
  • 网络Power module;Power Supply;DC-DC;psm;IPM
  1. 电源模块为系统控制电路、变频驱动电路、变送电路、DSP芯片提供不同要求的电源。

    The power supply module provides the control circuit , the drive of frequency conversion circuit , transaction circuit and DSP with different power supply .

  2. 在本文的第四章,主要介绍系统的硬件设计,其中包括主要的三个模块的设计:供电电源模块、功率驱动模块、DSP控制模块。

    In this third chapter , it mainly introduces the hardware system design , including the three main design modules : power supply modules , power drive modules and the DSP control modules .

  3. 其中主要包括数据采集AD、网络传输以及电源模块的设计。

    The data acquisition AD module , network transmission module and power module are mainly included .

  4. AD系列智能型电源模块出厂前为确保产品质量,已经严格检测。

    YK-AD series intelligent power module is detected strictly before leaving factory to ensure product quality .

  5. 目前,国内外主要是利用CAN(ControllerAreaNet)作为电源模块间的通信规范。

    At present , CAN ( controller area net ) is often used for the communication criterion of the distributed Inverters ' controller .

  6. 硬件系统主要包括DSP模块、电源模块、AD转换模块、扩展存储器模块、USB传输模块。

    The system mainly includes modules of DSP , power , AD conversion , extended memory and USB transportation .

  7. 串联IGBT在加速极电源模块中的应用

    Application of the Series IGBT in Accelerator of Power Supply

  8. 新型PZT驱动电源模块的设计与实验研究

    The Design and Experimental Study on New PZT Driver Module

  9. 在完成硬件设计的基础上,对系统的时钟性能,电源模块性能进行了测试。最后,对GPS接收机中频抗干扰算法进行了研究。

    Tests the clock performance and the power performance of the system . Finally , studies the IF anti-jamming algorithm for GPS receiver .

  10. 广泛应用于电源模块、航空航天、汽车电子、LED照明、太阳能组件密封、水处理、过滤器等诸多领域。

    Widely used in power modules , aerospace , automotive electronics , LED lighting , solar modules sealed , water treatment , filters and many other fields .

  11. 矩阵开关技术在通用ATS电源模块自检中的应用

    Matrix Switch Used in Power Module Self-Test of General ATS

  12. 硬件部分主要分为4个模块,分别是信号采集模块、DSP处理模块、ARM工程模块及电源模块。

    The hardware circuit can be divided into four modules : signal acquisition module , DSP processing module , ARM engineering module and power module .

  13. 另外,完成了电源模块设计、时钟电路的设计、门限电平产生电路设计、串口转USB接口电路设计。

    In addition , the power modules , the clock circuit , a threshold level circuit and the USB interface circuit were implemented .

  14. 通信POL电源模块ATS的设计

    A Design of ATS for Communication POL Power Module

  15. 其中,接收天线的选取、天线座到模块RFIN端的50欧姆阻抗匹配设计以及电源模块的设计等都在本文中作了详细阐述。

    The selection of receiving antenna , the 50 ohm impedance matching design and the design of power modules are elaborated in the paper .

  16. 同时,对电源模块、编程模块和Ethernet接口模块等功能模块的搭建进行了详细描述。

    At the same time , the function modules ( power module , programming module and Ethernet interfacing module ) are designed in detail .

  17. 本文设计的系统采用DSP控制器作为硬件核心,硬件系统由信号采集模块、人机接口模块及电源模块等三部分构成。

    System of this thesis design adopts DSP controller as hardware core , hardware system gathers by signal module , man machine interface module and power module .

  18. 该平台分为FPGA系统模块、光学器件驱动模块、信号调理模块以及电源模块四个部分。

    The platform includes four parts : the FPGA system module , the optical devices driver module , the signal conditioning module and the power module .

  19. 对各个模块进行详细设计,基带板的主要模块包括基带处理模块,时钟与接口模块,AD模块,DA模块和电源模块。

    Detailed design every module including base processing module , clock and interface module , AD module , DA module and power module . 4 .

  20. 硬件电路包括电源模块、DSP系统、存储模块、A/D转换模块和双端口RAM通讯模块等。

    Hardware circuit including the power supply module , DSP systems , memory modules , A / D conversion module and dual-port RAM communication module .

  21. 该电路设计方案包括DDS模块、滤波放大模块、ARM控制模块、液晶显示模块、FPGA模块以及电源模块等。

    The circuit includes DDS module , filter and amplification module , ARM control module , liquid crystal display module , FPGA module and power module .

  22. 电源模块采用CPU、载波模块、3G模块等各自供电,以增强其抗干扰能力。

    The power module adopts CPU , carrier module , 3G module and so on to supply power respectively in order to enhance its anti-interference capability .

  23. 该冗余架构能够实现对电源模块、CPU模块、通信模块、数据同步链路及I/O模块的冗余容错。

    This redundant architecture can achieve the fault-tolerant function when fault happens in the modules such as power-module , CPU module , communication module or synchronization module .

  24. 其中包括主要的五个模块的设计:A/D采样模块、功率驱动模块、保护电路模块、供电电源模块和DSP控制模块。

    Including the design of the five main modules : the A / D sampling module , power module , the protection circuit module , power supply module and DSP control module .

  25. 硬件电路设计采用模块化设计方法,共分为四个模块:图像采集模块、FPGA模块、单片机控制模块和电源模块。

    The hardware circuit uses modular design method and the whole design is divided into four modules : image acquisition module , FPGA module , MCU control module and power module .

  26. 整个系统由5个模块构成,分别是电源模块,单片机模块,DDS模块,USB通信模块和显示与按键模块。

    The system is made of 5 modules , which are power module , SCM module , DDS module , USB communication module and Man-Machine modules separately .

  27. 主要介绍了通信电源模块的电磁干扰(EMI)源、抑制电路设计方法及一些应用的实例。

    This paper introduces the electromagnetic interference source of the communication power supply module , the designing method of inhibit circuit and some application examples .

  28. 开关电源模块的电磁兼容性(EMC)问题常常是制约我国通信电子产品出口的一个重要原因。

    The electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) of the switch power supply module has always been a problem that restrains the export of our electronic communication products .

  29. 硬件部分包括电源模块、主控芯片模块、非接触读写模块、SPIflash存储模块,以及天线的设计与调试。

    Hardware is composed of power module , main control chip , contactless reading and writing module , spi flash memory module , design and debug of antenna .

  30. 250W带功率因数校正整流电源模块的研制

    Study of 250 W AC / DC Rectifier Module with PFC