
  1. 蚁蛉科脉序名称研究(脉翅目:蚁蛉科)

    Study on terminology of wing venation of Myrmeleontidae ( Neuroptera )

  2. 中国巴蝶蛉属分类研究(脉翅目,蝶蛉科)(英文)

    A taxonomic study on the genus baes NAVs from china ( neuroptera , psychopsidae )

  3. 蛇蛉目和脉翅目均是昆虫纲中的小目,全世界已知种数不超过5000种。

    Both Raphidioptera and Neuroptera are small orders , with a little more than 5000 described species all over the world .

  4. 本文报道了湖南省茶树害虫天敌昆虫资源调查的结果,共查明天敌昆虫95种,分属膜翅目12科、鞘翅目4科、双翅目1科和脉翅目3科。

    A survey on the insect natural enemies of tea pests was carried out in Hunan province , 1988  ̄ 1992 . More than 95 species which belong to the Hymenoptera , Coleoptera , Diptera and Neuroptera were found .