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  • axial flow pump
  1. 轴流泵3D实体造型的自动实现

    Automatic 3D solid modeling of axial flow pump

  2. 针对出现的细粉问题、轴流泵功率波动问题提出了初步的解决方法,并对DQ-1型催化剂的性能进行了评价。

    A countermeasure is presented against the problems caused by the fine powders and the fluctuation in the power of axial flow pump . new catalyst , 1g ;

  3. 轴流泵水力设计CAD研究

    Research on Hydraulic Design CAD of Axial-flow Pump Sets

  4. 喷水推进双级轴流泵流体动力性能CFD分析

    Hydrodynamic analysis of a waterjet two-stage axial-flow pump based on CFD

  5. 双级轴流泵内部三维紊动流场CFD分析

    Three dimensional numerical simulation of flow field inside a two-stage axial pump

  6. 为实现轴流泵三维模型的自动生成,提出了基于AutoCAD与VB的参数化建模方法。

    To automatically generate the 3D model of axial-flow pumps , a parametric modeling method based on AutoCAD and VB was proposed .

  7. 本文以南水北调工程水泵模型同台测试成果为主要资料,在Microsoftwindows操作系统下用Visualc++和Matlab联合开发了轴流泵水力模型系列型谱及其应用软件。

    In this paper , the application software of spectrum for the hydraulic model of axial flow pump is developed by Visual C + + and Matlab under Microsoft Windows .

  8. 以某轴流泵试验数据为样本,BP人工神经网络为工具,对轴流泵模型进行了泵扬程及效率性能指标与流量、叶片角度等相关因素间的性能预测研究。

    Then , the BP neural network was employed for prediction of the relationship of lift head and efficiency-performance index with the flow rate , the angle of blade installation , etc.

  9. FW型轴流泵的体外溶血与动物实验研究

    Experimental Study of Hemolysis in Vitro and Animal Testing for Fu Wai Axial Blood Pump

  10. 造型程序采用COM技术与oleDB数据接口,以翼型数据库为基本参数,实现了轴流泵的自动建模。

    Automatic modeling of axial flow pump is realized through basic parameter in airfoil database and the modeling software that adopts COM technology and OLE DB interface .

  11. 基于AutoCAD的COM编程接口,通过数据对象创建数据库连接,以VB为编程语言,实现了轴流泵叶轮的参数化三维建模。

    Based on the COM interface of AutoCAD , the impeller of an axial-flow pump was modeled by connecting the hydraulic model database through ADO and by using VB as programming language .

  12. 以轴流泵出现动力机过载情况为例,说明了泵站系统故障诊断智能PETRI网的构造和诊断方法。

    The definition of fault diagnosing intelligent petri net and an example of engine overloading of axial pump were described detailed to explain the model and diagnosis method with fault diagnosing intelligent petri net .

  13. 采用RNGκ-ε湍流模型闭合雷诺时均动量方程组,数值模拟了某轴流泵内部三维流动。

    The Reynolds time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with RNG turbulent model were studied to simulate the three-dimensional internal flow of an axial-flow pump .

  14. 采用三维流动理论,改变叶片造型方法,控制水力损失和引入CFD方法是提升现有轴流泵叶片设计的主要策略。

    The main strategy should include in itself the use of three-dimensional flow theory , improvement of vanes stacking skill , control of hydraulic losses , and use of CFD in vane design procedure .

  15. 大型轴流泵的起动过渡过程相当复杂,泵行业中通常使用nt

    The transient process during starting of a large axial pumps is rather complicated . Review on the Large Axial-Flow Pumps with Low Head Study of Test Stand of Large Horizontal Shaft Axial Pump

  16. 轴流泵叶轮与导叶轴向间隙内流场的3D-PIV测量

    3D-PIV Measurements in Clearance between the Impeller and the Diffuser of an Axial Flow Pump

  17. 介绍了一种新的轴流泵叶轮的水力设计方法,推导了求解叶轮S1流面流动的积分方程。

    A new hydraulic design method and the numerical method of axial flow pump impeller are introduced . The integral equation for flow calculation of S1 stream surface of impeller is derived .

  18. 最终发现:即使在设计泵与母型泵性能相差较大的情况下,经过CFD改进升力法设计的轴流泵达到预期目标,满足性能需求。

    Finally we found that , the performance of the axial-pump using the improved lifting design method based on CFD can attain the prospective goal , even there exists great difference of performances between the parent pump and the designed one .

  19. 整体吊装式轴流泵及泵站研究BDK对旋高效轴流式风机的应用

    Study on Complete Set Lifting and Installing Technology for Axial Flow Pump Application of BDK Disrotatory High-efficiency Axial Fan

  20. 基于Solidworks的三维建模功能,研究了轴流泵叶轮叶片的三维建模方法,并以具体实例实现了轴流泵叶轮叶片的三维模型。

    Based on the 3D modeling functions of Solidworks , this paper studies 3D modeling method of lamina of axial flow impeller , and gives an example to complete a 3D modeling of lamina of axial flow impeller .

  21. 轴流泵CAD-CFD综合特性研究

    Study of CAD-CFD System of Axial-Flow Pumps

  22. 编制的轴流泵LDV实验数据处理程序,可以自动提取测试数据,提供相关图表、曲线、图形,从而能够直观观察流动现象,评估流动状况,考察流动特性。

    The experimental data processing procedure can automatically process data , provide relevant chart , curve and graphics , thus flow phenomena , flow condition , and flow behavior can be investigated through the senses .

  23. 在三维时均N-S方程的基础上,分别应用标准k-ε模型、RNGk-ε模型和Realizablek-ε模型对轴流泵内部三维湍流流动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the 3D time average Navier-Stokes equations and the standard k - ε model , RNG k - ε model and Realizable k - ε model , the 3D turbulent flow field of an axial-flow pump is computed .

  24. 采用全三维雷诺时均Navier-Stokes方程和标准κ-ε湍流模型,数值模拟了包括叶轮、导叶、泵壳和轮毂等过流部件壁面粗糙度对轴流泵水力性能的影响。

    The fully three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in conjunction with the standard two-equation k - ε turbulence closure are adopted to analyze the influence of wall roughness on the hydraulic performance of axial-flow pump , inclusive of impeller , guide vanes casing and hub .

  25. 通过三维参数化造型建立过流部件实际流道的几何模型,采用FLUENT进行数值模拟,结合LDV试验对照,建立水力性能预估模型,形成了一种研究轴流泵内部复杂流动现象的系统方法。

    To setup geometry model of wetted parts through parametric modeling method , simulate flows using FLUENT , compare numerical result with LDV experiment , and establish predict model of hydro performance formed a system approach which studies complicated flow phenomena in axial flow pump .

  26. 耐腐蚀轴流泵在化镀线中的应用

    Application of Corrosion Resisting Axial-flow Pump to Chemical Plating Production Line

  27. 对轴流泵前置导轮设计的探讨

    Discussion about Design of Front Guide Impeller of Axial Flow Pump

  28. 浅谈提高大中型轴流泵装置效率

    How to Improve Installation Efficiency of Large and Medium Propeller Pump

  29. 轴流泵叶片水力矩实验测定及分析

    Research and measurement of hydraulic torque of axial flow pump blade

  30. 轴流泵出口能量分布特性与测定

    Distribution and measurement of outlet energy of an axial flow pump