
  • 网络axial parenchyma;longitudinal parenchyma
  1. 通过光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、激光共聚焦成像显微镜的观察,详细描述了研究植物次生木质部导管(管孔)、射线、纤维、轴向薄壁组织等结构的形态特征。

    Kandelia , Rhizophora were surveyed and analyzed . The morphological features of vessels ( pores ), fibers , rays and axial parenchyma in secondary xylem were described thoroughly by means of optical microscopy , scanning electronic microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy .

  2. 弦切面上木射线与轴向薄壁组织形状、大小均不相同;

    The shape and size of wood ray is different form that of longitudinal parenchyma ;

  3. 管孔、轴向薄壁组织、木纤维和木射线的体积率分别为18.6%、10.1%、58.0%和13.4%;

    The volume rate of pore , longitudinal parenchyma , wood fibre and wood ray is 18.6 % , 10.1 % , 58.0 % and 13.4 % , respectively ;

  4. 通过对中国胡桃科6属13种所做的次生木质部的木射线类型,高度,宽度,密度以及轴向薄壁组织的研究。

    A systematical study of the types , height width of wood rays and axial . Parenchyma of thirteen species in six genera in Juglandaceae from China was carried out .

  5. 例如,宽带状轴向薄壁组织既具有动感与韵律的美学效果,同时它又能够与其他相邻组织构成对比而和谐的协调关系。

    For example , longitudinal parenchyma broad-banded not only had the esthetic effect of dynamic and rhyme , but also formed a relationship with neighboring tissues showing a contrast and harmonious effect .

  6. 而木材胞壁率、木纤维比量、导管比量、射线比量、轴向薄壁组织比量和木纤维胞腔直径在树干水平方向上没有显著性变异;

    While cell - wall percentage , wood - fiber percentage , vessel percentage , wood - ray percentage , wood - parenchyma percentage and lumen diame - ter of fibers show no significant variation on the same level of tree stem ;

  7. 导管具单穿孔板,轴向木薄壁组织丰富,傍管型居多,为翼状傍管薄壁组织和环管薄壁组织;

    There are plenty of wood parenchyma in the secondary xylem , most of them are paratracheal parenchyma , belong to the aliform paratracheal parenchyma and vasicentric paratracheal parenchyma ;