驱动脉冲控制变频器电源输出频率的随机可调;

    PWM pulse produced by microcontroller control frequency of the converter power adjusted at random .

  3. 系统采用精确的仪表作为电量测试单元,配备霍尔传感器,适用于各种变频器电源供电状态下的电量测量。

    This system that adopts precision instrument as test units of electricity quantity , and equips with Hall sensor is used for electricity quantity test of various transducer power in power supply state .

  4. 双微机控制的正弦波输出交&交变频器低频电源

    The Double Micro-computer Controlled sine-wave Cyclo-converter Low Frequency Power Supply

  5. 基于直流支撑的起重机用变频器后备电源方案

    The Solution of the Backup Power Supply for Inverter in Crane Based on DC-BANK

  6. 石油水处理自动控制中,变频器的电源反馈和电磁感应对自动控制系统中的采集信号、控制信号等弱电信号会产生较大干扰,使其无法正常工作。

    In automatic petroleum water treatment , transducer will disturb the sample signals and control signals .

  7. 本文论述了交交变频器低频电源的工作原理,设计了MCS-8097、MCS-8098双微机控制的交交变频器低频电源系统。

    The cyclo-converter low frequency power supply is described in this paper . The development of double micro-computer ( MCS-8097 , MCS-8098 ) controlled cyclo-converter low frequency power supply system is discussed .

  8. 分析结果认为:变频器输出电源的频率和相位与供电电源频率和相位不同步是造成计量系统产生故障的主要原因。

    The results show that the frequency and phase position of frequency converter output power are out of phase with that of supply power , which is the main reason leading to metering system breakdown .

  9. 本文针对龙门刨床机械式进刀量控制机构的结构特点,采用PLC为主控制器,以变频器作为控制电源,结合变速箱传动机构,研制了一种龙门刨床刀架自动进给控制系统。

    With the double housing planer mechanical feed control characteristics , this paper developed one kind of automatic feed control system of double housing planer combined with PLC controller and converter control power supply and gear-box drive .

  10. 随着蓄电池在国民生产各部门广泛应用,例如农业、林业、铁路、邮电、矿山、港口、电力系统、计算机UPS系统、通用变频器及特种电源系统等。

    With more and more widely use of the storage battery in several fields of nation , such as agriculture , forestry , railways , post and telecommunications , mine , port , power systems , computer UPS system , converters and special power systems .

  11. 高频谐振逆变器将电池组的直流电压逆变为20kHz的高频交流信号,由高频变压器分配给系统的各个部分,采用零电压开关技术的高频交流脉冲密度调制变频器作为变频电源驱动电机,推动车辆行驶。

    The inverter changes battery DC voltage into AC signal with 20 kHz , which is distributed as power sources for different equipment in EV by the transformer . Using zero voltage switching the PDM converter allows low distortion synthesis of single AC for induction motor drive system .

  12. 电网电源频率的变化或者使用变频器作为变频电源对异步电动机进行调速运行都是属于异步电动机在非额定频率下运行.有时候,在引进的各种各样机电产品中部分设备的驱动电动机系采用60Hz的电源。

    Both the variation of mains power frequency and use of frequency converters as frequency-converting power source to do governing operation for asynchronous motor are called the operation of asynchronous motor at non-rated frequency . Some driving motors integrated in various imported machines and equipment run on 60 Hz power .

  13. 高压变频器与工频电源之间软切换方式的研究

    Research on Soft-switching mode between high-voltage inverter and fundamental frequency power supply

  14. 变频器供电的电源电压和电流是非正弦的,存在着高次谐波。由此引起了附加铜损耗、附加铁损耗及谐波杂散损耗。

    For the motor supplied from converter , the waves of the supply voltage and current are non-sinusoidal and contain higher harmonics , thus cause additional copper loss , additional iron loss and harmonic stray loss .

  15. 并根据电机的实际接线,利用连接矩阵得到电机与不同频率、电压的两个独立电源相联的特性方程,这个方程能仿真电机、变频器与供电电源间的相互作用。

    These matrices represent the internal connection of stator coil groups and the final connections to two independent three-phase supplies of different frequencies and voltages . The resulting model of electrical performance and the associate torque equations simulate the interactions among the machine , the converter and the utility supply .

  16. 随着电力电子变换和控制技术的发展,在现代工业中,采用脉冲宽度调制(PWM)方式逆变器的综合性能不断提高,其应用范围也日益广泛,如变频器、不间断电源(UPS)等。

    As the development of power electronics and control technology , the performance of inverters using pulse width modulation ( PWM ) has been gradually improved .

  17. 变频器控制系统回路电源的监控及自投

    Monitoring and automation start of converter control system circuit power sources

  18. 交直交变频器按照交流电机电源电压的控制方法的不同,分为电压型和电流型两种。

    Pay-Direct-cycloconverter supply voltage AC motor in accordance with the different control methods are divided into voltage-and current-mode two .

  19. M215A型高速内圆磨床采用电动砂轮主轴,电动砂轮轴从静止变频器获得高周波电源;

    Electric wheel spindle is used in M215A highspeed internal grinder , which acquire high frequency electric power supply from static frequency converter .

  20. 如果选用本系统作为变频器的后备保护电源,则能完全避免市电电压暂降带来的危害,防止上述情况的重复发生。

    Choosing this system as a backup protecting power supply to transducers may avoid the harm in case of voltage sag , so that the above-mentioned damages may be prevented .

  21. 在分析双馈调速原理的基础上,引入双变量交-交变频器作为转子三相电源,设计一双馈调速系统,并进行了实验分析。

    On basis of the analysis to the double feeding back velocity regulation principle , bi-variant AC-AC transducer serves as three-phase power supply to design a double feeding back velocity regulation system , and which is made experimental analysis .