
  • 网络pwm;pulse width modulation
  1. 介绍了基于DSP的硬件控制系统,脉宽调制技术及矢量控制的基本原理。

    The elementary principles of hardware control system based on DSP , PWM and vector control are introduced . 3 .

  2. 脉宽调制技术(PWM)是电压源型逆变器(VSI)的共用及核心技术,总体上讲,它的理论基础可以分为基于时域的冲量等面积原理和基于矢量空间的矢量等效原理。

    The PWM technology is a global technique applied to the control of voltage source inverters ( VSI ), and its basic theory can be classified into the pulse area equal principle based on time and equivalent vectors principle based on space .

  3. 运用脉宽调制技术(PWM)使其具有良好的稳定性和自保护性能;

    The supply is provided with stability and self-protect performances as using pulse width modulation ( PWM ) technology .

  4. 基于Walsh变换的特定谐波消除脉宽调制技术在动态电压恢复器中的应用

    Application of Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Technique Based on Walsh Transform in DVR

  5. 采用脉宽调制技术和CMOS互补H桥驱动技术实现了直流伺服电机的控制和驱动功能;

    It adopts the technology of pulse width modulation and CMOS H-bridge drive to accomplish the function of controlling and driving DC servomotor ;

  6. 并介绍了SVPWM脉宽调制技术,论述了其理论依据和实现算法。

    The SVPWM pulse modulation technology and its theoretical basis and implementation algorithm were introduced .

  7. 在逆变环节采用SVPWM脉宽调制技术,其输入量采用双闭环控制的输出量。

    Applying SVPWM Technology in invert segment , regard double loop output as PWM input .

  8. 应用于VSC-HVDC输电系统中的新型混合脉宽调制技术

    A New Hybrid PWM Technology Used in the VSC-HVDC Transmission System

  9. 本课题引入了数字时分割(PWM)脉宽调制技术,在测量的准确性、硬件电路的简化等方面都比模拟乘法器具有较高的优越性。

    The subject inducts digital time division technology ( PWM ), Which is more advantageous at the accuracy and the predigest of hardware than simulant multiplication .

  10. 逆变电路部分,通过对脉宽调制技术和全桥逆变电路的分析,选用了SPWM控制方式。

    And by analyzing pulse width modulation technology and full-bridge inverter circuit , SPWM is chosen in the inverter circuit .

  11. 控制单元具有实时数据信号采集和系统控制功能,根据采集的数据信号,确定电动机输出的目标电流,利用PWM脉宽调制技术,通过H桥式电路控制电动机的输出电流和转动方向,实现助力转向功能。

    The control unit was able to realize real-time data / signal acquisition and system control . The target current of motor output could be determined by the obtained data ;

  12. 该系统采用了正弦脉宽调制技术、微机控制的数字SPWM逆变器和软件为基础的控制模式。

    The SPWM technique , digital SPWM convertor controlled by MCU and software based control mode are used in the system .

  13. 在对伺服控制技术做了研究分析后,我们确定以矢量控制策略、SVPWM脉宽调制技术、智能模糊控制技术作为炮塔伺服控制器的核心控制技术。

    In this servo system , the main control technologies are vector control strategy , SVPWM technology and fuzzy control technology .

  14. 基于空间矢量脉宽调制技术SVPWM(SpaceVectorPulsewidthModulation)电流谐波少、转矩脉动小、噪声低等优点设计了一种高性能的SVPWM三相逆变器系统。

    Owing to less current harmonics , lower torque ripple and lower noise of SVPWM ( Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation ) technique , a three-phase SVPWM inverter system is designed with high performance .

  15. 基于平均意义上的动态模型,采用模糊自适应PID控制算法和脉宽调制技术设计了半导体致冷器冷端的温度控制系统。

    Based on average linear dynamic model of a thermoelectric cooler , a temperature control system was designed for the cold end temperature of the thermoelectric cooler by using fuzzy-PID algorithm and Pulse Width Modulator .

  16. 在硬件系统上结合MSP430单片机的外围模块,采用脉宽调制技术(PWM)实现了对光电容积脉搏波信号的自动增益调节;

    On the hardware system , we adopted the PWM tenology integrating the peripheral module of MSP430 MCU to fulfil the auto-baseline regulation , which eliminate the volume of the prototype .

