
cǎo líng
  • lacewing;lacewing fly;Chrysopa perla;lacewinged fly
草蛉[cǎo líng]
  1. 三种草蛉卵在棉株上的垂直分布及时间格局

    Vertical distribution and pattern of green lacewing eggs in cotton plants

  2. 他把装草蛉虫的空口袋揉成一团,转过脸来看哈利。

    He crumpled up the empty lacewing bag and looked at Harry .

  3. 一系列研究结果均表明,转Bt基因抗虫棉对中华草蛉的生长发育和繁殖无不良影响。

    A series of studies showed that transgenic cotton had no adverse effects on the growth and reproduction of C. sinica .

  4. 经SDS-PAGE分析,结果表明:大草蛉的卵黄蛋白由165kD和46kD的大小2个亚基组成。

    SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the vitellin was composed of two subunits , one large 165 kD and one small 46 kD .

  5. 草蛉幼虫各虫龄对棉蚜的捕食功能反应均符合HollingⅡ型。

    Predatory functional response of C. sinica each instar larva was consistent with Holling ⅱ model pattern .

  6. 通过GC-MS系统测定了大草蛉雌虫体内保幼激素Ⅲ滴度的变化,从中可以看出大草蛉体内保幼激素滴度的变化与卵黄蛋白发生存在明显的相关性。

    The titer variation to juvenile hormone of female worms was detected by GC-MS system , from which there was an obvious correlation between variation regularity to juvenile hormone and vitellogensis 's regularity in Chrysopa septempunctata .

  7. 各处理间草蛉卵的孵化率无显著差异。

    There was no significant difference in egg hatchability between treatments .

  8. 四种草蛉生活史和习性的研究

    Studies on the life histories and bionomics of four species of green lacewings

  9. 广州地区草蛉种类与习性

    Species and habits of green - lacewing in Guangzhou

  10. 淡绿色草蛉,发出难闻的气味,幼虫食肉。

    Pale green unpleasant-smelling lacewing fly having carnivorous larvae .

  11. 用蒸馏水沉淀法对大草蛉的卵黄蛋白进行了初步纯化,而后又采用离子交换层析和蛋白胶回收的方法对卵黄蛋白进行了进一步的纯化;

    Ion exchange chromatography and proteic gel recovery were used to purify it further .

  12. 这说明,掌握适宜温度释放草蛉,可提高其捕食作用。

    The searching efficiency ( E ' ) of the predator varied with temperature .

  13. 果园周边天然草地上的草蛉群落多样性指数最高,周边菜地上的草蛉群落多样性指数最低;

    The diversity index of green lacewing communities in natural grassland is the highest ;

  14. 释放中华草蛉作为综合防治桔全爪螨的一项措施

    Field release of Chrysopa Sinica as a strategy in the integrated control of Panonychus citri

  15. 本文记录了采自浙江省莫干山区4种草蛉。

    This paper records 3 genera 4 species lacewings from Mt. Mogan of Zhejiang Province .

  16. 用喷雾法释放草蛉卵防治害虫

    Spray Chrysopa eggs for pest control

  17. 绿色草蛉虫的一个变种。

    A variety of green lacewing .

  18. 研究显示,邻近林带处的草蛉和蜘蛛数量明显更多。

    It also shows that adjacently forestry belts the number of lacewings and spiders are distinctly added .

  19. 陕西黄土高原果园草蛉群落多样性的研究

    Studies on the Diversity of Green lacewing Communities in the Orchards of Loess Plateau Area in Shaanxi Province

  20. 本文叙述了广州地区10种草蛉的生活习性和季节消长。

    The present paper deals with the seasonal variation and habits of 10 species of common green-lacewing in Guangzhou .

  21. 你书读得太多了。罗恩说,把一些死草蛉虫倒在蚂蟥上面。

    You read too much , Hermione , said Ron , pouring dead lacewings on top of the leeches .

  22. 由此可见,转基因棉对中华草蛉的捕食作用无不良影响。

    Therefore , the transgenic cotton had no harmful effects to the predation of C. sinica larva . 4 .

  23. 在夏季草蛉群落的多样性指数最高。

    The diversity index of green lacewing communities gets the highest in summer , and then it begins to decline .

  24. 一个可能性是市场上可以买到制好的配料,如熬好的草蛉虫。

    One possibility is that pre-prepared potion ingredients can be bought on the open market , for example , pre-stewed lacewing flies .

  25. 天敌有瓢虫、猎蝽、盲蝽、花蝽、胡蜂、草蛉、食蚜蝇等昆虫及蜘蛛12种;

    Its enemies have 12 species including ladybug , Pirates , fleahopper , flower bug , vespa , Chrysopa , syrphus fly and spider .

  26. 用Y形嗅觉仪进行的生测表明茶二叉蚜和蚜害茶梢复合体挥发物显著引诱门氏食蚜蝇和大草蛉。

    The Y-olfactometer bioassays showed that the volatiles from tea aphids and tea aphid-damaged tea shoots ( PHC ) strongly attracted Sphaerophoria menthastri and Chrysopa septempunctata .

  27. 在马铃薯、苜蓿和菜豆地释放草蛉,成活率均较小麦上为低。

    The survival rates of the lacewings released in fields of potato , alfalfa , or vegetable beans were all significantly lower than that released in wheat fields .

  28. 在棉花生长期间,瓢虫、蜘蛛和草蛉三者的总数均为玉米诱集带>处理棉田>对照棉田。

    The distribution of ladybirds , green lacewings and spiders during cotton growth period was : the trap corn > the treatment cotton field > the contrast cotton field .

  29. 捕食性天敌主要有瓢虫、草蛉、食虫蝽、隐翅虫和蜘蛛,但是发生数量低、数量高峰明显滞后于害虫数量高峰。

    Predacious natural enemies included ladybirds , lacewings , predacious bugs , rove beetle and spiders , but populations were low and lagged behind the population peaks of insect pests .

  30. 在430亩小麦上接种释放草蛉,6月上旬放蛉区内玉米上的草蛉成虫密度较不放蛉区玉米上明显增加。

    Release of C. sinica in 430 mu of wheat fields resulted in a significant increase in the adult numbers on corn in the releasing area , compared with that in the non-releasing area .