
cǎo duī
  • haystack
  1. 在LadyGaga干草堆一样的假发背后是一个值得我们研究的个例,那就是如今在音乐商业领域获得成功的代价究竟是什么?

    Underneath Gaga 's haystack wigs is a case study of what it takes to succeed in the music business today .

  2. 对于较小的碎片,这些分布与地面望远镜、干草堆雷达的测量结果一致,同时也与LDEF卫星和航天飞机的测量结果一致。

    For smaller sizes , these distributions are adjusted to be consistent with the flux measured by ground telescopes , the Haystack radar as well as the flux measured by the LDEF satellite and the Space Shuttle .

  3. 那只斗牛狗也伸长腿在狗窝前的草堆上懒洋洋地躺着。

    The bull-dog lay stretched on the straw outside his kennel .

  4. 一天,他打扫院子时,发现乱草堆里有7个鸡蛋。

    One day while sweeping the compound he discovered seven eggs in a pile of straw .

  5. 埃弗里把青蛙装进兜里爬上了干草堆。

    Avery put the frog in his pocket and climbed to the hayloft .

  6. 一只雄鹿被猎狗赶出了巢,只得躲进一个农家小院里。他闯进一个满是公牛的牛棚里,拼命挤进空牛栏的干草堆中,藏了起来,但是他的鹿角却一直藏在外面。

    A stag , chased from his lair1 by the hounds , took refuge in a farmyard , and , entering a stable where a number of oxen were stalled , thrust himself under a pile of hay in a vacant stall , where he lay concealed2 , all but the tips of his horns .

  7. n.干草干草堆放久了就会自燃。

    A stack of hay will self-ignite if it stays for a long time .

  8. 就象在草堆里面找根针一样。

    It will be like finding a needle in a haystack .

  9. 我们在这儿是在干草堆里找针。

    We 're looking for a needle in a haystack here .

  10. 罗伯特藏在一个干草堆后,等着那男孩子。

    Robert hid behind a haystack and waited for the boy .

  11. 当然会把钱藏到你能找到的最大的草堆里。

    You put it in the biggest haystack you can find .

  12. 在那低洼的草地上,干草堆集如山。

    On the low meadow there are mountains of hay .

  13. 他把摩根撞到干草堆那边了。

    He 's pushed Morgan towards the hay bale there .

  14. 干草堆里找一针。(大海捞针。)(海底捞月。)

    Look for a needle in a bundle of hay .

  15. 姐跟那个人跑到干草堆上去了。

    Elder sister ran to haymow to go up with that person .

  16. 一列过往火车迸发出的一些火花点着了干草堆。

    Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire .

  17. 许多荒冢在烂草堆中隆起,

    Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap ,

  18. 那头狐狸在草堆附近挖了几个洞。

    The fox burrowed several holes near the haystack .

  19. 山、塔、草堆的坡面

    The side of the mountain , tower , haystack

  20. 他在干草堆下,睡熟了。

    He 's under the haycock , fast asleep .

  21. 一根针在干草堆里会突显的。

    A needle would stand out in a haystack .

  22. 到谷仓去,在草堆上等着。

    Go to the barn , settle down on the hay and wait .

  23. 他早在干草堆里睡着啦!

    He 's under a haystack , fast asleep .

  24. 阁下,请你把草堆里的箱子递给我。

    Here , you sir , give me that box out of the straw .

  25. 他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。

    He 'd been sleeping rough for a week , in ditches and haystacks .

  26. 青草在草堆中发起热来。

    Green hay heats in a mow .

  27. 想想鸟群或者是草堆在有风吹过的时候是如何反应的。

    Consider a flock of birds or a field of grass reacting to the wind .

  28. 越狱的囚犯们一直躲在干草堆里,直到搜寻者离去。

    The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack until the searchers had gone away .

  29. 罗伯特抓住他,把他放在草堆顶上。

    Then Robert took hold of him and put him on top of the haystack .

  30. 希刺克厉夫走向前,把他提起来,靠在一个隆起的草堆上。

    Mr Heathcliff advanced , and lifted him to lean against a ridge of turf .