
zhóu jié
  • boss;cardo
轴节[zhóu jié]
  1. 轴节是第一个或最近体躯的骨片,在许多昆虫中是与头部直接相连的唯一部分。

    The cardo is the first or proximal piece , and , in many insects , is the only portion directly attached to the head .

  2. 一种GIS用无转角损失的联轴节

    A Coupler with Non-angle-rotation Loss Used for GIS

  3. 基于MATLAB软件的双万向联轴节中间轴的模糊优化设计

    Fuzzy Optimum Design of the Intermediate Shaft of Double Universal Coupling Shaft Based on MATLAB

  4. 目的:采用超声心动图斑点追踪成像(STI)技术对心肌梗死患者左室短轴节段不同形式的运动进行分析,评价其左室功能。

    AIM : To assess the left ventricle short axis strain changes of myocardium infarction in different directions base on speckle tracking imaging ( STI ) .

  5. 输送机驱动马达应每VFD电气规格与编码器,齿轮箱,联轴节,安装硬件的完整驱动。

    The conveyor motor shall be driven by a VFD per the Electrical Specification complete with encoder , gearbox , couplings , and mounting hardware .

  6. 弹性联轴节对摆盘式发动机轴系振动的影响

    Effect of Elastic Coupling on Wobble Plate Piston Engine Shafting Vibration

  7. 双联万向联轴节在车架铰接处的最佳布位

    Optimum Arrangement for Double Joint Universal Coupling in a Vehicle Frame

  8. 弹性联轴节主簧片的激光热处理

    Laser heat treatment of a master reed in elastic shaft coupling

  9. 离合器及联轴节(包括万向节)ph.1.【英】(臂杆可作方向调节的)万向灯

    Clutch and shaft coupling ( including universal joints ) anglepoise lamp

  10. 铰接式车辆中双万向联轴节运动分析

    Motion Analysis of Universal Joint in Transmission Shaft for Articulated Carriage

  11. 联轴节螺栓断裂及原因分析

    Analysis of the fracture of screw bolt at the shaft coupling

  12. 高速无键齿轮联轴节可靠性分析

    Analysis of Reliability of the High-speed Combined Gear Shaft Without Deys

  13. 万向联轴节传动比的矢量分析法

    The vector analysis of the drive rate of a universal coupling

  14. 一种新型弹性联轴节的形状优化设计

    The Optimized Shape Design of a New Type of Resilient Coupling

  15. 燃蒸联合循环单轴发电机布置的启发电磁离合器电磁联轴节

    Edification from a Single-shaft Layout of Gas-steam Combined Cycle Power Generators

  16. 带膜盘联轴节的动力传动轴的动力特性

    Dynamic characteristic of power driving shaft with a film-disc coupling

  17. 动车齿式联轴节复位方式的研究

    Research on the reset modes of power car gear couplings

  18. 高精度爪形联轴节的熔模铸造工艺探讨

    Discussion on Investment Casting of High Precision Claw Type Coupling

  19. 液压联轴节外套理想弹塑性自紧应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Autofrettaged Hydraulic Coupling Outer Sleeve for Ideal Elastic-plastic Materials

  20. 半联轴节渗碳淬火畸变的分析及改进措施

    Distortion Analysis and Improvement of Coupling Shaft Housing After Carburizing and Quenching

  21. 利用单万向联轴节传动实现椭圆外环缝匀速焊接

    Uniform Speed Welding of Outer Ellipse Circle Driven by Single Universal Coupling

  22. 车用发动机风扇弹性橡胶联轴节的设计

    Design of the Elastic Rubber Couplers for the Fan of Vehicle Engines

  23. 多穗轴节类小麦性状关系探讨

    Correlation analysis of characters in Wheat with multiple rachis node

  24. 推力偏心齿轮联轴节润滑与密封

    Lubrication and Seal of Thrust - offset Gear Coupling

  25. 十字轴式万向联轴节的修复技术

    Repair Technology for Universal Couplings of Cross Shaft Type

  26. 双万向联轴节瞬时恒定传动比条件推广

    To popularize the conditions of the transcient constant transmission ratio of double Cardan

  27. 粘性液压联轴节特性分析与应用研究

    Analysis and Study on Performance of Viscous Hydraulic Couplings

  28. 轮胎式联轴器&(复合材料轮胎环三维应力分析)橡胶挠性联轴节

    COUPLING WITH RUBBER TYRE ELEMENT Rubber Flexible Shaft Coupling

  29. 船用液压联轴节的计算分析陕北石油秩序

    Analysis and Calculation on Oil Injection Coupling for Ships

  30. 盛器、喉管及断开式联轴节规格;

    Specification for vessel , pipework and breakaway coupling ;