
  • 网络Takydromus
  1. 北草蜥几种消化酶活力比较

    Comparison of the activities of digestive enzymes of Takydromus septentrionalis

  2. 北草蜥中脑视叶组织学结构观察

    A Histological Study of the Optic Lobe in Takydromus septentrionalis

  3. 用光学显微镜对北草蜥(Takydromusseptentrionalis)中脑视叶组织学结构进行了观察。

    The histological structure of optic lobe in Takydromus septentrionalis was studied .

  4. 北草蜥疾跑速热敏感性的测定用密闭克隆培养法观察了人舌鳞状细胞癌Tca8113细胞的热敏感性和热耐受性。

    Heat Sensitivity , Kineties of thermotolerance induction and decay were studied in Human Tongue Squamous Cells ( Tea8113 ) in vitro by from of colony forming rate .

  5. 北草蜥(Takydromusseptentrionalis)是中国特有的卵生蜥蜴科动物,在大陆有广泛的分布范围。

    The northern grass lizard ( Takydromus septentrionalis ) is an oviparous lacertid lizard that is endemic to China and widely distributed in southeastern part of the country .

  6. 草蜥属两种蜥蜴卵和幼体特征的比较研究

    A Comparison of Egg and Hatchling Characteristics of Two Lacertid Lizards

  7. 北草蜥主要贮能部位的研究

    The Major Energy Reserves in the Lizard , Takydromus septentrionalis

  8. 北草蜥选择体温的进化保守性

    Evolutionary conservatism of selected body temperature in Takydromus septentrionalis

  9. 牙买加巨草蜥可能在一个世纪前就已灭绝。

    This species is believed to have gone extinct more than a century ago .

  10. 当地人认为牙买加巨草蜥是剧毒的。

    Jamaican natives believe the animal is venomous .

  11. 牙买加巨草蜥一直是寓言的主题。

    Galliwasps are a subject of fables .

  12. 北草蜥和中国石龙子主要储能部位的比较研究

    Comparative research on the major energy reserves in the lizard : Takydromus septentrionalis and Eumeces chinensis

  13. 不同北草蜥地理种群的野外活动体温

    Field active body temperatures of the northern grass lizards ( Takydromus septentrionalis ) from different geographic localities

  14. 黑龙江草蜥消化道5-羟色胺免疫活性内分泌细胞的分布与形态学观察

    Distribution and Morphological Observation of 5 - HT Positive Immunoreactive Endocrine Cells in Digestive Tract of Takydromus amurensis

  15. 浙江舟山北草蜥的野外活动体温及体温调节

    Field body temperature and thermoregulation of northern grass lizard ( takydromus septentrionalis ) from Zhoushan of zhejiang , China

  16. 人们对这种居于沼泽的蜥蜴知之甚少,但可以确定的是牙买加巨草蜥吃的是鱼类和水果。

    Very little is known about this swamp-dwelling lizard , though we can tell it ate fish and fruit .

  17. 牙买加巨草蜥的灭绝可能是由于牙买加境内捕食者的引入,例如猫鼬。

    Its extinction was likely due to the introduction of predators - such as the mongoose - in Jamaica .

  18. 寓言说,被牙买加巨草蜥咬后,被咬的人与咬人的蜥蜴都会朝水中走去。

    After a bite , legend explains , the galliwasp and the person who was bitten will head for water .

  19. 它们也被称作“下沉的巨蜥”,牙买加巨草蜥可长至60厘米,而这造成了当地人的恐惧。

    Also known as a sinking galliwasp , it grew to around 60 centimters ( 2 ft ) long and terrified locals .

  20. 两岛屿北草蜥主要采取行为调节对策来适应自然界的热环境变化,尚未发现热生理学特征的进化性漂移[动物学报51(5):797-8052005]。

    T. septentrionalis in these islands adopt behavioral thermoregulation rather than evolutionary shift in physiology to accumulate the seasonal and daily variations in thermal environments .

  21. 结论北草蜥精子形成过程中细胞核及细胞器的超微结构变化在有鳞类蜥蜴分类上具有重要意义。

    Conclusion It has great significance of nucleus and cell organelle as taxonomic character of Squamate lizard in the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis of Takydromus septentrionalis .

  22. 北草蜥种群间生活史变异的成因分析:热环境、食物可利用性和体温的岛屿间差异

    The causal analysis of inter-population variation in life histories of the northern grass lizard Takydromus septentrionalis : between-island differences in thermal environment , food availability and body temperature

  23. 不同季节、不同种群、不同性别及年龄的北草蜥摄入食物的种类及各种食物在摄入食物中所占的比例有一定程度的差别,生态位宽度和重叠度因而有一定的差异。

    Lizards collected in different seasons , from different populations , and at different ontogenetic stages , in various degrees , differ in food niche width and breadth .

  24. 北草蜥腹脂肪体、肝脏和尾的能量动用活跃,是该种动物主要的储能部位;

    The important energy reserves of the lizard , Takydromus septentrionalis were abdominal fat bodies , liver and tail , because the most utilization occurred at the three sites .

  25. 浙江泰顺北草蜥越冬前后的食性分析黑龙江省产两种草蜥染色体组型研究

    Food Habits of the Grass Lizard ( Takydromus Septentrionalis ) before and after Hibernation in Taishun , Zhejiang ; Karyotype Analysis of Two Species of Takydromus from Heilongjiang Province

  26. 在春季,洞头岛的野外有效温度和基底温度显著大于北麂岛,而两岛北草蜥的体温无显著差异;

    In spring , field active body temperatures were not different in spite of the existed significant differences in operative temperatures and substrate temperatures between the lizard populations from two islands .

  27. 北草蜥在贵州分布很广,贵阳地区为常见种类,主要以危害农林生产的昆虫为食,是一种于农林业有益的动物。

    As a common one in the area , the Takydromus septentrionalis Guenther , distributing widely over Guizhou , is a beneficial reptile that mainly takes these insects harmed crops and woods as food .