  17. 对于转子位置传感器及其检测电路的硬件设计、PWM脉宽调制技术的实现、IGBT逆变单元的设计,以及串行通讯接口的设计进行了详细的描述;

    It also introduces : 1 . the hardware design of rotor-position sensor and its detecting circuit ; 2 . the utilization of PWM technology ; 3.the design of IGBT reverse conversion unit ;

  18. 系统利用PWM脉宽调制技术和智能控制策略来满足超声电源输出功率恒定;同时对输出频率进行跟踪,保证除垢效果。

    System uses PWM technology and intelligent control strategies to meet the ultrasonic output power constant . At the same time , in order to ensure the scale removal effect , I track the output frequency .

  19. SVPWM(SpaceVectorPulsewidthModulation)是从电压空间矢量的角度出发,提出的一种新型脉宽调制技术。近年来,SVPWM技术广泛的应用于各种变频调速的场合。

    Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation is a new pulse width modulation technology based on voltage vector space . These years , svpwm technology has been used widely in many situations of adjustment of the speed by frequency conversion .

  20. 为此,本文利用同步重复PI控制方法,基于电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术(SVPWM),实现对光伏并网电能质量的控制。

    For the above reasons , the text adopted synchronous repetitive and PI control which based on the voltage space vector pulse width modulation ( SVPWM ) to optimize the power quality of the system .

  21. 本研究用普通的三位四通液压电磁开关阀作为控制阀,应用PWM脉宽调制技术,采用线性二次型最优控制原理,实现了推拉式气垫运载平台行驶过程中各种位姿的精确定位。

    Normal electromagnetic valve is used as the control valve in the study Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM ) method and linear optimal control principle are applied here to achieve the accurate location in walking process of pushing-pulling air-cushion platform .

  22. 在介绍统一潮流控制器(UPFC)的构成、电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术及带有UPFC单机无穷大系统的数学模型之后,采用两种控制策略来设计UPFC。

    The paper introduces structure of a unified power flow controller ( UPFC ) voltage-space-vector PWM control technique and the mathematics model of single machine infinite power system including UPFC .

  23. PWM(脉宽调制技术)DC-DC技术作为功率电子学领域的重要分支,在航空航天、工业以及家用电器等领域的开关电源以及特殊电源中得到广泛应用。

    As an important branch of power electronics , PWM ( pulse width modulation ) DC-DC technology has been widely used in aerospace , industrial and home appliances and other fields as well as special power supply .

  24. 第二部分采用多输入单输出的自组织模糊神经网络和dq轴解耦控制策略并结合电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术来维持节点电压及电容器端电压的稳定。

    Self-organizing fuzzy neural network of multi-input-and-single-output , d-q axis decouple control and voltage-space-vector PWM control technique are adopted to regulate voltage on bus and voltage on direct circuit capacitor .

  25. 利用数字信号处理器(DSP)和正弦脉宽调制技术(SPWM)产生三相正弦波形(10HZ~400HZ).并给出了实验结果。

    Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) and Sine Pulse Width Modulation technology are used to generate Three-Phase SPWM wave ( 10HZ-400HZ ) . The Experimental results are given .

  26. 其次,详细分析了永磁同步电机转子磁场定向电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术的原理,采用的控制策略,基于MATLAB环境,对电压空间的矢量控制进行功能模块化设计,实现仿真。

    Then , a detailed analysis of permanent magnet synchronous motor rotor field oriented space vector pulse width modulation technique principle , and control strategy is given . In the MATLAB environment , design the functional modular of the voltage space vector control and implement simulation .

  27. 以风力发电项目为背景,应用电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术(SVPWM)的控制方法,分析了永磁同步电动机矢量控制原理并研究了永磁同步电机的控制策略。

    A novelty space vector pulse width modulation ( SVPWM ) technique for the two-phase inverter-fed asynchronous motors system is proposed , which can be widely used in the low or middle power level field .

  28. 第一部分采用电流预测的dq轴解耦控制策略结合电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术来调节线路有功功率及无功功率。

    Two control strategies are applied to design UPFC . Electric current forecasting d-q axis decouple control and voltage-space-vector PWM control technique are employed to regulate active power flow and reactive power flow .

  29. 因此,如何有效地实现有功、无功独立调节的解耦控制就成为了一个重要的研究课题。本文首先研究了空间矢量脉宽调制技术(SVPWM)在VSC控制中的应用。

    Therefore , how to effectively realize the decoupling control for separate adjusting of real and reactive power has become an important research topic . First , the application of the SVPWM in the VSC-HVDC is investigated in detail .

  30. 介绍了一种线电压脉宽调制技术(LVPWM),分析了其调制原理。

    This paper describes a new line voltage pulse width modulation ( LVPWM ) principle and analyzes the modulation theory .